i LOVE when game companies dedicate themselves to making a great single player game, $*## all that weak multiplayer %***
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by StrictlyAirJordans23

Assassins Creed series>metal gear solid.

dumbest thing i've ever read.

and this is coming from an avid AC fan.
Nah, I agree. I'm a life long gamer and Metal Gear has always been trash to me. I've finished 3 of them as well, and I still can't get into them.
OP you really need to get your hands on Skyrim and Mass Effect 3. You're missing out on real gaming.
Don't let the online gimmicks fool you. The only shooter worth playing is Battlefield3 so everything else online isn't even worth your money.

Max Payne 3, SFxTekken, The Last of us, and the new Resident Evil's are all games worthy of playing alongside Skryim and Mass Effect.

There are games out there to play, just don't like your idiot friends tell you how COD is all you need

There's more to gaming than FPS'ers. Those are just whats most popular right now. Grab a gaming mag and read up fam
yeah... basically video game campaigns are dead.

even worse.... Most PC games are CONSOLE PORTS, so quality and potential is significantly degraded by dated console hardware. Basically holding the PC community back.

Got rid of my PS3 ASAP after I got a good PC gaming rig... but you can still see the effects of consoles in PC game development.
Beat Mass Effect 3 last night. I can safely say I LOVE video games. Cant wait for the next Bioshock. October is so far away 
Originally Posted by zk1MPLS

even worse.... Most PC games are CONSOLE PORTS, so quality and potential is significantly degraded by dated console hardware. Basically holding the PC community back.

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

You also have to keep in mind that when you're playing a story-based game, once you beat the game, you will probably never touch it again if it has no or poor online gameplay.

i agree with you, but after thinking about it, they have your money already...why would it matter to them? games that can be "beat" dont rely on subscription services anyway. and games like WoW or SW:TOR have patches that update content every once in awhile to keep it fresh.

that said, the last single player game i played through and beat was probably Super Mario World a few years back (stopped playing WoW for finals, beat SMW instead and got all the stars
I agree,

I haven't touched my Xbox in years. Haven't been into video games that much lately, Last game I probably bought was in 08. Last game I played and really got into was GTA SA.

It just gets boring.

I'm thinking about copping the new GTA when it drops though, which will probably drop late this year or next year.
Noskey wrote:
 Cant wait for the next Bioshock. October is so far away 

My body is SO ready for this.
StrictlyAirJordans23 wrote:
Assassins Creed series>metal gear solid. AC has the most mindblowing story i have ever seen, try them out OP

You can't be serious. MGS>AC all the way around, especially since the gameplay in AS got super receptive. 2, Brotherhood, and Revelations are the same game gameplay wise. The  MGS story is still better. I had to play every game at least twice just to pick up on most of the stuff theres so much going on.
Originally Posted by StrictlyAirJordans23

Assassins Creed series>metal gear solid. AC has the most mindblowing story i have ever seen, try them out OP

Son, what the hell have you been smoking?!
I'm more into single player games now with great stories. Like RDR and LA Noir. R* has been on point lately.
Speaking of them, is there any more news regarding GTAV?
Originally Posted by heavenlee777

Lol, what is minecraft?
I always hear people talking about it.

I don't understand the hype around minecraft myself. I played on my friends computer in class one day.
Maybe I just need to play more but it wasn't all that fun
Originally Posted by solarius49

creativity is at an all time low smh

true. older games were more original. Occasionally the Japanese companys will drop a title thats cool. Not as much as they use to doe.
I only play 2K12 and that's every now and then. Nothing has caught my attention, maybe I've faded out of that phase long ago.
I still love video games but I only play the ones I know I want. NBA 2K, NCAA Football, Mass Effect, GTA and a few select others are what I usually rock with. I never really had a big video game collection even when I was younger.
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