I present "Be a better man in 30 days"

Apr 16, 2007
after a quick search i saw you guys are already familiar with http://artofmanliness.com but I saw no evidence of this posted so here you go... site also has other great info...


During the month of June 2009, The Art of Manliness ran a series of posts called “30 Days to a Better Man.
after a quick search i saw you guys are already familiar with http://artofmanliness.com but I saw no evidence of this posted so here you go... site also has other great info...


During the month of June 2009, The Art of Manliness ran a series of posts called “30 Days to a Better Man.
posting for later


7.  Eat a serving of animal protein. Vegetarian diets have been proven to lower your T levels.[sup]12[/sup] So go ahead and have that steak. (This might be the easiest day of the challenge yet!) There’s no need to overdo it though; a diet with a carb to protein ratio of 2:1 is ideal for testosterone production.

Does methodman know this?
posting for later


7.  Eat a serving of animal protein. Vegetarian diets have been proven to lower your T levels.[sup]12[/sup] So go ahead and have that steak. (This might be the easiest day of the challenge yet!) There’s no need to overdo it though; a diet with a carb to protein ratio of 2:1 is ideal for testosterone production.

Does methodman know this?
Originally Posted by SuperSaiyan415

No way I can do all that in 30 days

why not? after reading the description of each on each specific day, it explains it more thoroughly showing it is not as hard as it looks.
Originally Posted by SuperSaiyan415

No way I can do all that in 30 days

why not? after reading the description of each on each specific day, it explains it more thoroughly showing it is not as hard as it looks.
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