I just screwed up (trying to get an internship)

Jul 7, 2004
So im researching public accounting firms, trying to find out which ones offer internships that are available in my area. I email a lady from a firm my coverletter and my resume, and this is the response I get:


I will forward your email to Nathan Guidry as he is our PKF Texas (not PFK Texas) campus recruiter.

Thank you

So throughout my entire cover letter and resume, i referred to the company as "PFK" when itsreally "PKF", and now I feel like an idiot
#@+%! how couldi be so careless. I hope this doesnt affect my chances too much

....Thanks for listening NT
I'm going to be blunt.

Your chances are 0 to about 0.00000001% of getting a call back. You spelled the Firm's name/acronym wrong? And you're applying for an accountingposition. Accounting is detail work. If you can't get the damn Firm's Acronym right how can they trust you with a balance sheet. I'm not trying tomake you feel bad, I'm simply telling you want the recruiters or hiring managers will not tell you.

A cover letter and resume that are typo free are essential. Your only chance of getting that job is to re-apply and circumvent the process you went through.You would have to directly send your CV/resume to the Texas recruiter. Or, if you know people who work for the Firm, give your resume to them.

I've done something similar to you. and it happens a lot. Just keep it moving, maybe look for opportunities outside of Texas.

You're better off just looking at different companies. There's always the Big 4 for accounting.
Give it a week and submit it again.

If they've canned you straightaway then they may not remember you. You've got nothing to lose anyway.
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

I'm going to be blunt.

Your chances are 0 to about 0.00000001% of getting a call back. You spelled the Firm's name/acronym wrong? And you're applying for an accounting position. Accounting is detail work. If you can't get the damn Firm's Acronym right how can they trust you with a balance sheet. I'm not trying to make you feel bad, I'm simply telling you want the recruiters or hiring managers will not tell you.

A cover letter and resume that are typo free are essential. Your only chance of getting that job is to re-apply and circumvent the process you went through. You would have to directly send your CV/resume to the Texas recruiter. Or, if you know people who work for the Firm, give your resume to them.

I've done something similar to you. and it happens a lot. Just keep it moving, maybe look for opportunities outside of Texas.

You're better off just looking at different companies. There's always the Big 4 for accounting.

thanks for being honest man. And that definitely makes sense that they would view it the way you described. But like you said, Im keepin it moving. I'vesent my resume to about 3 other firms so far besides this one, and i have several others that Im gonna contact. And 3/4 Big 4 firms are coming to my campus forour winter career fair. So with all the misses I might get I'll hopefully get at least one or two hits.
Tell them your dyslexic or something, and that acronyms are always a problem for you?
haha, game over. I triple and quadruple check acronyms for my company because I usually screw them up the first time. Good luck finding another internship.

Tell them your dyslexic or something

, for some reason, I think that would make it worse.
Originally Posted by ImReallyDirkNowitzki

Tell them your dyslexic or something, and that acronyms are always a problem for you?
I think they might take dyslexia into consideration seeing as how this was an ACCOUNTING internship i was inquiring about
Don't feel bad OP, I've done the same thing. I created one general email to send to 4 different places for an internship. I forgot to change the nameof the company last email I sent and lets just say I didn't get that internship. But God blessed me with another. Maybe u weren't supposed to be workinthere
Plenty of internships out there so don't go too hard on yourself...

but with that said you will not be getting that one.
Tell the lady that you sent her the wrong resume and you would like to send her the correct resume. What do you have to lose you have already messed up.
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Don't feel bad OP, I've done the same thing. I created one general email to send to 4 different places for an internship. I forgot to change the name of the company last email I sent and lets just say I didn't get that internship. But God blessed me with another. Maybe u weren't supposed to be workin there
Damn, thats rough. Good to hear you got another one though. And ya, this just encourages me to be even more careful now. Like you said maybe iwasnt supposed to work there, Im just gonna keep on tryin with others.
Plenty of internships out there so don't go too hard on yourself...

but with that said you will not be getting that one.

ya, i get that feeling after reading all these replies
But its just one out of many im going for, so Im hoping and praying something will work out
Originally Posted by kdawg

Give it a week and submit it again.

If they've canned you straightaway then they may not remember you. You've got nothing to lose anyway.
I'll be taking your advice. Thanks kdawg
Originally Posted by dkjordan23

Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

I'm going to be blunt.

Your chances are 0 to about 0.00000001% of getting a call back. You spelled the Firm's name/acronym wrong? And you're applying for an accounting position. Accounting is detail work. If you can't get the damn Firm's Acronym right how can they trust you with a balance sheet. I'm not trying to make you feel bad, I'm simply telling you want the recruiters or hiring managers will not tell you.

A cover letter and resume that are typo free are essential. Your only chance of getting that job is to re-apply and circumvent the process you went through. You would have to directly send your CV/resume to the Texas recruiter. Or, if you know people who work for the Firm, give your resume to them.

I've done something similar to you. and it happens a lot. Just keep it moving, maybe look for opportunities outside of Texas.

You're better off just looking at different companies. There's always the Big 4 for accounting.

thanks for being honest man. And that definitely makes sense that they would view it the way you described. But like you said, Im keepin it moving. I've sent my resume to about 3 other firms so far besides this one, and i have several others that Im gonna contact. And 3/4 Big 4 firms are coming to my campus for our winter career fair. So with all the misses I might get I'll hopefully get at least one or two hits.
Yeah, you can get Big 4 man...just be CONFIDENT and be willing to relocate. Be thankful that this happened early in your career when you appliedfor internships as opposed to a FT job application.

I remember I handed out like 10 resumes at the Fall career fair with the wrong phone number. Like my phone number had a 4 digit Area code
I caught myself and ran to the computer lab to print new copies.
getting a company's acronym mixed up isn't a big deal at all. i've done it plenty of times. they tell me the right form of the acronym and i'mlike whatever. don't sweat it man.
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