Hustlin for a Living??...Is it worth a try

I know a lot of people doing a lot of time who had the EXACT same plan as you do.

I don't have the time to tell you all of the possible things that could go wrong.

I'm just going to give a simple "no"
Guns or Butter?

You don't have to move illegal contraband paraphernalia to call it hustling, although most things you'd consider a "hustle" are outside thelaw. However I know plenty of dudes that started out with something small time like lol insurance fraud on thier cell phones to start flipping them. Hell,I've flipped Real Estate a couple times and never felt like things were on the up and up...

Anyway, to start a legit business with said funds, you'd have to find a way to wash your $ or find somebody you can front the bread to... Else theFeds'll come a knocking... Better start out small time.
honestly if you did want to do this. it would need to be your personal decision and not a decision based off your peers advice. you do what you need to ifthats what you think is best for you. nt cant make all your decisions for you. and besides why would you want to share that on a message board which is publicdomain?

- im not tryna clown but im just sayin if you were to do this. u have to learn to be discreet and know your place. and this wouldnt be such a good start. (bystarting a topic on it)
sorry vanilla ice but if you had to come on a message board and talk about hustlng then you clearly are not a hustler
If the money is as easy as you think it is what makes you think you'll be able to just up and walk away from it? You'll probably get caught up in thelife making it harder to go legit.
Originally Posted by JoeBonnano

Guns or Butter?

You don't have to move illegal contraband paraphernalia to call it hustling, although most things you'd consider a "hustle" are outside the law. However I know plenty of dudes that started out with something small time like lol insurance fraud on thier cell phones to start flipping them. Hell, I've flipped Real Estate a couple times and never felt like things were on the up and up...

Anyway, to start a legit business with said funds, you'd have to find a way to wash your $ or find somebody you can front the bread to... Else the Feds'll come a knocking... Better start out small time.
o yea, btw i dont sell drugs. matta fact i despise drug dealers.
i'm sorry but unless you are talking about muggers and not somebody who shop lifts, embezzles etc then idk how you could respect a drug dealer more
Originally Posted by FreshProduct

Originally Posted by lurkin2long

Originally Posted by JoeBonnano
o yea, btw i dont sell drugs. matta fact i despise drug dealers.

I respect them more than I respect someone who robs and steals for a living.

i worded it wrong

i dont care if you sell drugs in the suburbs to rich white folks down by the CT shoreline.

keep that stuff out Hartford an such though.
but still as far as what you w/e i aint gonna debate suttin like that.
So what did you mean by "hustle"?

The cell phone thing? That's really the best way I've seen it done these past few years, actually.

Clothes dry up, unless you got the hook on Polo or something that never gets old, in fact, that's the case with everything. As long as you can stay currentand maybe a half step on the game, anything is flippable.

Like I said... "lose" your phone. Get a better one. Flip said phone. Turn that into two, and so on and so forth.

Or be like Randy and sell candy in the cafeteria, young. Just don't end up in Juvy...
I know this is a public site…but that doesn't mean thefreakin FEDS are on NT..even if by some small chance they were (which is ******ed)…its not like im puttin my government n all that crap on here anyways…Besidesthis is a hypothetical topic
dont sleep on the gov't, matta fact you shoulda asked this on HT

hell, i already did some edits.
How old are you? If your in HS I wouldn't defiantly say candy. Theres a lot of money to be made in that.
I'm getting the vibe that OP screwed up in school and realized his peers are doing better than him, thus trying to compensate for his failure
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