Dec 7, 2006
Whats up NT? I'll just get straight to it. I live with my parents, have an older brother in DC, and an older sister in Jersey. My little sister passed away 3 years ago from airway complications, so we're pretty much all we got. This past Christmas my parents get into a fight about the possibility that my father may be fooling around on my mom (someone said they saw him driving with another woman, but was never confirmed) and they almost separated over it. My dad is a decent father but thinks he's the smartest person in the world.
Fast forward this past Saturday a letter comes to the house from the department of child support services and is addressed to my dad..instantly light bulbs go off, and I open it because he'll never tell the truth if confronted so sometimes you have to go on your own fact-finding mission. Anyway, it turns out that not only does he have a 29 yr old girlfriend (my dads 62) but they have a 2 y old daughter together! I went searching for this girl on facebook, and she confirmed it once i friend requested her and said that they have a two year old, and she had no idea that he had other children. My siblings are very passive and bringing this to their attention would be pointless, they have lives and hate to be interrupted by anything. This news would absolutely crush my mother emotionally, and would also destroy my father. Should I expose the matter or sweep it under the rug.. I need good advice guys. Please.
Old man trickin on female half his age, he goof'd knockin her up tho. Ya moms is gonna kill him.
Have a man to man talk with your dad and get him to come clean or hear his side of the story. There are always two sides. Then if it comes out that he is not doing right by your mom then tell him he needs to man up and come clean with her. I don't think it would be a good look to tell your mother without confronting him first. I would just be prepared for the worst...really sucks your in a situation like that. Pops should have known better though.
Originally Posted by jetsetr

Have a man to man talk with your dad and get him to come clean or hear his side of the story. There are always two sides. Then if it comes out that he is not doing right by your mom then tell him he needs to man up and come clean with her. I don't think it would be a good look to tell your mother without confronting him first. I would just be prepared for the worst...really sucks your in a situation like that. Pops should have known better though.

take this advice.
This is all terrible regardless 
  Good Luck O.P
talk to your pops, try to get the truth

^what good would beating your father do? believe, losing the respect of your kids would be much worse than a beatdown. sometimes you have to take the high road.
Well youve already told the other chic on facebook so the secrets gonna get out eventually. Question is do you wanna be the one to expose it or let it take its course naturally?
Me personally id tell my mom. Yea itd hurt her, but you gotta realize our Mothers have been thru some %%$!. She can handle it. What if something happens where she finds out you knew but didnt tell her?shoot id never trust you again

then again id be careful taking family advice from someone on the internet that ive never met
Wow, that sucks OP. You should definitely confront your dad first. He should be the one to come clean to your mom but if he doesn't I think you have to tell her. I'm sure she would rather hear it from you, assuming your dad doesn't tell her, than find out from possibly the other woman who now knows about your dads other life. My dad was having an affair on my step-mom of 18 years, he confided in me for months about it and when my step-mom found out that I had known all along she was crushed. She deserves to know the truth. Sorry you're in this position.
wow tight situation, I think if you have that type of relationship with your dad, you should talk to him first about it.
if not, then Idk. I'm a guy that will feel guilty about snitching to my moms about it and potentially ending the marriage. women always hate to hear about important things from someone else first.
Let him speak first and maybe they could salvage something.
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