I got BURNED....!!!!

Dec 14, 2007
Alright so last year I got a job at a fast food joint. I knew the job wasnt gonna be as well organized as let's say McDonald's (where I also got an offer) but I took it anyways because it was closer to me. The boss/manager/owner made me sign this application that he probably found online somewhere.

Well anyways, my wrist got burned by oil while I was scrubbing the grill. I ran it through some cold water and continued to close down the kitchen. I didnt say anything to my co-worker since the pain wasnt that drastic at that point and she probably couldnt do much (just us two). I just wrapped my wrist with a wet paper towel and threw on some triple antibiotic when I got home. By this time, the burn was pretty painful and I got two small blisters. Next day I called my boss and told him what happened, all he did was ask if I was okay and why I didnt use the glove. I dont even think there was a glove.

And then I thought about it when I was first starting to work there, there was never an orientation that taught me how to handle these kinda situations. For example, I didnt know if we had a first aid kit or where it was. The boss never told me what to do if I was ever hurt on the job. I was clueless. Where as McDonalds made me go through this whole orientation, signing papers, and watching videos for days before I actually started training.

Arent your employers supposed to cover the medical bills if you were hurt on the job? Or at least part take in making sure you're treated? Point is, has anybody else have this happened to them and how did you go about dealing with it?

Thanks for reading.

PS. I plan to quit ASAP when I find another job.
-often times workers are called to work without proper notice and posted schedule
-place is not properly managed
-some co-workers have two jobs and barely show up to work there
-manager's a cool dude, but horrible at his job
make them give you free food for life and you wont press charges

More did not read here

So from the title I am assuming you got the clap! 
Originally Posted by megatron

This was last year. Nothing you can do now

   Sorry I wasnt clear....I got the job last year, this happened two days ago.       
1st thing. go ask your boss and see what he says. if he brushes you off, see if you can get a free consultation from an atty who handles workers comp and workplace injury cases. that is probably your best bet.
I dunno why but this reminded me if that episode of The Office when Michael burned his foot on the Foreman grill

OP - it was just a burn. I could understand if you had to go to the hospital.

Ask the manager to reinburse you for the anti-bacterial cream?
Arent your employers supposed to cover the medical bills if you were hurt on the job?
Yes. Employers, in most cases, are responsible to partially or fully compensate you for any medical fees that you incur resulting from injuries that happen while on the clock. You should report every injury, regardless of how minor it may seem at first, to management as soon as you can. Because you didn't do that, it might be difficult for you to get compensation. But regardless...

Report the injury to management. Ask them how to go about receiving worker's comp in case you need to go to the hospital. If you do go to the hospital, be sure to document everything and if you don't receive any compensation then bring the company to court.

As far as the lack of training... it all depends on what you signed. As a rule of thumb, you probably won't ever go through a hiring process as intensive as McDonald's outside of commercial businesses. Their process is dummy-proof so that they won't get sued. Most other jobs (at least in my experience,) are limited in training and leave it up to your coworkers/common sense to guide you through the work place.
Originally Posted by JordanXI45

OP - it was just a burn. I could understand if you had to go to the hospital.

Ask the manager to reinburse you for the anti-bacterial cream?
OP is trying to find that come up.
I thought this was going to be about getting an STD with a sad sex story.......

carry on.
Disappointed. Thought the thread was about you catching zebra stripe meat.
Well I didnt go to a hospital. From research its a second degree burn, about 3 inch mark and a quartered size blister. I'll live.

I wasnt looking for any crazy compensation from this, just wanted to know if there's anything major I should've done after the incident.

Thanks for the advice and members who gave it, I guess the lesson is know what you signed up for and be aware if you're getting the needed training/knowledge to do your job.
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