I think i'm seriously having withdraw symptoms from Marijuana

withdraw will happen for the 1st or 2nd week. its not that serious though. eat clean and work out breh.
Originally Posted by NORCALHUSSLA

withdraw will happen for the 1st or 2nd week. its not that serious though. eat clean and work out breh.

this. Im in the same boat OP. Actually down to the exact years. I graduated HS and started smoking everyday. Still havent stopped. Im 21 now and I can only eat when I smoke just like you said but I dont think its the bud. Just improve your eating schedule and hit the gym. I think just staying busy will help cuz lately work has been improving my appetite. However, Im still smoking as soon as I get out of there. 
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by wcghost

Originally Posted by Boi

Nothing to discuss.

Wake your lazy @%$ up earlier, exercise regularly, and then eat a healthy breakfast to reset your metabolism.

Don't ever blame marijuana for your health problems again

ALL OF THIS. Get your %@++ together, man. Ol' can't even spell discuss *!$ boy. SMH
Well damn...
one thing i noticed during my tolerance breaks is that after like 12-14 days dreams will get crazier. dreams and nightmares are very vivid. but after the tolerance break smoking/vaping or eating edibles will make you feel as if you had just got high for the very first time. its a wonderful feeling.
Originally Posted by bronxstreets

it happens ... some people can't sleep without smoking or get mad real quick or get depressed after they stop smoking

this & crazy *!* dreams is wat happened to me when i stopped smokin
it's 100% your eating schedule, you smoke weed probly all day and night which gives you a massive appetite later in the night...causing stomach acid in the morning which is probly your pain..
Something's wrong with you.  You shouldn't be getting withdrawal symptoms from marijuana.
Originally Posted by wcghost

Originally Posted by Boi

i've been smoking for about 3 years.. About 2 years ago to now, i would consider myself a heavy smoker. I think it's starting to mess with me more psychically than mentally. Recently, when I wake up after a night's rest and feel hungry, I can't eat.. or I can barely eat. My stomach just hurts... like it's hurting now. But if I wait a couple hours until like 6-7pm to eat, I should be fine (if I don't smoke weed). And of course, if i do smoke, i'll be fine to eat and do whatever. I don't know what the problem is but i'm thinking it's all the MJ. I've been drinking and smoking more than usual lately and I think it's starting to take a toll.
Nothing to discuss.

Wake your lazy @%$ up earlier, exercise regularly, and then eat a healthy breakfast to reset your metabolism.

Don't ever blame marijuana for your health problems again
Well said...

thats what REGS would do too you
Originally Posted by NORCALHUSSLA

one thing i noticed during my tolerance breaks is that after like 12-14 days dreams will get crazier. dreams and nightmares are very vivid. but after the tolerance break smoking/vaping or eating edibles will make you feel as if you had just got high for the very first time. its a wonderful feeling.

How long are you tolerance breaks usually? Kinda wanna do one for that very reason.
I was a heavy smoker,multiple times a day

I quit in Jan 09' like a bau5....dnt recall getting sick tho
Originally Posted by NORCALHUSSLA

one thing i noticed during my tolerance breaks is that after like 12-14 days dreams will get crazier. dreams and nightmares are very vivid. but after the tolerance break smoking/vaping or eating edibles will make you feel as if you had just got high for the very first time. its a wonderful feeling.
This is true...there's a well established link between toking and not having very lucid dreams.  And a taking a T-break does sort of help to feel a better "high".  Eff that though...i'm not trying to get sleep paralysis or night tremors again...
  Most I take off now is the weekend.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by NORCALHUSSLA

one thing i noticed during my tolerance breaks is that after like 12-14 days dreams will get crazier. dreams and nightmares are very vivid. but after the tolerance break smoking/vaping or eating edibles will make you feel as if you had just got high for the very first time. its a wonderful feeling.
This is true...there's a well established link between toking and not having very lucid dreams.  And a taking a T-break does sort of help to feel a better "high".  Eff that though...i'm not trying to get sleep paralysis or night tremors again...
  Most I take off now is the weekend.
why the weekends bro? thats when
activity should be at its highest!
Originally Posted by wcghost

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by NORCALHUSSLA

one thing i noticed during my tolerance breaks is that after like 12-14 days dreams will get crazier. dreams and nightmares are very vivid. but after the tolerance break smoking/vaping or eating edibles will make you feel as if you had just got high for the very first time. its a wonderful feeling.
This is true...there's a well established link between toking and not having very lucid dreams.  And a taking a T-break does sort of help to feel a better "high".  Eff that though...i'm not trying to get sleep paralysis or night tremors again...
  Most I take off now is the weekend.
why the weekends bro? thats when
activity should be at its highest!
I mean sunday/monday.  Friday and Saturday are good days to
to me.

Some more food for thought is that certain strains of MJ seem to inhibit dreams more than others....I forgot where I read it but once I find it i'll post it up here....
Drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up. It will get your metabolism going and you'll be starving within 30 minutes. Trust
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

lol@people who smoke daily.

Unless you're slanging too, you have custie in your dna.
Okay, gangster.
..... what do gangsters have to do with the dilemma of smoking marijuana daily and spending a lot of money to do so?
Actually, just because someone smokes everyday doesn't mean they spend a lot of money. Then you have to decide what a lot of money is
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