i have mono


you contracted mono from the lips of a dirty girl [or boy if that's your thing].
Man, I JUST went to the doc to get this checked out. They told me I had mono, and then 20 minutes later told me I didnt.


But If I were to have it, its because of finals; a straight month of 2 hours of sleep every night... not good

Good luck getting over it my dude!
I had mono a few years ago. It was no joke. I couldn't eat for about 2 weeks, especially since as soon as I was diagnosed with mono, I got strep throat. Iwas drained all the time, and basically bed-ridden. It actually took a long time to fully recover, cuz I guess my immune system was severely weakened by it.

To everyone making fun of him like it's some STD you catch from skeezers, do a little research into it.

Good luck though my man. If you've already been to the doctor just follow their advice, and try to take it easy.
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