I know im not the only one that always meets a chick and they be trying to hubb you

theres something bout me that the garden tools decide that they wanna hubb me! I think its my open n talkative personality or something.

i just wanna smash n dash like the rest of the dudes.
Originally Posted by VeryAnalytical85

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

My point is....explain what it is.

I'm not the one fiending for a "relationship". A lot of times they want you to "earn" their affection when they like you even more. I'm not with it.

Like when I date a chick and she's telling me all this stuff sometimes, I'm like "Where do I fit in this puzzle?" It's like they got this soap opera written out in their heads...and no matter their past I'ma just gonna settle down and wife em.

Yup. It's like the extreme spectrums for me (they would want me to wifey them up or a complete super skeet soldier). There's like no in-between when it comes to relationship prospects. You play games (they fiend, you smash, they get clingy). You try to be real and gentleman like, they try to BS and rape the chivalrous manner before they move onto the next jerk who will use them. 
 So much for finding something, steady and honest in this day in age. Also, co-sign to whomever said timing in attraction... because if that's the case apparently it's not on my side even given everything that's going on for me.
Couldn't have said it any better myself.
Man, I feel your pain but it's a reality of life. Pretty much every woman wants to settle down and get married eventually, regardless of whether they were a JO at one point. It's a matter of them being at a point of their life where they feel comfortable settling down, and them finding the person they think is qualified. You might not be down for it, but you can't knock a female for wanting to settle down with one guy.

It's definitely an age thing, if you want JO's you gotta go young for the most part (under 23), unless you wanna dabble in the cougar market.

I know it seems disrespectful for a girl to go out and sleep with every dude under the sun, and then now she wants to settle down with you. But all you can do is say no thanks and keep it moving. She'll find some other dude that is more than happy to take her out of the game.

The best thing to do is try to be more perceptive about which girls are on the same page as you. I try to see where a chick's head is at in the first couple conversations. If she seems to be looking for a serious relationship, and I just wanna smash, then I won't pursue her anymore, cause we're in two different time zones.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

I feel you 100% Fresh. I don't know if it's because I got a lot of going on for myself or what but these broads out here stay trying to wife me when I just wanna one night em  I think its cause I have a nice guy reputation. So when I smash the chick and start giving them the cold shoulder or treating them like the jumpoff they are they act all surprised cause they thought they scooped a nice guy who was gonna save them and wife it...WRONG!!! The audacity of some of these jumps
Throwing the box at any slick talking jerk and then trying to wife the good guys, kick rock I say!

man i get the same crap and i do think its because i got a lot going for myself nice crib car business etc, all the JO's want the long term with me 
and i already have a full time starter i just want a few role players to fill out the squad. the starting squad is nice but im tryen to get some bench production 
Originally Posted by rsdplaya

my worst experience: went to a party once, didn't stay long at all (had other commitments), but as i was leaving i made eye contact with some girl.

next morning, she adds me on FB, i read her status updates saying "i just met the greatest guy ever" and "i'm in love with ross"

i'm like
wth, i didn't even talk to this girl! needless to say, i gtho.

What? LOL thats wild  
Originally Posted by 23MCpizzle23

Originally Posted by RavageBX

I feel you 100% Fresh. I don't know if it's because I got a lot of going on for myself or what but these broads out here stay trying to wife me when I just wanna one night em  I think its cause I have a nice guy reputation. So when I smash the chick and start giving them the cold shoulder or treating them like the jumpoff they are they act all surprised cause they thought they scooped a nice guy who was gonna save them and wife it...WRONG!!! The audacity of some of these jumps
Throwing the box at any slick talking jerk and then trying to wife the good guys, kick rock I say!

man i get the same crap and i do think its because i got a lot going for myself nice crib car business etc, all the JO's want the long term with me 
and i already have a full time starter i just want a few role players to fill out the squad. the starting squad is nice but im tryen to get some bench production 
I hear you..the worst part is when the bench players in addition to not producing also dont know how to play their role
I feel you 100% Fresh. I don't know if it's because I got a lot of going on for myself or what but these broads out here stay trying to wife me when I just wanna one night em
I think its cause I have a nice guy reputation. So when I smash the chick and start giving them the cold shoulder or treating them like the jumpoff they are they act all surprised cause they thought they scooped a nice guy who was gonna save them and wife it...WRONG!!! The audacity of some of these jumps
Throwing the box at any slick talking jerk and then trying to wife the good guys, kick rock I say!


im 26 my gf is 23, and we've dated 2+ years, all she talks about is marriage. And that is the farthest thing from my mind, my two of my close friends are both getting married in October, but its not me yet. I really want another 4-6 yrs to sow my royal oats. word to akeem.
This just goes to show youve got a good, dedicated girl in your hands, if you know shes a great girl this is another sign of it.
Keep her.

Some wouldnt see this as a positive sign other then he/she is moving in too quick and tryna bring the future faster then its already coming.
your partner can be thinking of the future too quickly but thats for you to decide and manage.
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