I swear I can pick up radio waves..


Feb 6, 2010
Have you ever had a song stuck in your head..you open the door, get in your car, turn the keys, turn on the radio..BAM! The song in your head is now on the radio. This has happened to me a few times. And no, not with popular gay #*@ black eyed peas songs that are on every 5 minutes anyway. I had a Frankie Vallie song stuck in my head last night, I turned on the oldies station and there it was. 
Have you ever had a song stuck in your head..you open the door, get in your car, turn the keys, turn on the radio..BAM! The song in your head is now on the radio. This has happened to me a few times. And no, not with popular gay #*@ black eyed peas songs that are on every 5 minutes anyway. I had a Frankie Vallie song stuck in my head last night, I turned on the oldies station and there it was. 
funny but i always felt this way about my cell phone..i have witnesses so i know i'm not buggin but i'll be driving/walking whatever and ill grab my phone...nuthin...then a second or 2  later it lights up with a call or text-

funny but i always felt this way about my cell phone..i have witnesses so i know i'm not buggin but i'll be driving/walking whatever and ill grab my phone...nuthin...then a second or 2  later it lights up with a call or text-

Do you wear a retainer?

Is there any chance that my child will be able to hear the radio on their braces?
Well, we do not think so, but you never know. Years ago people used to build crystal radios, where the radio receivers consisted of a insulator much like a tooth covered by a metal piece which was like a bracket. Crystal radios could pick up AM signals in they were close to the AM antenna. We have never heard of a report of someone hearing the radio on their braces, but it is theoretically possible.
Do you wear a retainer?

Is there any chance that my child will be able to hear the radio on their braces?
Well, we do not think so, but you never know. Years ago people used to build crystal radios, where the radio receivers consisted of a insulator much like a tooth covered by a metal piece which was like a bracket. Crystal radios could pick up AM signals in they were close to the AM antenna. We have never heard of a report of someone hearing the radio on their braces, but it is theoretically possible.
That happens to me all the time along with thinking of a subject and the person around me says exactly what i was thinking.
That happens to me all the time along with thinking of a subject and the person around me says exactly what i was thinking.
Originally Posted by recycledpaper

picking up radio waves.... mere coincidence. hrm, i'm gonna go with the latter.

This actually happens to me alot also.

A random old song will pop in my head and i will usually hear that song sometime within the next day or 2.  (i dont listen to the radio much, mostly pandora, but it happens listening to both).

Like, one day an old song by Playa called "Cheers to you" popped in my head.........Ill be damned if that song didnt come on a throwback thursday segment on a radio station here in saint louis the next day.  That cant be a coincedence.......I havent heard that song since i was in the 8th or 9th grade which was about 12-13 years ago.

It happens randomly and its always songs that i havent heard in a pretty long time....not something they just play everyday and sometimes not even REALLY big hit songs.
Originally Posted by recycledpaper

picking up radio waves.... mere coincidence. hrm, i'm gonna go with the latter.

This actually happens to me alot also.

A random old song will pop in my head and i will usually hear that song sometime within the next day or 2.  (i dont listen to the radio much, mostly pandora, but it happens listening to both).

Like, one day an old song by Playa called "Cheers to you" popped in my head.........Ill be damned if that song didnt come on a throwback thursday segment on a radio station here in saint louis the next day.  That cant be a coincedence.......I havent heard that song since i was in the 8th or 9th grade which was about 12-13 years ago.

It happens randomly and its always songs that i havent heard in a pretty long time....not something they just play everyday and sometimes not even REALLY big hit songs.
on saturday night i was stoned out of my mind playing 'Wish You Were Here' by Pink Floyd in my head, I decided to listen to the radio and what do you know the song was barely starting.
on saturday night i was stoned out of my mind playing 'Wish You Were Here' by Pink Floyd in my head, I decided to listen to the radio and what do you know the song was barely starting.
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