I needed the cookie monster cause im sexy like that. .NT come in..

Jun 4, 2008
Pick The Month You Were Born In:

1) (Jan) i slept with
2 ( Feb) - i robbed
3 ( Mar) - i ran naked with
4 ( Apr) - I shot
5 ( May) - I slapped
6 ( June) - I hugged
7 ( July) - I kissed
8 ( Aug) - I needed
9 ( Sept) - I smoked with
10 ( Oct) - I banged
11 ( Nov) - I killed
12 ( Dec) - I ran shirt less with

Pick the day ( number) you were born on:
1 - my " boo"
2 - a ******
3 - the one i love
4 - a homeless guy
5 -a hobo
6 - paris hilton
7 - a toothbrush
8 - a bag of weed
9 - a bowl of cereal
10 - a hippo
11 - a mop
12 - a hottie
13-a crack head
14- a rockstar
15-a ninja
16 - a condem
17 - a teletubby
18 - a sexy B0YY
19 - an East r egg
20 - a snowman
21 - my crush
22 - a spatula
23 - yo momma
24 - Barney the Dinosaur!
25 - the cookie monster
26 - a gangs ta
27 - my boyfriend
28 - the trojan man
29 - my ex- boy/ gurlfriend
30 - my hand
31- a mexican

Pick the color of shirt you are wearing:

White - because im sexy like that
Black - because i love weed
Pink - because i still love cheese
Turquoise- because i like to snort cocaine
Brown - because i like shoe laces
Polka Dots - because I am a ******
Purple - because I'm gay
Grey - because i have AMAZING boobs
Other - because I'm ******ed
Green - because that hobo stole my taco
Orange - because i am a mental ******
Red- because I am crazy like that
Blue - because im good in bed
Tye dye- because Im a scuba diver
Graphic- because the gummy bears raped me
8 ( Aug) - I needed
25 - the cookie monster
White - because im sexy like that
Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

I banged a ****** because I'm ******ed.

Makes sense.
We have the same birthday

Mine was : I banged a ****** cause i'm crazy like that
I shot my boyfriend because I love weed

edit- actually its, I shot my boyfriend because the gummy bears raped me
Originally Posted by Ridgemont Fly

6 ( June) - I hugged
3 - the one i love
Black - because i love weed

I was just thinking, "I wonder if someone will have the same combination as me?"

I don't love weed, though.
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