I guarantee you that EVERYTHING that ...

Jul 15, 2006
you can think of has been thought of before or done before.... my friend and i had a DEEP convo on things that have been done or thougth of.
Think about it, there have been Bllions and billions of people that have walked this earth, EVERYTHING has been done or thought of.
Lets see how creative you can get....

Imagine waking up and youre in another persons body, imagine having the same mind but waking up in someone else body, jsut trying to get other people to knowthat youre not you....trippy.... think its happened? Or has anyone ever been born with three "man parts"?
I sometimes wonder if anyone else in the history of the world has ever looked exactly like me...I mean...how many different combinations can God make?
Originally Posted by 1NyceBalla

I sometimes wonder if anyone else in the history of the world has ever looked exactly like me...I mean...how many different combinations can God make?
?????? im lost u and ya man musta been <katt wlliams>HI-HA-HI-HI<katt wlliams>
^ im pretty sure with SOOO MANY people taht have lived, your same exact "combination" has been made
Can I pay my CC bill with a gift card?

^^^ I googled that and not one legitimite result, thus, your theory blows because google has every thought ever thought.
i wonder if anyones thought of pulling out there right eye ball, putting it under their shoe and yell the word "tractor" 32 and a half times.
There are old thoughts but also breakthroughs. An idea that hasn't been executed to the goal means nothing.
Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Originally Posted by 1NyceBalla

I sometimes wonder if anyone else in the history of the world has ever looked exactly like me...I mean...how many different combinations can God make?
Idiot. If we took half your moms face and half your dads face and made you, it would continue with your kids till its a billion unrecognizable faces.
'j/k about the idiot but what if Joe Montana's mother received a phone call before he was to be conceived...
Goodbye WCO.

Good point...but here's a random thought...If two twin females have sex with two twin males...will their babies look exactly alike?
I don't get it. How do you account for the car or any number of inventions? They haven't been around forever, so along the way someone had to have anew idea right?
is it possible to make another letter without using a letter already used, or a new number and jsut changed EVERYTHING in the numeric system lol like 1_234567and 2 would really be 3 and so on ....crazy huh...
Originally Posted by 1NyceBalla

I sometimes wonder if anyone else in the history of the world has ever looked exactly like me...I mean...how many different combinations can God make?

Hes a mad scientist.
I got some questions.

- Why do people pay to go up tall buildings and then put money in binoculars to look at things on the ground?
- Did you ever stop and wonder...... Who was the first person to look at a cow and say, "I think I'll squeeze these pink dangly things here, and drinkwhatever comes out?"
Ignoring the last part of the video, but the topic reminded me of this..

Both Holmgren and Reid and about 5 of the presidents were made from the same outline/template.



and that tractor one was legit.

anyway, yeah, I disagree, with OP*
if someone had thought of everything, there wouldn't be any new inventions. take something like flying cars for example. yes, the idea of a flying car hasbeen thought of before, but no one has found a way to make them reasonable to use or afford at the moment. at some point in the future, someone will likelycome up with a way that obviously hasn't been thought of yet to make flying cars reasonable and affordable to make and drive. additionally, there are stillaspects of the world and universe that are completely unknown to man, so there's no way they could have been thought of yet, or ways to use, interact with,or deal with this things could not have been thought of yet.

as far as the issue of someone looking like you at some point in history, that doesn't really apply either depending on how general your definition of"look like me" is. first, if you just take your parents genes alone, each has 23 pairs of chromosomes that can combine in any way when making eggsand sperm. if you calculate the likelihood that the specific 23 and 23 that you inherited from your parents were to combine together by chance, you get 1 in 64trillion (which is why saying someone is "one in a million" is actually a gross underestimate, according to my genetics teacher). there haven'tbeen 64 trillion people (h. sapiens) that have lived on earth thus far. so no one has had the exact same genes (or at least it's statistically veryunlikely). so people might look really similar, but no one is identical genetically save for identical twins and there will always be slight differences if youget detailed enough. and this doesn't take into account environmental factors that influence appearance.
Originally Posted by amine2345

if someone had thought of everything, there wouldn't be any new inventions. take something like flying cars for example. yes, the idea of a flying car has been thought of before, but no one has found a way to make them reasonable to use or afford at the moment. at some point in the future, someone will likely come up with a way that obviously hasn't been thought of yet to make flying cars reasonable and affordable to make and drive. additionally, there are still aspects of the world and universe that are completely unknown to man, so there's no way they could have been thought of yet, or ways to use, interact with, or deal with this things could not have been thought of yet.

as far as the issue of someone looking like you at some point in history, that doesn't really apply either depending on how general your definition of "look like me" is. first, if you just take your parents genes alone, each has 23 pairs of chromosomes that can combine in any way when making eggs and sperm. if you calculate the likelihood that the specific 23 and 23 that you inherited from your parents were to combine together by chance, you get 1 in 64 trillion (which is why saying someone is "one in a million" is actually a gross underestimate, according to my genetics teacher). there haven't been 64 trillion people (h. sapiens) that have lived on earth thus far. so no one has had the exact same genes (or at least it's statistically very unlikely). so people might look really similar, but no one is identical genetically save for identical twins and there will always be slight differences if you get detailed enough. and this doesn't take into account environmental factors that influence appearance.
well said boss.
Originally Posted by iAllan


Both Holmgren and Reid and about 5 of the presidents were made from the same outline/template.


and that tractor one was legit.

anyway, yeah, I disagree, with OP*

Originally Posted by 1NyceBalla

I sometimes wonder if anyone else in the history of the world has ever looked exactly like me...I mean...how many different combinations can God make?

i really believe everyone has a twin....................or uncanny look a like.

just today i seen this dude in the barber shop look just like raekwon the chef. stocky, the beard, his lips (pause)
he was basically just a lil lighter skin tone
I have ALOT of questions like about belief....i was putting my religious ex on the spot couple weeks ago asking her maaad questions she didn't know theanswer too...such as...

"what IF for some odd reason that god doesn't want us to know was too accept a serial killer/murderer/satanist/atheist/ man in to heaven??"

all she could hit me back with was with why would he accept HIM out of all the other people...

and i kept telling her "what if it was a reason he didn't want us to know and didn't concern us"...

she gave me the stoneface over the phone...not a stoneface as in "fail" but a stoneface as in "damn good one"...i kept hitting her with madquestions since her and her family like to judge others based on religion...

such as why are the "good" things in the bible chosen to be "good"...and the bad is chosen to be "bad"...etc...
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