I can give you a million dollars

Y'all are some liars. You guys know damn well you wouldn't even hesitate to push it
I honestly dont know if i would do it or not..

Does that make me $%++@% up?? Am I better off just saying that I would...?
Originally Posted by jeenewed

Y'all are some liars. You guys know damn well you wouldn't even hesitate to push it

Naw fam. I can honestly say I wouldn't even consider it.
Yes...because if the circumstance was turned around that very person would not hesitate to end me for a mil.

Isn't this question no different than those people who launch bombs from hundreds (if not thousands) of miles away to kill people they will never know orsee and then profit from it? Don't mean to get political...but the world is a garbage place, and I admire you that can say you wouldn't, but I wouldnot hesitate to do it 100 times.
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Originally Posted by NEIGHB0RH00D

but i have to push a button that kills one person in the world.

You never met this person and you never will in your life.

Would you do it?

You stole this concept for a movie coming out

Its called the Box and it has Cameron Diaz in it

i wanna be in cameron diaz' box
If i'm the only one who can hit the button.. then no. But if everyone in the world can.. then yes cause someone could hit the button and kill me
Nope, because that person can in turn could have affected your life. Indirectly or directly. Everyone has a purpose here (even those who reckless takepeople's lives themselves on a regular basis). So for you to do that, is pretty selfish, then again this world is naturally selfish. So it's a circularproblem for human beings in general...smh.
I'm sure a lot of you guys will change your mind once you seethose crisp $100 dollars bills on the table all laid out.

A million dollars is a lot of money, heck you can even use that money to help people if you're feeling guilty about it.
just a mill? Nah I know too many people and a mill aint nothin these days.........or do I get multiple hits?
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