I will never tip at a restaraunt ever again.

nothing...still confused...

to lazy to read whats going on...just wanted to see why it was so long
nothing...still confused...

to lazy to read whats going on...just wanted to see why it was so long
nothing...still confused...

to lazy to read whats going on...just wanted to see why it was so long
nothing...still confused...

to lazy to read whats going on...just wanted to see why it was so long
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

...just wanted to see why it was so long

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Straight up, it's really hard to believe that you have any friends in the real world.
Is it not possible for you to discuss anything without making personal attacks?
Like I care what you think about me in the real world. But if it matters yeah no friends, everything I've said in this thread reflects on that
I thought this was the internet b? Why you over analyzing? This adds absolutely nothing to your post unless you hold value in empty opinions.
You need to turn the intensity down from like an 11 to a 5, so people can talk to you.
Who is intense? Are we not already discussing back and forth? Where is this meter to gauge my intensity? Are you imagining me yelling my posts to you or something? If so then stop and imagine it in the voice of  Toby from The Office.
Let me REITERATE once again.. THIS IS THE INTERNET. I'm sorry that I don't have a thesis and a works cited for everything that I type, but you're one of those "Wow, look this guy isn't typing in MLA format, so he must be stupid" type of dudes.
What are you even talking about?
When did I ask for a works cited? What does MLA format have to do with anything? When did I ask for a thesis? WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING? Are you having a mental breakdown or something? Son over here talking about mla format
I'm so lost. It's like you refuse to respond properly to go in to these type of tangents.

BTW, this is the incoherent irrelevant internet garble I'm referring to:
Wow, verbose much? I was just trying to have some fun, not cause you to go into cardiogenic shock. That's it, I promise. Serious business, internet is. Just because I tell people to stop posting doesn't make them a damsel in distress.
You shocked I can type more than one sentence? "Cardiogenic" shock son? really? You promise? More meme talk? Crocodile tears? What are you even reading in to make up these responses. You keep saying this how the internet is, get it? But more of your posts makes me think this is your first time here.

If you didn't read the entire OP then it makes sense you don't understand.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Straight up, it's really hard to believe that you have any friends in the real world.
Is it not possible for you to discuss anything without making personal attacks?
Like I care what you think about me in the real world. But if it matters yeah no friends, everything I've said in this thread reflects on that
I thought this was the internet b? Why you over analyzing? This adds absolutely nothing to your post unless you hold value in empty opinions.
You need to turn the intensity down from like an 11 to a 5, so people can talk to you.
Who is intense? Are we not already discussing back and forth? Where is this meter to gauge my intensity? Are you imagining me yelling my posts to you or something? If so then stop and imagine it in the voice of  Toby from The Office.
Let me REITERATE once again.. THIS IS THE INTERNET. I'm sorry that I don't have a thesis and a works cited for everything that I type, but you're one of those "Wow, look this guy isn't typing in MLA format, so he must be stupid" type of dudes.
What are you even talking about?
When did I ask for a works cited? What does MLA format have to do with anything? When did I ask for a thesis? WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING? Are you having a mental breakdown or something? Son over here talking about mla format
I'm so lost. It's like you refuse to respond properly to go in to these type of tangents.

BTW, this is the incoherent irrelevant internet garble I'm referring to:
Wow, verbose much? I was just trying to have some fun, not cause you to go into cardiogenic shock. That's it, I promise. Serious business, internet is. Just because I tell people to stop posting doesn't make them a damsel in distress.
You shocked I can type more than one sentence? "Cardiogenic" shock son? really? You promise? More meme talk? Crocodile tears? What are you even reading in to make up these responses. You keep saying this how the internet is, get it? But more of your posts makes me think this is your first time here.

If you didn't read the entire OP then it makes sense you don't understand.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Straight up, it's really hard to believe that you have any friends in the real world.
Is it not possible for you to discuss anything without making personal attacks?
Like I care what you think about me in the real world. But if it matters yeah no friends, everything I've said in this thread reflects on that
I thought this was the internet b? Why you over analyzing? This adds absolutely nothing to your post unless you hold value in empty opinions.
You need to turn the intensity down from like an 11 to a 5, so people can talk to you.
Who is intense? Are we not already discussing back and forth? Where is this meter to gauge my intensity? Are you imagining me yelling my posts to you or something? If so then stop and imagine it in the voice of  Toby from The Office.
Let me REITERATE once again.. THIS IS THE INTERNET. I'm sorry that I don't have a thesis and a works cited for everything that I type, but you're one of those "Wow, look this guy isn't typing in MLA format, so he must be stupid" type of dudes.
What are you even talking about?
When did I ask for a works cited? What does MLA format have to do with anything? When did I ask for a thesis? WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING? Are you having a mental breakdown or something? Son over here talking about mla format
I'm so lost. It's like you refuse to respond properly to go in to these type of tangents.

BTW, this is the incoherent irrelevant internet garble I'm referring to:
Wow, verbose much? I was just trying to have some fun, not cause you to go into cardiogenic shock. That's it, I promise. Serious business, internet is. Just because I tell people to stop posting doesn't make them a damsel in distress.
You shocked I can type more than one sentence? "Cardiogenic" shock son? really? You promise? More meme talk? Crocodile tears? What are you even reading in to make up these responses. You keep saying this how the internet is, get it? But more of your posts makes me think this is your first time here.

If you didn't read the entire OP then it makes sense you don't understand.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Straight up, it's really hard to believe that you have any friends in the real world.
Is it not possible for you to discuss anything without making personal attacks?
Like I care what you think about me in the real world. But if it matters yeah no friends, everything I've said in this thread reflects on that
I thought this was the internet b? Why you over analyzing? This adds absolutely nothing to your post unless you hold value in empty opinions.
You need to turn the intensity down from like an 11 to a 5, so people can talk to you.
Who is intense? Are we not already discussing back and forth? Where is this meter to gauge my intensity? Are you imagining me yelling my posts to you or something? If so then stop and imagine it in the voice of  Toby from The Office.
Let me REITERATE once again.. THIS IS THE INTERNET. I'm sorry that I don't have a thesis and a works cited for everything that I type, but you're one of those "Wow, look this guy isn't typing in MLA format, so he must be stupid" type of dudes.
What are you even talking about?
When did I ask for a works cited? What does MLA format have to do with anything? When did I ask for a thesis? WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING? Are you having a mental breakdown or something? Son over here talking about mla format
I'm so lost. It's like you refuse to respond properly to go in to these type of tangents.

BTW, this is the incoherent irrelevant internet garble I'm referring to:
Wow, verbose much? I was just trying to have some fun, not cause you to go into cardiogenic shock. That's it, I promise. Serious business, internet is. Just because I tell people to stop posting doesn't make them a damsel in distress.
You shocked I can type more than one sentence? "Cardiogenic" shock son? really? You promise? More meme talk? Crocodile tears? What are you even reading in to make up these responses. You keep saying this how the internet is, get it? But more of your posts makes me think this is your first time here.

If you didn't read the entire OP then it makes sense you don't understand.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Straight up, it's really hard to believe that you have any friends in the real world.
Is it not possible for you to discuss anything without making personal attacks?
Like I care what you think about me in the real world. But if it matters yeah no friends, everything I've said in this thread reflects on that
I thought this was the internet b? Why you over analyzing? This adds absolutely nothing to your post unless you hold value in empty opinions.
You need to turn the intensity down from like an 11 to a 5, so people can talk to you.
Who is intense? Are we not already discussing back and forth? Where is this meter to gauge my intensity? Are you imagining me yelling my posts to you or something? If so then stop and imagine it in the voice of  Toby from The Office.
Let me REITERATE once again.. THIS IS THE INTERNET. I'm sorry that I don't have a thesis and a works cited for everything that I type, but you're one of those "Wow, look this guy isn't typing in MLA format, so he must be stupid" type of dudes.
What are you even talking about?
When did I ask for a works cited? What does MLA format have to do with anything? When did I ask for a thesis? WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING? Are you having a mental breakdown or something? Son over here talking about mla format
I'm so lost. It's like you refuse to respond properly to go in to these type of tangents.

BTW, this is the incoherent irrelevant internet garble I'm referring to:
Wow, verbose much? I was just trying to have some fun, not cause you to go into cardiogenic shock. That's it, I promise. Serious business, internet is. Just because I tell people to stop posting doesn't make them a damsel in distress.
You shocked I can type more than one sentence? "Cardiogenic" shock son? really? You promise? More meme talk? Crocodile tears? What are you even reading in to make up these responses. You keep saying this how the internet is, get it? But more of your posts makes me think this is your first time here.

If you didn't read the entire OP then it makes sense you don't understand.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Straight up, it's really hard to believe that you have any friends in the real world.
Is it not possible for you to discuss anything without making personal attacks?
Like I care what you think about me in the real world. But if it matters yeah no friends, everything I've said in this thread reflects on that
I thought this was the internet b? Why you over analyzing? This adds absolutely nothing to your post unless you hold value in empty opinions.
You need to turn the intensity down from like an 11 to a 5, so people can talk to you.
Who is intense? Are we not already discussing back and forth? Where is this meter to gauge my intensity? Are you imagining me yelling my posts to you or something? If so then stop and imagine it in the voice of  Toby from The Office.
Let me REITERATE once again.. THIS IS THE INTERNET. I'm sorry that I don't have a thesis and a works cited for everything that I type, but you're one of those "Wow, look this guy isn't typing in MLA format, so he must be stupid" type of dudes.
What are you even talking about?
When did I ask for a works cited? What does MLA format have to do with anything? When did I ask for a thesis? WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING? Are you having a mental breakdown or something? Son over here talking about mla format
I'm so lost. It's like you refuse to respond properly to go in to these type of tangents.

BTW, this is the incoherent irrelevant internet garble I'm referring to:
Wow, verbose much? I was just trying to have some fun, not cause you to go into cardiogenic shock. That's it, I promise. Serious business, internet is. Just because I tell people to stop posting doesn't make them a damsel in distress.
You shocked I can type more than one sentence? "Cardiogenic" shock son? really? You promise? More meme talk? Crocodile tears? What are you even reading in to make up these responses. You keep saying this how the internet is, get it? But more of your posts makes me think this is your first time here.

If you didn't read the entire OP then it makes sense you don't understand.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Straight up, it's really hard to believe that you have any friends in the real world.
Is it not possible for you to discuss anything without making personal attacks?
Like I care what you think about me in the real world. But if it matters yeah no friends, everything I've said in this thread reflects on that
I thought this was the internet b? Why you over analyzing? This adds absolutely nothing to your post unless you hold value in empty opinions.
You need to turn the intensity down from like an 11 to a 5, so people can talk to you.
Who is intense? Are we not already discussing back and forth? Where is this meter to gauge my intensity? Are you imagining me yelling my posts to you or something? If so then stop and imagine it in the voice of  Toby from The Office.
Let me REITERATE once again.. THIS IS THE INTERNET. I'm sorry that I don't have a thesis and a works cited for everything that I type, but you're one of those "Wow, look this guy isn't typing in MLA format, so he must be stupid" type of dudes.
What are you even talking about?
When did I ask for a works cited? What does MLA format have to do with anything? When did I ask for a thesis? WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING? Are you having a mental breakdown or something? Son over here talking about mla format
I'm so lost. It's like you refuse to respond properly to go in to these type of tangents.

BTW, this is the incoherent irrelevant internet garble I'm referring to:
Wow, verbose much? I was just trying to have some fun, not cause you to go into cardiogenic shock. That's it, I promise. Serious business, internet is. Just because I tell people to stop posting doesn't make them a damsel in distress.
You shocked I can type more than one sentence? "Cardiogenic" shock son? really? You promise? More meme talk? Crocodile tears? What are you even reading in to make up these responses. You keep saying this how the internet is, get it? But more of your posts makes me think this is your first time here.

If you didn't read the entire OP then it makes sense you don't understand.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Straight up, it's really hard to believe that you have any friends in the real world.
Is it not possible for you to discuss anything without making personal attacks?
Like I care what you think about me in the real world. But if it matters yeah no friends, everything I've said in this thread reflects on that
I thought this was the internet b? Why you over analyzing? This adds absolutely nothing to your post unless you hold value in empty opinions.
You need to turn the intensity down from like an 11 to a 5, so people can talk to you.
Who is intense? Are we not already discussing back and forth? Where is this meter to gauge my intensity? Are you imagining me yelling my posts to you or something? If so then stop and imagine it in the voice of  Toby from The Office.
Let me REITERATE once again.. THIS IS THE INTERNET. I'm sorry that I don't have a thesis and a works cited for everything that I type, but you're one of those "Wow, look this guy isn't typing in MLA format, so he must be stupid" type of dudes.
What are you even talking about?
When did I ask for a works cited? What does MLA format have to do with anything? When did I ask for a thesis? WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING? Are you having a mental breakdown or something? Son over here talking about mla format
I'm so lost. It's like you refuse to respond properly to go in to these type of tangents.

BTW, this is the incoherent irrelevant internet garble I'm referring to:
Wow, verbose much? I was just trying to have some fun, not cause you to go into cardiogenic shock. That's it, I promise. Serious business, internet is. Just because I tell people to stop posting doesn't make them a damsel in distress.
You shocked I can type more than one sentence? "Cardiogenic" shock son? really? You promise? More meme talk? Crocodile tears? What are you even reading in to make up these responses. You keep saying this how the internet is, get it? But more of your posts makes me think this is your first time here.

If you didn't read the entire OP then it makes sense you don't understand.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Straight up, it's really hard to believe that you have any friends in the real world.
Is it not possible for you to discuss anything without making personal attacks?
Like I care what you think about me in the real world. But if it matters yeah no friends, everything I've said in this thread reflects on that
I thought this was the internet b? Why you over analyzing? This adds absolutely nothing to your post unless you hold value in empty opinions.
You need to turn the intensity down from like an 11 to a 5, so people can talk to you.
Who is intense? Are we not already discussing back and forth? Where is this meter to gauge my intensity? Are you imagining me yelling my posts to you or something? If so then stop and imagine it in the voice of  Toby from The Office.
Let me REITERATE once again.. THIS IS THE INTERNET. I'm sorry that I don't have a thesis and a works cited for everything that I type, but you're one of those "Wow, look this guy isn't typing in MLA format, so he must be stupid" type of dudes.
What are you even talking about?
When did I ask for a works cited? What does MLA format have to do with anything? When did I ask for a thesis? WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING? Are you having a mental breakdown or something? Son over here talking about mla format
I'm so lost. It's like you refuse to respond properly to go in to these type of tangents.

BTW, this is the incoherent irrelevant internet garble I'm referring to:
Wow, verbose much? I was just trying to have some fun, not cause you to go into cardiogenic shock. That's it, I promise. Serious business, internet is. Just because I tell people to stop posting doesn't make them a damsel in distress.
You shocked I can type more than one sentence? "Cardiogenic" shock son? really? You promise? More meme talk? Crocodile tears? What are you even reading in to make up these responses. You keep saying this how the internet is, get it? But more of your posts makes me think this is your first time here.

If you didn't read the entire OP then it makes sense you don't understand.
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