I lost all respect for jay Z and lebron and never had any for that clown Damon jones.

Aug 22, 2007
Before I get started im no fool i have 100 percent respect for Lebron James as a basketball player and jay -z as a rapper but as far as being real men i aintgot no respect for these dudes. First of all Lebron James is a a great athlete not a great basketball player. Lets be real yall seen how he say all the rightthings to the media but everybody knows his attitude is garbage and the +#%! he say off camera aint the same and yall know he said some foul +#%! aboutstevnson. Jay z knows� deshawn stevenson aint a rapper so releasing a dis song for his butt buddy tells me alot. Jay a grown man going at another man that dontrap so i feel like thats a #+@## move and we all know jay z can't see deshawn stevenson in a fight. Last Damon jones hopping on a mic in DC mind you andtalking !#@ cussing out stevnson and the wizards. Damon jones need a whooping he jump on lebrons nuts after getting embarrassed by him and then switching tohis team no respect for these dudes.

Jay Z song http://www.zshare.net/audio/11183271ac8de65f/

article� http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/04/26/AR2008042602240.html

Cleveland 54 Washington 44


I've always thought Jay was trash....but you can't really be siding w/ DeShawn on this one? Dude is an absolute clown.....
I agree, they are going too far with this crap. I know Stevenson is getting trashed for this (even though he didn't start this crap)
hey its not that im siding with deshawn its the fact that too many people kiss lebrons %#$ if somebody was talking about you behind your back to a friend areyou gonna keep quiet because its lebron james. The definition of heart is standing up for what you believe no matter what obviously deshawn aint a betterplayer than lebron but he standing up like a man not backing down thats a true competitor. people fail in life due to fear or sometimes doubt of going upagainst bigger odds. Stevenson is showing he has no fear of lebron like alot of others. If more people had this attitude games in the nba would be even greater

deshawn stevenson is really getting his 15 mins of fame. this guy is a BUM.

this is the guy who did his lil Yayo dance while they were losing by 25.
Yeah. Why is everyone assuming LeBron James started this? Wasn't Stevenson the one who called James "Overrated"?

Not to mention, this dude, he's a mediocre, role player, watered down version of Gerald Wilkens at best, and he's doing the "You Can't SeeMe" as they're down 3-1?
it aint about deshawn being better its the fact that lebron think he can do whatever off and on the court and ppl wont stand up. Lebron started the $%%@ on apersonal level. what would u do shut up cuz its lebron. Its a respect thing
This thread is completely unnecessary considering how many posts there are regarding this.

Anddddddd do you really have respect for Deshawn Stevenson? Running his mouth only to be lit up by LBJ this series...not to mention his antics every time hehits a shot? Lock this thread.
Originally Posted by JDB1523

This thread is completely unnecessary considering how many posts there are regarding this.

Anddddddd do you really have respect for Deshawn Stevenson? Running his mouth only to be lit up by LBJ this series...not to mention his antics every time he hits a shot? Lock this thread.

your right lebron is killing them but as a man how can you not respect him standing tall after lebron has talked about him behind his back to a friend.only a %*%*% gonna let that slide i already said i got respect for lebron as a player but none as a real man. He's the golden boy of the league but deshawnaint backing down. dont know if u ever played a sport but maybe then u can understand the passion. trust me this aint fun and games for these dudes it personaland jay z rapping about somebody who dont rap you askin for them hands jayz or not. People of wealth and fame think they can do and say whatever they want
Originally Posted by B1LLY HOYLE

Cleveland 54 Washington 44


I've always thought Jay was trash....but you can't really be siding w/ DeShawn on this one? Dude is an absolute clown.....

its not about "siding" with Deshawn. no one will deny that all three parties made themselves look like fools, including Stevenson. but he'sjust speaking on Jay-Z and Lebron, because it was obvious even before this that Stevenson was a clown.

this fiasco is embarassing for:

Stevenson- nobody knew who he was, and his initial comments made him look dumb on a national stage. then he put thenational spotlight on himself and responded with ridiculous antics. as a Wizards fan, when i saw he did the dance when they were down 30, i just put my headdown.

Lebron- he tried to portray the whole "grown man" "i won't stoop to that level" image, whenin fact thats exactly what he did. he made himself look awfully immature for someone who is supposed to be the brilliant new face of the league. he tries sohard to act mature, but he made himself look like a 22-year old kid, basically.

Jay-Z- it wasn't Jay's fault that he was initially drawn into this, but now he's taking heat fromhip-hop fans after he actually took the time to diss a non-rapper. you're 40 and you're getting involved in this. and if you're Jay-Z, you neverwant your name to be floating around with Soulja Boy in any context.

the NBA- i can already see this is damaging as far as how the older generation and the consumers will be looking atthe state of the league. just look at the way the media and commentators are covering this. its almost with disdain, like "these young black kids andtheir foolish music, is this "Soulja Boy YUUUU" stuff really what these guys are listening to" kinda thing. the average NBA fan above 30 wasalready looking at the league today with disdain, but this just makes everything worse.
the only guy that really gained from this is Soulja Boy. dude needs to release another club hit and capitalize on all of this publicity, he will beSWIMMING in $$$.
Yeah. Why is everyone assuming LeBron James started this? Wasn't Stevenson the one who called James "Overrated"?

Not to mention, this dude, he's a mediocre, role player, watered down version of Gerald Wilkens at best, and he's doing the "You Can't See Me" as they're down 3-1?

exactly... so when challenged by a "clown" of that nature, why would Lebron even bother making an analogy concerning him as a person? why stoop tohis level? everyone was waiting for what would come out of Lebron's mouth, and what he said only escalated the situation and made him look pretty pompousand immature.
Originally Posted by outacontrol music

Originally Posted by Dade B0Y

This thread lacks a great deal of substance.


And I don't think Jay or LeBron care if you respect them

your right but honestly who said i respected your opinion on the matter
for the love of God will someone please stop the milking of this story. i just want to smack whoever brings this up again ...

I just want to watch game 5 on wednesday, that's all i ask for
i didnt have any respect for jayz since 2001

do not piss lebron off!!! just don't!!!! or he will drop a quintiple double on your below .500 eastern conference level #%*!!!

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