I need to dress more casual smh *EPIC STORY!!! UPDATE on page 3;4 lol*


Dope story
Remember that this new look you are going for MUST be congruent to who you really are for it to work
Just seen the pics.

Dude go change wardrobes now!

Also good read. But I know plenty of early 20 year olds who can do that too.
Originally Posted by JoseBronx

all I saw was smilies all over those words lol
Seemingly, he used them right.
I shall read it tomorrow when i get on, if you guys don't misbehave and get this locked..

y? cuz i seen that lady and that little kid at my work a few months ago

only reason i remebr was cuz little kids hair was grimey and she was a milf
Originally Posted by FlyJr22

^^ thanks for the well wishing....BUT WAIT!!! you guys haven't heard the story behind this interesting Cougar...

Very LOOOONG Read but Trust me NT Well Worth IT

It is 2005 and I'm just turning 19. My dad works at a Semi-Conductor company in Fremont, CA and he asks me if I would like to join him for a Christmas party being thrown by his job. I say "No" with no hesitation, but it was more like a demand than begging for favor. He needed me to accompany him and be his designated driver because he wanted to be drunk enough
that he wouldn't mind all the Karaoke singing done by the so many Pinoys/Pinays in the building that couldn't sing. Not saying you guys can't sing but alcohol and trying to hit Mariah Carrey notes don't really mix well
. So I'm up there with big Afro (I was growing my hair out at the time and I just took out my braids so I look like A.I. on the cover of slam) eating all the lumpia I can and what not. When one of my dad's female co-workers goes "heyy *insert father's name* I didn't know you had a brother"
Due to the fact that my father looks so yo young (early 30's) and I looked about my age19-21 at the time. My dad responds "
that's not my brother...that's my son
". She then follows with "Hi nice to meet you, my name's Jenny", I respond with "Hey what's up I'm *insert father's name Jr." She then says "Oh you have his name as well as his looks..."
I look to my father and my father gives me the
. So I'm thinking to myself "this is the chick he's been telling me has the hots for him at work
" Thereafter I felt like complete prey to her, she's talkin about how I'm so good lookin, and that age isn't an issue with her and so and so forth. So I'm thinking the cat is already in the bag with this 1 its cookies
. Then she hits me with "Come on baby let's dance!" I tell her politely "No Thank You..." (it was nothin but old people up in that Bia" She proceeds to drag me on the dance floor and guess what song came on....THE FREAKIEST OF ALL SONGS IN 2005! "David Banner- Play" This chick is breaking me off in every which way. (I mean I would have destroyed her out there but come on....there were senior citizens in there...I didnt want to be the cause of a Heart Attack" She's putting her leg up on me very similarly to the 2nd picture I posted and everything. One part of me is like
the other part is
. We were LITERALLY the only ones on the dance floor. After the dance a couple minutes later everybody is starting to go home and she has her arms around me looking at my father and grabs my face like "Can I take him home? I promise I'll give him back...he's in good hands trust me"
My dad goes "$h!!!!!+ I don't mind" but I'm looking at my dad like "there is no way this man can drive himself one hour and a half home. So I take the massive
L for my pops and drive him home. My dad is talkin all kinds of drunk $h!+ in the car about "how I was scared and I can't handle that woman and blah blah blah" while simultaneously I had a hard-on Harder than the thing from Fantastic Four (nh) becasue of blue balls.
Little did he know I had already been smashin mid-20's chicks my whole high school career. Well Fast Forward to 2 months later in February. I get a text at 12 somethin in the mornin talkin bout "hey sexy, whatcha doin?" I reply "nothin chillin, bored out my mind" she replies with "let me occupy your time" I'm really thinkin should I an hour and a half to San Jose just for some Hot Pinay *** or stay my light-skinned *** home. It was drought season so you guessed it....I WENT!
I packed my stuff to spend the night at her spot that night then a friends for the rest of the weekend. I get there and her female friend is over the house I'm like "here we go....
" I find out her friend is spending the night and I'm like
. We watch the movie "Jacket" with Adrian Brody and at towards the end she starts to feel on my D and I follow with feeling on her B/P. As soon as the credits roll we're upstairs and she throws me on the bed (no lie) and starts undoing my pants I'm like damn
she's a fiesty cougar, but that's how I like em. I'm really thinking, this is what I always wet dreamed about in high school. I wanted to warm up with some pre-game and get some [Hell Rell] Marvelous Top![Hell Rell] but she was actin brand newy. I Bang her stuff out. I swear this chick was screamin like I was killin her
Go to the bathroom, clean up. Come back and this chick was sleep word to [Ice Cube]put her *** to sleep[Ice Cube]. I'm like damn I beat it up good, cleaned it up good, and I was hoping I was gonna get that "good, good" and she's damn near snoring
. "Whatever I got mine and I knockout also". 2 hours later in the wee ours of the night, I start feeling this tingling feeling, in my sleep, and I'm like "Do I have to take a piss?" I open my eyes to the most beautiful surprise...HEADERS! Man she must have went for at LEAST 10 or more min. When she realizesI'm woke she says with her mouth full "don't
in my mouth ok?"
I say "yea sure, sure
" as much as I wanted to...she was doing me a favor and she "asked" so I gave her a "Heads UP
" This Freak McNasty pumps it all out and I'm bout to get up and clean up she pushes me back down with 1 hand in the stomach so I lay back down like
I'm really sitting there thinking "what was the point in that
" oh well doesn't matter to me
I knockout and wake up in the morning. Her 5 year old son comes running in the bed room and jumps on the bed and I'm in the sheets but *** naked! she goes "Baby! and kisses him on the MOUTH!!!!
. (I know for a fact she didn't brush her teeth or use mouthwash) then I take a shower, and get dressed and come downstairs and she's like "hey want breakfast?" I'm like "Sure, whatcha got?" "Waffles, bacon, eggs and OJ" MY FAVORITE DISH! I chow down and 1 of her guy friends comes over and I swear dude looks mad familiar like I seen him from somewhere, someone I might have known as a kid. He was a little older than me though. I tell her I gotta skidattle. She gives me a hug and tells me to call her I go "For sure
" Never called her never seen her again. She adds me on myspace and guess what???

This Dude Married this chick!

now tell me that aint a story NT....

Dad ask me to go to Christmas party, I agree.
This chick he's been telling me about is there, she's all over me.
She breaks me off to David Banner play on the dance floor "we were LITERALLY the only ones on the dance floor"
She begs my dad to let her take me home, Pops agrees, but I decline because Pops is mad drunk and I didn't want him to kill himself driving home.

She texts me 2 months later in February to come thru her spot an hour and a half away in SJ. I accepted, considering it was "Drought Season" word to Wayne
We watch the "Jacket" starring Adrien Brody. By the end of the movie she's feelin on my D and I'm feelin on her B/P
We go upstairs. She declines toppin me and I proceed to smash with the strength of Buddah and experience of Confucius
I go to the bathroom and clean up and when I come back she's knocked out

I wake up 2 hours later to her workin her tonsils on ya boy

We wake up in the morning, her 5 year old son jumps on the bed and she KISSES HIM IN THE MOUTH WITHOUT BRUSHING OR RINSING

I take a shower come down and eat, and she has a male friend a couple years older than me come over "just a friend"
I see her on myspace however many years later married to the dude with 1 of his kids and I shook this simps hand...can you believe that?
BAY AREA STAND UP!! i may have to visit the south bay more often...

this story is straight comedy, so many things wrong with it, so many things great about it. my dude painted a picture with this soliloquy

but on another note, what were you doing smashin Ocho Cinco's chick?

This ninja said he is "sophisticated"
...._____ PLEASE. Son went from hypebeast to trying hard not to be hypebeast.
Vagina does not teeny bop...you bop vagina...so just be happy that there are some girls coming your way
^please explain how I'm a hypebeast? I wear what I like....even If I dress down/casual/dressy I still wear what I like....They don't call me "FlyJr." For nothin kid (and I didn't name myself that, my dad got best dressed and most successful in his High school year book so they named him"Fly" and I'm since I'm his son and his Jr. I was nicknamed appropriately)
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