I want to make everyone that is sad happy

Dec 20, 2000
I want to make everyone in the world who is sad, happy.

Whose with me? Who wants to make the world a better place?
I always wanted to give clothes or shoes to kids or even teenagers.

I dont mean like used clothes or stuff I dont wear.

I mean like going out and spending a few hundred on shirts or shoes and giving them out.

Im serious.
Originally Posted by whyte1der05five

I always wanted to give clothes or shoes to kids or even teenagers.

I dont mean like used clothes or stuff I dont wear.

I mean like going out and spending a few hundred on shirts or shoes and giving them out.

Im serious.

You know there should be a nike talk clothing drive, that would be dope!
It does feel good to help out. This past Christmas, Footlocker had old fleece pullovers for $4.99, so me and the manager bought about 50 of them during Friendsand Family sale and brought them to the Salvation Army
if you really wanna help people, why not start small? donate stuff, go help out at some places etc.

if you really serious, props for trying to help out.
Originally Posted by thacamel

It does feel good to help out. This past Christmas, Footlocker had old fleece pullovers for $4.99, so me and the manager bought about 50 of them during Friends and Family sale and brought them to the Salvation Army

That's what's up man, giving feels so good.
I dont get why everyone is hating i mean if he's serious then what's wong with wanting to help out? This thread> girl problems vol__
I don't know how we'd do a clothes drive though, since everyone is so spread out. I hate to have people have to ship things out. Hmmz lets build onthis idea though.
Originally Posted by jumpman247

I want to make everyone in the world who is sad, happy.
I want to get everyone whose in debt out of debt.
I want to get the drugs out of the streets.
I want to stop gang violence.
I want better sex education in our schools.
I want to start with my local community, then venture out through the city, after that local cities, and small towns. Hopefully by the end of the year most of the bay area will be happy because of me. Hopefully I can work my way through the majority of northern California, and into Oregon. After 3 years I hope to have conquered Washington state, and hope I have many followers.

Whose with me? Who wants to make the world a better place?
-give me all your money
-pop in a porno (bust a nut in grandmas butt vol 3)

pretty much kill urself. my guess is u go 0/5
i'm with you jumpman247

i want to end world poverty and stop human trafficking

i try my best to give leftover food to the homeless
i feel like giving my clothes on my back to the homeless people on the streets
it pains me and puts a tear in my eyes when i go downtown and see homeless people on the corner outside these department stores and people ignore them likethey weren't alive
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