I lost all respect for jay Z and lebron and never had any for that clown Damon jones.

Originally Posted by chitown4eva

Ya'll can't be this corny in real life.
not that serious
Originally Posted by Goodfellaz86

Lebron crossed the line point blank. When talking about another grown man in your same profession and their team behind their back is *%%made. If he doesn't have a problem with Deshawn like he says he does, then Deshawns name would have never came out of "King" James mouth. Lebron had all the opportunity in the world to &*^%# Deshawn after the flagrant foul yesterday when Deshawn fell to the ground, but Mr. Tough Guy (referrin to his Playground comment) Lebron stopped so fast in his tracks right when he saw Deshawn gettin to his feet and let everyone get in between the two.

And I hope all you fools that say you never even heard of Deshawn are just tryin to be funny, because if you follow basketball like you say you do you would of heard of him before.

And someone please tell Damon Jones to refrain from talkin *&%^ about someone else --- hes just as big of a nobody as Deshawn supposedly is. He needs to go to China sell some of his shoes there and help his wife put on her red lipstick

the wizards have been talking trash even before the playoffs started.
they haven't backed up any of their claims, had the washington fans chant "OVER-RATED" to lebron (shows
u how bandwagon the fans really are there), and are about to go out as the one of the dumbest teams in history.

so now when cleveland players talk (which they're doing at the right time, because their play on the court has supported it)
they're being disrespectful? i don't get yall alot of times, really.

and as for lebron talking trash about deshawn behind his back, it just shows how soft
deshawn is catching feelings and expressing it to the media and that drew gooden is a snitch.
^ you know lebron said some foul $%*$ and only a %!$#% let disrespect slide you let somebody %!$#% you and they think they can always do it and as far asgooden if somebody was talking about ur best friend u aint gonna tell him i can see u gotta alot %!$#% in u
^^ i can see that you can't write a complete sentence.
there are better ways to handle hearing someone talking trash about u than what deshawn did.

-confront him about it.
-prove him wrong w/ your play on the court.
-duke it out outside the basketball court.

but he chose to tell the media that lebron is overrated, thinking the wizards were going to destroy
the cavs in the playoffs. now he looks like a damn fool.
its funny that ppl are callin lebron a b for talkin about deshawn behind his back cuz thats exactly what you guys are doing...0% of you would walk up to a6'8" 250 lb dude and call him a b. deshawn is just mad his team is gonna get bounced again.
So I've been listening to this crap all day on sportstalk 980 here in DC, and it's really annoying me. Every caller saying the same thing....TheWizards need to stop talking and star playing......EJ has no control over the team.......Gilbert is hurting our flow.......

It's all so stupid because games 1 and 4 could've went either way. This series is pretty evenly matched despite what the count is so far.

I'm so sick of all this overblown nonsesnse.....

and by the way, Deshawn makes a three and does his hand thing.....its not a big deal. He does it when we're winning, he does it when we'relosing.....so leave it alone. I don't see anyone crying when LT does his ball flip after he scores a touchdown.
Originally Posted by doyung9

Yeah. Why is everyone assuming LeBron James started this? Wasn't Stevenson the one who called James "Overrated"?

Not to mention, this dude, he's a mediocre, role player, watered down version of Gerald Wilkens at best, and he's doing the "You Can't See Me" as they're down 3-1?
"He thought it wasn't going to get back to me," Stevenson said. "He said something about my game. He said I'm getting a lot of hype this year, that he doesn't think I'm the good player I am and basically that I suck, our team sucks and we're not going anywhere. I took offense to that. If LeBron James never said that comment, we wouldn't have the rivalry we have right now."
Originally Posted by ezeblazin

So I've been listening to this crap all day on sportstalk 980 here in DC, and it's really annoying me. Every caller saying the same thing....The Wizards need to stop talking and star playing......EJ has no control over the team.......Gilbert is hurting our flow.......

It's all so stupid because games 1 and 4 could've went either way. This series is pretty evenly matched despite what the count is so far.

I'm so sick of all this overblown nonsesnse.....

and by the way, Deshawn makes a three and does his hand thing.....its not a big deal. He does it when we're winning, he does it when we're losing.....so leave it alone. I don't see anyone crying when LT does his ball flip after he scores a touchdown.

Because LT has earned the right to do his lil flipafter his many touchdowns....This Deshawn fool is a scrub that enjoys the points he makes, cuz they dunt come too often...
lebron backed up his talk, deshawn didn't.

and it's obvious you guys are salty because you wanted lebron to fail, but he didn't.

but yall continue to talk junk, make excuses, just like the wizards, and are just looking more foolish in the process.
Because LT has earned the right to do his lil flip after his many touchdowns....This Deshawn fool is a scrub that enjoys the points he makes, cuz they dunt come too often...

So now there's a TD requirement before you can have your own signature move/dance?......it makes no difference......He was doing the same thing ALL YEARLONG and nobody said anything.
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