I have Mono...FML..suggestions?

Dec 31, 2008
I cant even swallow my own spit without cringing....this is hell...doctor didn't prescribe me anything, she daid "there is nothing we can do"
All they did was give me a +$%+ of roids in my butt word toarod...

Any of you had Mono before? how long till I start to feel better?
Hot Totty FTW.

Lemon, Honey, and Whiskey (Bourbon works best, but I actually prefer Southern Comfort myself). You'll feel better... Trust.
Originally Posted by JoeBonnano

Hot Totty FTW.

Lemon, Honey, and Whiskey (Bourbon works best, but I actually prefer Southern Comfort myself). You'll feel better... Trust.
are you in college? go to your health center they should have strep tests for either free or cheap & if it comes back positive they'll prescribe youmedicine.
If you have strep throat the best way to deal with it is with medicine/antibiotics.
Also drinking tea with honey & lemon or gargling with warm salt water will help a little bit.
you need to get antibiotics... go see a doc asap.

then go buy some cepacol...

These were the only things that helped numb the pain when I had it.

But seriously...go see a doc... I thought mine was just a sore throat until my muscles felt like they were cramping even when i was just doing something assimple as walking.
open your mouth in the mirror and look for white spots on your tonsils...if you spot any then you have strep throat for sure. 2 weeks ago, i had symtpomssimilar to what you are describing, and i was also the impression that i had strep throat. it turns out that it was the early stages of the FLU (FML) and i wasin bed for 3 days straight...
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

you need to get antibiotics... go see a doc asap.

then go buy some cepacol...

These were the only things that helped numb the pain when I had it.

But seriously...go see a doc... I thought mine was just a sore throat until my muscles felt like they were cramping even when i was just doing something as simple as walking.
did it alter your voice when you had it? I sound like kermit...
Originally Posted by dead in 09

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

you need to get antibiotics... go see a doc asap.

then go buy some cepacol...

These were the only things that helped numb the pain when I had it.

But seriously...go see a doc... I thought mine was just a sore throat until my muscles felt like they were cramping even when i was just doing something as simple as walking.
did it alter your voice when you had it? I sound like kermit...
I tried not to talk b/c it hurt so much...but it altered it only a little bit. I lost myvoice b/c of all the coughing
that sucks man... don't take that crap too lightly though, you need to stay in bed and get a lot of rest - make sure you shake that crap off in the nextfew weeks to a month.. lot of people don't believe it's that serious and end up dying from it. Not to scare you or anything
nah, but take itserious - get lots of rest.
Originally Posted by dead in 09

I cant even swallow my own spit without cringing....this is hell...doctor didn't prescribe me anything, she daid "there is nothing we can do"
All they did was give me a +$%+ of roids in my butt word to arod...

Any of you had Mono before? how long till I start to feel better?
dead in 09
I know what you are going through OP, I had this in the fall of 2005 and it was the worst week of my life. My lymph nodes in my throat were swollen up so bad Icould barely swallow water. All I did was sit in a tub for about 16 hours a day.

In fact, I still have this:


It's funny now, but wasn't then I can tell you that much.

Anyways, Prednisone is what the doctor gave me, it helped out A LOT so if you can get some you should do so.

Good luck man.
Originally Posted by JCH3

I know what you are going through OP, I had this in the fall of 2005 and it was the worst week of my life. My lymph nodes in my throat were swollen up so bad I could barely swallow water. All I did was sit in a tub for about 16 hours a day.

In fact, I still have this:


It's funny now, but wasn't then I can tell you that much.

Anyways, Prednisone is what the doctor gave me, it helped out A LOT so if you can get some you should do so.

Good luck man.
yeah my !*@+ is soo swollen, got me looking like i have a double chin
Originally Posted by Rash

did u mess around with some random broad?
I smashed my girl on her P over valentines break. I was also with her all weekend kissing on her every night...


*Edit* and I know for a fact she didn't have mono within the past year. How does Mono get transferred anyways?
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