I have Mono...FML..suggestions?


i had that with a side of kidney stones. ive never felt so much pain in my life. my body was sore and numb.

just take some medicine from above and should be alright.

i heard if you get mono once your likely to get it again.. is that true?
Originally Posted by dead in 09

Originally Posted by Rash

did u mess around with some random broad?
I smashed my girl on her P over valentines break. I was also with her all weekend kissing on her every night...


*Edit* and I know for a fact she didn't have mono within the past year. How does Mono get transferred anyways?

GOT DAYM homey..
.. Might want to second guessthat broad if you think you got it from her tho ..
Forreal that would make me
Originally Posted by dead in 09

Originally Posted by Rash

did u mess around with some random broad?
I smashed my girl on her P over valentines break. I was also with her all weekend kissing on her every night...


*Edit* and I know for a fact she didn't have mono within the past year. How does Mono get transferred anyways?
uh oh....

Mono can be transferred through sharing food, drinks, and deep passionate kisses with others outside of the relationship.
Originally Posted by Supermanblue79

Originally Posted by dead in 09

Originally Posted by Rash

did u mess around with some random broad?
I smashed my girl on her P over valentines break. I was also with her all weekend kissing on her every night...


*Edit* and I know for a fact she didn't have mono within the past year. How does Mono get transferred anyways?
uh oh....

Mono can be transferred through sharing food, drinks, and deep passionate kisses with others outside of the relationship.

But I know for a fact she doesn't/didn't have Mono...
Doesn't she have to have Mono in order for it to be spread to me?

hmmm...this opens the door up for me... I could really make her feel guilty
i had this in freshman year in high school... it was the worst ever.. couldn't swallow anything had a fever of 104 and was passing out anddelirious.........took about 2 weeks ... they just gave me some penicillin
..if you even touched a doorknob with some mono germs...and then rubbed your eyes or something... you could have contracted it.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

..if you even touched a doorknob with some mono germs...and then rubbed your eyes or something... you could have contracted it.

so theres no way I could gave gotten it from my girl? She would have to have Mono germs, right?
Originally Posted by dead in 09

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

..if you even touched a doorknob with some mono germs...and then rubbed your eyes or something... you could have contracted it.

so theres no way I could gave gotten it from my girl? She would have to have Mono germs, right?

No. Mono takes 1-2 months to actually start giving any symptoms and the germs don't necessarily have to come from someone who has had mono.
BUT if they have had mono it makes it that much easier to get.
Also, it's going to get worse for you everyday and when you think you can't take it any more it'll be gone by the next day.
If I remember correctly my doctor told me that Mono is in ALL of us... it just takes something to trigger it... I had it my 8th grade year... you have to buildyour immune system back up afterward
i had mono for almost 5 months. dont whine. sleep as much as u can and eat chicken noodle soup homie
told you you had mono
...it sucks....get tired real quick...and you cant do physical activities for a while because your spleen is enlarged
I remember when I caught it. It last for at least two months. I was always weak and tired. The aches and pains are no joke. And the white patches were gross tolook at.

Get a spit bucket.
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