I think I "like my wife" but I'm falling for my girl on the side... What do I do?

Originally Posted by alcapone

Originally Posted by Prime x Time

Originally Posted by etorres03


, hold for girl on the side, trying to find a suitable one for the kids on NT.
if this thing is your wife, we dont need to see your side
I hope she has a great personality.
Originally Posted by holdenmichael

thats it.
Actually, it's not. He's morally responsible for his child and her emotional well being.
The child.... yes.
Her emotional well being?.... no.

And you don't need to be married to be there for your kid.

I have THE best dad you could EVER want.... and my parents have been divorced since I was like 7
don't get a divorce. cost too much money. if your wife is really down, then she won't want to get one either. just tell her that you need space andlater confess about the other girl. breaking up families FTL
im happy im not in your situation. to have married a woman because you two had a child only to want to break it off later because of another woman. you shouldhave never married her in the first place but still continue to visit your child.
Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by etorres03

the wife has a BA in business and fiance, the girl on the side is.....well has some big ol boobs, cool, funny as hell, i can just kick it with her and everything is good, my wife bothers me with dumb stuff like buying sneakers, spending time on NT, i don't know.. I'm a man, i have needs!!!!
you proably dont deserve to be with your wife. she seems like she is too mature & has too much going in her life to be weighed down by your dead weight.
I ain't never agreed with a damn thing you've ever said until now.
You took the institution of family and marriage so seriously that you married because of a child but you're off on this BS? . You're a grown man thathas a wife. You can't use the 'I married for my kid' as an excuse to make people feel sympathetic to your situation.
You shoulda never got married just because you had a kid. You dumbed out right there
after i seen the pic of your wife i didnt read anymore so my fault if this has already been answered but uhhh
if youre in va and your wife is in tx why cant you jus hit or be with chicky in va and stay married to ol girl whos in tx???
Originally Posted by etorres03

So I've been married to my wife for 5 years already but, I only married her b/c we have a child, real talk, now i meet somebody else bc my wife is back in TX, I'm in VA, i didn't want to meet anybody but It's like we click, so what do I do, this Is some real stuff, not for the young kids on here, by the way I'm 25, my daughter is 5, someone give me some advice, pics if u really need them...haha...

What do you do?...I would suggest preparing for your checks to be garnished for the next 13 years and saving for airfare to fly from VA to TX once a month tosee your daughter for a weekend. All while your wife will be doing alot better than you will since you have paid for her education.

You've just thrown your entire marriage away on some side piece that does a few tricks that your wife could have easily done for you if you would havetaken the time to let her know what you want. Your little affair will be the most expensive ({}) that you've ever written a check for.

And say that this flip bird does become your main, just know that she's going to do the same thing to you with another married man.

still haha?
Originally Posted by lurkin2long

Like I always say.......NT is ruthless.
Nah, not ruthless, just a bunch of dudes hiding behind a computer screen saying stuff forlaughs and notoriety. They'd be ruthless if they would have the balls to say things of these sorts to a dude in his face...and we all know that for themajority NT'ers aren't built like that.

My dude maybe your intentions were noble for marrying a woman who was having your child, but along the way things got out of hand. I agree with you on the factthat your only unchanging responsibility is to your daughter...keyword unchanging. While you do have a certain responsibility to your wife, that can change viadivorce, which is ugly but unfortunately sometimes necessary. I wish the best for the situation.

As far as the side piece goes...well side pieces are side pieces, and until they are battle tested they are USUALLY just good for a quick and easy lay. Dudesmess up by falling for them just to find out they are usually unreliable and not trustworthy and the only good thing they got going for them is their wet spotand head. I mean really...provided you told her the truth about you being married, what kind of woman would let you get down like that? Old saying "ifshe cheated with you...she's likely to cheat on you". Not to say there are not exceptions to that, but they are far and few between Sailor.

With all that being, thanks for doing what you do for our country.
Originally Posted by Supermanblue79

Originally Posted by etorres03

So I've been married to my wife for 5 years already but, I only married her b/c we have a child, real talk, now i meet somebody else bc my wife is back in TX, I'm in VA, i didn't want to meet anybody but It's like we click, so what do I do, this Is some real stuff, not for the young kids on here, by the way I'm 25, my daughter is 5, someone give me some advice, pics if u really need them...haha...

What do you do?...I would suggest preparing for your checks to be garnished for the next 13 years and saving for airfare to fly from VA to TX once a month to see your daughter for a weekend. All while your wife will be doing alot better than you will since you have paid for her education.

You've just thrown your entire marriage away on some side piece that does a few tricks that your wife could have easily done for you if you would have taken the time to let her know what you want. Your little affair will be the most expensive ({}) that you've ever written a check for.

And say that this flip bird does become your main, just know that she's going to do the same thing to you with another married man.

still haha?
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