I got two bags of top ramen noodles, how can i turn this into a meal? EDIT: video posted pg 1

Saw my brother fixing up some concoction in the kitchen. He used ramen, eggs, and doritos. It was good.

Don't know what he did. Sorry.
Add veggies. Cook them with the noodles before you put the flavoring..
Originally Posted by Beast4ya

mix with chicken

or make a sandwhich (tuna maybe)

what??? are yall serious??? You need some chicken, hotdogs, fritos and chili. dont forget summer sausage. mix it in and you have jails finest,spread
I ignored that dude who told me to make a sandwich with noodles.

And ayo when do you add the egg? I put the egg after i cooked it and it just sat there all watery.
find a strainer, and when its hot poor a scrambled egg through the strainer into the boiling water/noodle. Once all of the egg is in the pot, give it one goodstir and turn the flame off.
Add the egg when your cookin and stir it frequently.

Also add some chicken breast if you can, and some Green Onions and Parsley to touch it off.

Ohh and add the packet of flavoring once you transfer your noodles and soup into a separate bowl for maximum flavor.
And Sriracha Hot Sauce
you're supposed to crack the egg in after the water starts boiling
I fry my egg and add it in after main dish (noodles) is done. I think the contrast in texture makes it a lot better to eat, as opposed to a poached type ofdeal I'm reading about.
Originally Posted by torontoRaptor15

Originally Posted by Beast4ya

mix with chicken

If he could afford chicken, he wouldn't be eating top ramen.

...correct...so let me get this straight. You guys want me to add the eggs while the water is boiling? Right now i have water boiling and i have yet to putin the noodles. Someone give me a step by step. Ill post it on youtube for lulz
You fools ghetto as hell. You only got two bags of a 25 cent noodle than you probably don't have much else to make it into a meal.
Forget budget ballin'...I buy those regularly voluntarily. I love that salty carby trash.
You shoulda got the Maruchan Yakisoba deals...or thoseNissin Chow Meins.
Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

Originally Posted by torontoRaptor15

Originally Posted by Beast4ya

mix with chicken

If he could afford chicken, he wouldn't be eating top ramen.

...correct...so let me get this straight. You guys want me to add the eggs while the water is boiling? Right now i have water boiling and i have yet to put in the noodles. Someone give me a step by step. Ill post it on youtube for lulz
1. Boil Water
2. Throw in raw noodles
3. Throw in whatever extra ingredients you want
4. While still boiling, throw in the egg, scrambled or not it doesn't matter.
5. Stir so the egg cooks from the heat of the boiling water
6. Add flavoring
7. Serve
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