I have an xbox 360 but I want a ps3...How do I make this happen??

Feb 15, 2013
Im a causal gamer who mostly plays 2k13, madden and sometimes call of duty but none of the xbox exclusive games like halo or gears of war. Main reason I want to trade is because I want mlb the show and the blu ray player. How much can I sell my xbox for because I cant find anybody that wants to trade?
I really want mlb the show, and isn't gta 5 gonna be on this generations consoles? if so the ps3 still has life in it
U can get a good blu ray player for under 80 bucks with streaming.or take bossplaya advice wait for the 4.
Go on Craigslist, there are a bunch of people looking to trade a ps3 for a xbox vise versa.....
I'll make the craigslist post, and its not to close to the next gens for me cause I don't see myself getting a ps4 around the release date
Craigslist. Post for an even trade. You'll get more response than you'd probably think. I see ads for 360/PS3 swap all the time. 
at this point you should just stick with whatever you have, too close to the next gens.
qft. i sold my ps3 and kinda regretted it all i have left is my xbox. i was gonna trade so i can hop on that bops2 cause all of the homies are on there, but couldn't find a single person willing to fall through with a trade. all in all its sitting here incase i wanna revisit some old games. might be a phase for you just like it was for me, let it simmer till next gen consoles come out.
There's always this war between two competing products; whether about a game console, an artist in the music industry, etc. WHY do you have to hate one to like another? I'd chose a PS3 over the 360 any day. But there are clear pros and cons of both and it all depends on what each individual person wants/needs out of their product. You can like both, you know. 

:General statement, not target at the OP: 
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