I owned a blogger on RealTalkNY

U totally PwNed dat NoOb

Jules wrote on May 16th, 2008 at 5:58 am
My bad, yall are super gutter for bumpin Rhianna and Maroon 5.

I'm not saying this isn't good music, I'm saying it isn't hip-hop…Nigel D. it's ashame someone as ignorant as yourself is in charge of posting for this site.

This dude said Rihanna is hip-hop…last time I checked, her album was located in the R & B genre section of the music stores, *%@%+!@.
Anyway Nigel D. I find it ironic how you post news about rappers who always say in interviews "@%$! internet bloggers"…Your job is dedicated to making the people who hate you(and think you're a little %*#$#+) even more famous
Where exactly is this so called "owning" at?
from the looks of it you just sounded MAD (
all I'm sayin is how you gonna try and get gully and say "blah blah blah, Rihanna is part of hip-hop", that $*% makes no sense. I ain't mad,I just get annoyed by ignorance.
That's incredible! That's the kind of e-swag that these cats need to look out for. People in the streets better fall back.

excuse my lateness but whats the deal with "pwned", at first i thought everyone was misspelling owned but every 10 yr old hardcore gamer says it allthe time. does it mean the same thing and its just the "in" thing to say right now??
Originally Posted by DocDoon

excuse my lateness but whats the deal with "pwned", at first i thought everyone was misspelling owned but every 10 yr old hardcore gamer says it all the time. does it mean the same thing and its just the "in" thing to say right now??
I remember the explanation was that one of the world of warcraft dudes mispelled it and I guess it just caught on.
at me for even knowing the origin
Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Originally Posted by DocDoon

excuse my lateness but whats the deal with "pwned", at first i thought everyone was misspelling owned but every 10 yr old hardcore gamer says it all the time. does it mean the same thing and its just the "in" thing to say right now??
I remember the explanation was that one of the world of warcraft dudes mispelled it and I guess it just caught on.
at me for even knowing the origin

lol world of warcraft? it goes wayyyyy back further than that...
Originally Posted by H4ppyTime Harry

Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Originally Posted by DocDoon

excuse my lateness but whats the deal with "pwned", at first i thought everyone was misspelling owned but every 10 yr old hardcore gamer says it all the time. does it mean the same thing and its just the "in" thing to say right now??
I remember the explanation was that one of the world of warcraft dudes mispelled it and I guess it just caught on.
at me for even knowing the origin

lol world of warcraft? it goes wayyyyy back further than that...
yeah i think it was counter strike
Nigel's a cool dude. I go to school with his sister. i dont even know why he replied to your comment. I mean he does work on the site. If you dont likethe sites content go to another one. and you didnt "own" anyone.
OH EM GEE...you're sooo totally cool beans *e-props*

That's what you wanted to get right?....e-props?
Or you want a cupcake?
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