I legitimately think that I have ADHD...and it sucks man.

Aug 8, 2005
I can't get anything done at all. I'll procrastinate until the last minute, pull an all nighter, and not have anything to show for it in the morning. The only thing that sometimes works on me is ABSOLUTE DEADLINES. even then, the adrenaline rush only gets me going a few hours before it's actually due. but still I'll turn in assignments late if I can.

I tell myself I'll change my habits, but I never do. I've pulled so many fruitless all nighters. When I go to bed, I can't fall asleep. I'll be on my bed using my ipad just reading things on the internet until 3,4, 5am every night. I can read about a bunch of different things on the internet all day, but i can't read a book or study for more than half an hour.

I hate this feeling. It doesn't feel like normal laziness..but how can I tell? how can a psychologist or psychiatrist tell?

anyone with experience or feel the same way?

supposed to be writing a paper that been due right now. also have a final research design that's due tomorrow. but I can't seem to get anything done at all.

I go to UC Davis, and I'm barely passing my classes right now because I have pretty good study partners. the hell is wrong with me...|I


read the spoiler for a spot on description of what I'm going through. found it on reddit.

From the moment you wake up, it feels like you're engaged in a constant antagonizing battle with yourself. And you're always losing.
You want so badly to succeed. Always picturing yourself accomplishing things. Always imagining yourself living up to your full potential... I've got this ****. Today, I get serious.
You've got an extremely important deadline coming up. You've had weeks to prepare, but you've procrastinated on it. Whatever, nothing new. You're smart. Really smart. It might take other people 24 days. All you need is 24 hours. Seriously just give me 24 goddamn productive hours and I'll crush this ****, I swear to ******g God...
You're trying so hard to summon the resolve to start...
The clock's ticking. It's been 2 hours. You haven't started yet. You're starting to get a headache. Turn the fan on, the noise of the motor will help soothe the dull pain in your head.
Look, you just need to relax. You still have plenty of time. You're hungry. Grab some comfort food. Those gummies. They're kind of healthy. 200 calories or whatever, but 0 from fat. Plus they're made with real fruit. That way you won't feel guilty as **** for not going to the gym today. Or all of this week. ****. Whatever. I'll start going again tomorrow.
Yo, what was that one TV series episode? The one that you love to watch. It always gets you pumped up to do work. Or maybe that one song. The one from the Rocky Balboa movie. No. **** that. Listened to it too much. Maybe go for a quick run? It'll wake you up. Help with the headache. Eh. Maybe later. ****. Get up. You still need to grab those gummies.
Nah, hold on. Lets see if any new episodes came out for any TV series you're into. Not to watch it. You know, just to know if it's out. Oh **** yeah! There is a new one. Just a 30 min one. It's cool. You're kinda tired right now anyway. After this 30 min you'll feel rejuvenated and you'll def start working.
What a great episode. Good ****. Oh - whatever happened to those gummies? Wtf? You ate them? When? Whatever. No problem. Except, you're still hungry.
Lets see what's in the fridge. Wait. Check the cupboards first. Might have some snacks. No dice? It's cool, grab a tv dinner from the fridge. What? All out? Oh god The only food left is stuff that you actually have to cook. And it takes like 30 min to make. You've gotta be ******g kidding me. Why do I even by this ****? It's not like I'm ever going to make it.
The sudden realization that there is no food readily available has made you inexplicably hungrier. You're starving. Fuuuuccckkkkk. You can't work on an empty stomach. You-
What? There's popcorn? **** yeah!! Fukken saved.
You can't just eat popcorn though. You just got out of a tight spot. Gotta celebrate. You should watch that one episode while you eat. Nah hold up. Been a while since you've checked that one site. No, the other one. Oh wait, no it hasn't. You've already checked both like 10 min ago. Hey lets see what's good with that movie. Wait, what's that smell? **** yeah! Popcorn's done!
Oh god. Oh ****. It's been 5 hours. You've done no work. It's getting dark outside. ****. What the ****? Why are you doing this to yourself? Fuuccckk. Almost crunch time. Gotta get serious. ************, I have been serious. I've been thinking about starting to work every ******g 5 minutes for the last 5 hours. It just keeps getting put off.
You feel sore. Stressed. The ache in your head has gotten worse. Your thoughts are becoming more cluttered. Less focused, more widespread. Less specific, more abstract. You start imagining random scenarios. Creating random characters. Playing out random stories in your head. Interweaving all the things you are thinking about into one giant cluster****.
****. God. Why the **** is this happening? How the **** have I not started working yet? Seriously, what the ****. Where the **** is my adrenaline, my second wind, my spark? Like, if I don't start working right now, I might actually ******g fail.
The clock reads 10 PM. But it feels like 2 AM. You're tired. You've done next to no work. It's looking like you're going to have to pull an all-nighter. What the **** man? Again? Every ******g time. You put yourself through this **** every ******g time. And every ******g time, you promise yourself that it will never happen again. And yet, here we are...
Whatever. Man the **** up. This is happening. And you can't afford to crash and burn. Not now. Not like this. This is not how your story ends. ************, stop dozing off. It's time to kick it into another gear.
You glance at the clock. 2:00 AM. The bits and scraps of work you've done throughout the day are starting to come together. But you're nowhere near finished. Just thinking about the remaining workload makes you more weary. You're tired. So ******g tired... ************, what the **** did I say about dozing off!
4:00 AM. You're too stressed and tired. Every time your eye lids close, you can feel your eyes burning from staring at the monitor for too long. And they're so tired. You don't want to open them again. Better to just take a quick snooze.
Going to sleep will be a sweet mercy. God knows you could use the much needed rest to clear your head and restore your energy. You'd love to sleep for the next 20 hours. But you know that you're going to have to wake up in just a few hours. You're going to wake up extremely tired and with a headache. But you're going to have a productive morning. You're going to somehow finish this ****. You always do. Sheer adrenaline will get you through it. Sweet dreams, you unproductive little ****...
Even as you drift off into slumber, you know that you're most likely ******. The deadline is just too close. Sure, you've pulled off miracles before. But that's only because you've had to. And it's getting harder and harder every time. There have been times where you've barely scraped by. One of these times, you're bound to crash and burn. Will it be this time? God, this is your ******g life you're screwing with kid. What the **** is wrong with you? Get your **** together.
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I'm just ADD, but you'll be aight. Just go to the health center and get diagnosed and they'll take care of you man. I feel your pain though homie
I understand your pain, i dont think its adhd though. but im definitely in the same boat. I think you just have to do it. start from where you are
Even if you have ADHD, you need to take the time to create more productive habits and learn to work to your strengths. A prescription might end up doing more harm than good if you think its the end all be all solution. Its value is in addition to you working through your habits but it isnt the sole solution. See a doc. But in the meantime try and make changes in order to minimize the distractions or the symptoms that lead to them. Youll get through it. ADHD can overlap with anxiety and depression because in many cases they feed into each other in a sense.
Over some years I have gotten extreme lazy and have lost the will to do school work, but I force myself to do it. It's alright, we've all put off things.
It seems I have a severe case

mom ain't around to smack me in the head

but ill stay away from meds


need an addy connect tho
For guys, we really can't focus on anything related to school. Only some, others like to fool around and get distracted. Like me.
i thought i had ADHD, had a good minute to think about it but realized that i just didn't care about much, find some motivation and follow your heart
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I can't get anything done at all. I'll procrastinate until the last minute, pull an all nighter, and not have anything to show for it in the morning. The only thing that sometimes works on me is ABSOLUTE DEADLINES. even then, the adrenaline rush only gets me going a few hours before it's actually due. but still I'll turn in assignments late if I can.

I tell myself I'll change my habits, but I never do. I've pulled so many fruitless all nighters. When I go to bed, I can't fall asleep. I'll be on my bed using my ipad just reading things on the internet until 3,4, 5am every night. I can read about a bunch of different things on the internet all day, but i can't read a book or study for more than half an hour.

I hate this feeling. It doesn't feel like normal laziness..but how can I tell? how can a psychologist or psychiatrist tell?

anyone with experience or feel the same way?

supposed to be writing a paper that been due right now. also have a final research design that's due tomorrow. but I can't seem to get anything done at all.

I go to UC Davis, and I'm barely passing my classes right now because I have pretty good study partners. the hell is wrong with me...


read the spoiler for a spot on description of what I'm going through. found it on reddit.
From the moment you wake up, it feels like you're engaged in a constant antagonizing battle with yourself. And you're always losing.
You want so badly to succeed. Always picturing yourself accomplishing things. Always imagining yourself living up to your full potential... I've got this ****. Today, I get serious.
You've got an extremely important deadline coming up. You've had weeks to prepare, but you've procrastinated on it. Whatever, nothing new. You're smart. Really smart. It might take other people 24 days. All you need is 24 hours. Seriously just give me 24 goddamn productive hours and I'll crush this ****, I swear to ******g God...
You're trying so hard to summon the resolve to start...
The clock's ticking. It's been 2 hours. You haven't started yet. You're starting to get a headache. Turn the fan on, the noise of the motor will help soothe the dull pain in your head.
Look, you just need to relax. You still have plenty of time. You're hungry. Grab some comfort food. Those gummies. They're kind of healthy. 200 calories or whatever, but 0 from fat. Plus they're made with real fruit. That way you won't feel guilty as **** for not going to the gym today. Or all of this week. ****. Whatever. I'll start going again tomorrow.
Yo, what was that one TV series episode? The one that you love to watch. It always gets you pumped up to do work. Or maybe that one song. The one from the Rocky Balboa movie. No. **** that. Listened to it too much. Maybe go for a quick run? It'll wake you up. Help with the headache. Eh. Maybe later. ****. Get up. You still need to grab those gummies.
Nah, hold on. Lets see if any new episodes came out for any TV series you're into. Not to watch it. You know, just to know if it's out. Oh **** yeah! There is a new one. Just a 30 min one. It's cool. You're kinda tired right now anyway. After this 30 min you'll feel rejuvenated and you'll def start working.
What a great episode. Good ****. Oh - whatever happened to those gummies? Wtf? You ate them? When? Whatever. No problem. Except, you're still hungry.
Lets see what's in the fridge. Wait. Check the cupboards first. Might have some snacks. No dice? It's cool, grab a tv dinner from the fridge. What? All out? Oh god The only food left is stuff that you actually have to cook. And it takes like 30 min to make. You've gotta be ******g kidding me. Why do I even by this ****? It's not like I'm ever going to make it.
The sudden realization that there is no food readily available has made you inexplicably hungrier. You're starving. Fuuuuccckkkkk. You can't work on an empty stomach. You-
What? There's popcorn? **** yeah!! Fukken saved.
You can't just eat popcorn though. You just got out of a tight spot. Gotta celebrate. You should watch that one episode while you eat. Nah hold up. Been a while since you've checked that one site. No, the other one. Oh wait, no it hasn't. You've already checked both like 10 min ago. Hey lets see what's good with that movie. Wait, what's that smell? **** yeah! Popcorn's done!
Oh god. Oh ****. It's been 5 hours. You've done no work. It's getting dark outside. ****. What the ****? Why are you doing this to yourself? Fuuccckk. Almost crunch time. Gotta get serious. ************, I have been serious. I've been thinking about starting to work every ******g 5 minutes for the last 5 hours. It just keeps getting put off.
You feel sore. Stressed. The ache in your head has gotten worse. Your thoughts are becoming more cluttered. Less focused, more widespread. Less specific, more abstract. You start imagining random scenarios. Creating random characters. Playing out random stories in your head. Interweaving all the things you are thinking about into one giant cluster****.
****. God. Why the **** is this happening? How the **** have I not started working yet? Seriously, what the ****. Where the **** is my adrenaline, my second wind, my spark? Like, if I don't start working right now, I might actually ******g fail.
The clock reads 10 PM. But it feels like 2 AM. You're tired. You've done next to no work. It's looking like you're going to have to pull an all-nighter. What the **** man? Again? Every ******g time. You put yourself through this **** every ******g time. And every ******g time, you promise yourself that it will never happen again. And yet, here we are...
Whatever. Man the **** up. This is happening. And you can't afford to crash and burn. Not now. Not like this. This is not how your story ends. ************, stop dozing off. It's time to kick it into another gear.
You glance at the clock. 2:00 AM. The bits and scraps of work you've done throughout the day are starting to come together. But you're nowhere near finished. Just thinking about the remaining workload makes you more weary. You're tired. So ******g tired... ************, what the **** did I say about dozing off!
4:00 AM. You're too stressed and tired. Every time your eye lids close, you can feel your eyes burning from staring at the monitor for too long. And they're so tired. You don't want to open them again. Better to just take a quick snooze.
Going to sleep will be a sweet mercy. God knows you could use the much needed rest to clear your head and restore your energy. You'd love to sleep for the next 20 hours. But you know that you're going to have to wake up in just a few hours. You're going to wake up extremely tired and with a headache. But you're going to have a productive morning. You're going to somehow finish this ****. You always do. Sheer adrenaline will get you through it. Sweet dreams, you unproductive little ****...
Even as you drift off into slumber, you know that you're most likely ******. The deadline is just too close. Sure, you've pulled off miracles before. But that's only because you've had to. And it's getting harder and harder every time. There have been times where you've barely scraped by. One of these times, you're bound to crash and burn. Will it be this time? God, this is your ******g life you're screwing with kid. What the **** is wrong with you? Get your **** together.
You just described like every college student. You're just lazy man. Join the club. 

Internet probably screwed this generation up though. I have multiple tabs open while I browse, while I watch TV, while I eat, while I think about doing schoolwork.
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You just described like every college student. You're just lazy man. Join the club. 

Internet probably screwed this generation up though. I have multiple tabs open while I browse, while I watch TV, while I eat, while I think about doing schoolwork.

it feels like I'm just lazy, but even lazy people aren't like this.

people don't just stay up all night and do nothing. I'll stay up and say I'm gonna do some work. Then I drink some coffee to stay awake and try to do some work. I'll be awake until morning, and I don't get anything productive done at all. who would torture themselves like that? I've been like this since high school...:smh:

lazy people would just go to sleep. it's like I have this constant need for new information. and I don't even use twitter or facebook...

I don't know.. it doesn't feel like typical lazy college student behavior to me.

I'll go in and talk with a school psychologist... just don't wanna seem like your typical slacker looking for drugs.
That's strange I've met ppl with it and that were aware and they didn't seem to mind. FYI, even ppl with adhd find a way to be productive.

You just may be lazy and a procrastinator. You dudes need to stop self diagnosing yourselves so you can have an excuse and crutch to lean on. Own up to your shortcomings.
I'm pretty sure I have ADD, found out in the first semester of my Freshman year in College. High school was a breeze pulled A's in AP classes and honor classes but some of the more difficult college classes especially those geared to my major, nursing, had me straight up studying daily for around 4-5+ hours. It didn't help that science was my weakest subject. Never did get diagnosed but a lot of the symptoms lined up, I told myself if I did get diagnose with ADD, I would never use them dang pills, why start now. With countless hours of hard work and visiting my academic adviser and academic resource adviser weekly :smh: I got through it. I must of have used so many index cards and venn diagrams to get the topics in my head. For me the key to getting the topic was repetition, knowing the information before the class lecture, participating, and setting up a study group with no one I was attracted to or those who had BF's. In the beginning, I was pretty salty at others who were able to grasp the information at half the time or even a quarter of the time it took me to understand the topic but at the end, I just did me and kept grinding. the Made everything that much more satisfying and worth it :smokin. Remember OP this is not the end of the world, just have to adjust, sacrifice, and keep grinding.

FYI, even my college adviser/resourceadviser asked me if I had ADD :smh:
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it feels like I'm just lazy, but even lazy people aren't like this.
people don't just stay up all night and do nothing. I'll stay up and say I'm gonna do some work. Then I drink some coffee to stay awake and try to do some work. I'll be awake until morning, and I don't get anything productive done at all. who would torture themselves like that? I've been like this since high school...:smh:
lazy people would just go to sleep. it's like I have this constant need for new information. and I don't even use twitter or facebook...
I don't know.. it doesn't feel like typical lazy college student behavior to me.
I'll go in and talk with a school psychologist... just don't wanna seem like your typical slacker looking for drugs.

you're kidding me right?
you're kidding me right?

thanks for your helpful comments man. exactly the kind of insight I needed.:rolleyes

look dude. I said it myself. I'm pretty much as skeptical or doubtful as some of you guys are.

maybe I don't need the drugs, but maybe they could help. I don't know.
I'll be honest, didn't read the whole post but I was diagnosed with ADD when I was a kid and all I know is Vyvanse is what has gotten me through college. Kind of scared of becoming dependent/ developing heart issues as a result of it, but I wouldn't get my stuff done without it. Go to the health clinic on campus, alot of campus doctors throw out prescriptions like candy
thanks for your helpful comments man. exactly the kind of insight I needed.:rolleyes
look dude. I said it myself. I'm pretty much as skeptical or doubtful as some of you guys are.
maybe I don't need the drugs, but maybe they could help. I don't know.

Having add doesn't make you undisciplined. Stop looking for a cop out. No one enjoys school work but people still have to do it.
I have a friend who has real add (and dyslexia) and another friend who thinks he has ADD and does nothing but go on reddit all day and do nothing.
Damn OP you sound a lot like me. especially when it comes to my school work. I procrastinate way too much when it comes to writing papers for school :smh:. If I know I have enough time to do something, i'll just wait until the last minute to do it. youtube takes up too much of my time man. I could watch youtube vids all day. it's a bad habit that I have to break.
thanks for your helpful comments man. exactly the kind of insight I needed.:rolleyes
look dude. I said it myself. I'm pretty much as skeptical or doubtful as some of you guys are.
maybe I don't need the drugs, but maybe they could help. I don't know.

1) First get of NT, FB, Youtube, any websites that distracts you.
2) Get rid of your TV in your room.
3) Get yourself a single dorm room close to the library if you are on campus --> set up study hours
4) Set up an appointment with your academic adviser ASAP
5) Buy yourself a damb calender notebook with the days having one hour increments so you fit all the stuff you have to due for that particular day like study from 5-7pm, do homework 7-9pm, gym 9-10pm, wake up 8 - every little thing map that ***** out so you can keep track of the time.
6) Get a dang tutor and use the office hours for stuff you don't get.
7) Do the work/paper one week in advance so you have time for the writing center (assuming you guys have one) and professor/classmates to give you their feedback
8. Read/study the information before the class lecture
9) Record the damb lecture and take good notes
10) Taking notes on your laptop but get distracted by the internet, turn off the damb internet or use the old fashion pen and paper
11) Sit in the front of the class, harder to sleep when you are sitting in the front of the class
12) Throw the depressing attitude out the door, that attitude will bring you no where
13) Count your freaking blessings dude, not everyone can go to college so you better stop being depressed and keep grinding it out until you gave it your all

It's time to either put up or shut up OP
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"It's time to either put up or shut up OP"


You obviously don't have attention deficit disorder if you can read stuff all day

Just get on it and get stuff done wayyy before hand, start early and immerse yourself in your work
plant your hindpart on at library and focus on long term memory

half *** studying/doing work eeer day is = to or better to all nighers or cramming

Plan your day out to a tee

do this and you'll be the kobe in your classes
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