I Have Two Questions + a *pic* Regarding Second Question

Dec 17, 2007
Ok first off, my AIM keeps freezing up either when the client opens or someone messages me and its getting stupidly annoying. So does anyone know of any AIMclients besides Trillian that have a more upscale graphic interface that is either nice looking or goes well with the whole vista theme?

And second...

Would you hit it?
She looks kinda boyish in the face, what's the body lookin like though? tig ol' bitties or what?
that could very well be one of those emo guys...
they all got the same haircuts...

Originally Posted by tkay dot

yea, Ol' girl is real aight, like a C cup on the tibbles and a cute tush

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] Oh.. she looks like a Barbie/Plastic doll[/color]
I'm happy that Niketalk has made the positive change of including pictures *relevant or not* to posts asking our help.
Unfortunately I don't have an answer to your first question...and as for the second question I do have an answer, but she looks like jailbait and I'm not in the mood to get banned. Good luck, however.
nah shes not Jailbait, i go to school with her, University of Delaware if you wanna get specific. Shes from England too
She looks like the type where "they" claim on the front of the box that "she's never been with a black guy before" soyeah....
but yea.. you dudes mind helping me out with the whole AIM situation insteada focusing on homegirl for a minute?
Originally Posted by tkay dot

but yea.. you dudes mind helping me out with the whole AIM situation insteada focusing on homegirl for a minute?


Check out Digsby...google it. I like it a lot
Originally Posted by tkay dot

but yea.. you dudes mind helping me out with the whole AIM situation insteada focusing on homegirl for a minute?

Un install it and just use version 6 or something ......
Originally Posted by tkay dot

nah shes not Jailbait, i go to school with her, University of Delaware if you wanna get specific. Shes from England too
thats all that need to be said Id Hit over and over agian. she
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