I need to dress more casual smh *EPIC STORY!!! UPDATE on page 3;4 lol*

Smh at the fake!
This thread did a complete 180. First couple pages are pure hate, then it's pure adulation.

I'm voting Fly Jr. for president. Son got people skills out the ying yang.
Originally Posted by FlyJr22

Way late but what brand of jeans are those? I see them a lot and i think they're nice, i wish my dude would wear nice jeans like that.
I apologize. I read the story. Well done. Properly placed emoticons, the nut picture, you followed up with pics, it has quotables. 10/10
Props to you man....great story. I tip my hat to you pimpin'.

You've got me inspired and motivated my dude. You're about 3-4 yrs younger than me but I see you definitely have great experience in attracting olderwomen---so I will learn from your story and motivate myself to acheieve the same accomplishment in the future. Like Ralph Waldon Emerson says "Everyman I meet is my superior in some way...In that, I learn of him"

Much appreciated pimp

Also, dressing better/nicer helps, you STILL have to have the personality, characteristics, and give off the impression (verbally, facial expressions, tone,body expressions etc) of a self-assured person.
I'm only 19 but I find myself way more into the 2nd set of clothing you posted. I'm typically rockin' the graphic tee with a fitted but....tired ofit now I guess. I unno, I do get a lot of compliments and attention when I wear button ups.
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