I will never tip at a restaraunt ever again.

I cant believe a person can be pro sagging and anti tipping.
I cant believe a person can be pro sagging and anti tipping.
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

I hope some of yall clowns don't frequent the same joints over and over again not tipping.

If you do,
at expecting good service each time.
yeah thats just askin for a loogie on ur fresh plate of food
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

I hope some of yall clowns don't frequent the same joints over and over again not tipping.

If you do,
at expecting good service each time.
yeah thats just askin for a loogie on ur fresh plate of food
Originally Posted by UnkleTomCruze

Originally Posted by Lokillo40

Killa cams post is very accurate. Realest post of this thread. 


I see you (whoever you are) hiding behind that second account SN...

Dude if I was going to post something like that I obviously don't need anyone to back it up. That is pretty blunt. Especially for a forum frequented by mostly black people. This screen name alone has been registered since '04 and I have 130 posts. Obviously I don't care that much.

Thanks to that dude who agrees with me though, what I said is 100% truth and I stand by it fully.
Originally Posted by UnkleTomCruze

Originally Posted by Lokillo40

Killa cams post is very accurate. Realest post of this thread. 


I see you (whoever you are) hiding behind that second account SN...

Dude if I was going to post something like that I obviously don't need anyone to back it up. That is pretty blunt. Especially for a forum frequented by mostly black people. This screen name alone has been registered since '04 and I have 130 posts. Obviously I don't care that much.

Thanks to that dude who agrees with me though, what I said is 100% truth and I stand by it fully.
Originally Posted by killaCAM237

I'm going to give you a complete breakdown of the response of everyone in a restaurant.

Server sees 4 black people sit in his section. Thinks "damnit I told the hostess not to do me like this today"

Goes into the back kitchen area, other members on the staff (black included) "Damn haha that sucks, you know you are about to get jew'd on your tip!" Laughing ensues.

Server goes to take their order, All of them split meals/entrees. None order their own items. They ask a million questions (obviously unfamiliar with dining out).

Server thinks to him/herself "yup they are at it again, taking up seats in my section just to order barely any food and even on the low amount they are going to spend they still won't throw me a good tip"

Goes into the back, gives order to kitchen, waiters/waitresses once again laugh at the predicament the other server is in.

Bring them food, something is wrong with it, someone complains, someone asks for a ton of ranch or hot sauce that doesn't belong on the food they ordered at all.

Finally they are ready for the checks, you wait anxiously to receive your petty tip if any at all (just pray it isn't actual change, nickels dimes etc.)

You take your 1 dollar per person tip, go into the back and laugh it off with your co-workers because there isn't really much you can do...

EXCEPT AUTO-GRAT THOSE *%%+#*++@$%%%!!!!

Not all black people tip like this, but even black people that work in Food & Beverage make fun of their own kind and prefer for them not to be seated in their section.

Sad stereotype, but 90% true stereotype.
one of my good homies works at applebee's...he told me da same exact thing word for word......all i could do is laugh
Originally Posted by killaCAM237

I'm going to give you a complete breakdown of the response of everyone in a restaurant.

Server sees 4 black people sit in his section. Thinks "damnit I told the hostess not to do me like this today"

Goes into the back kitchen area, other members on the staff (black included) "Damn haha that sucks, you know you are about to get jew'd on your tip!" Laughing ensues.

Server goes to take their order, All of them split meals/entrees. None order their own items. They ask a million questions (obviously unfamiliar with dining out).

Server thinks to him/herself "yup they are at it again, taking up seats in my section just to order barely any food and even on the low amount they are going to spend they still won't throw me a good tip"

Goes into the back, gives order to kitchen, waiters/waitresses once again laugh at the predicament the other server is in.

Bring them food, something is wrong with it, someone complains, someone asks for a ton of ranch or hot sauce that doesn't belong on the food they ordered at all.

Finally they are ready for the checks, you wait anxiously to receive your petty tip if any at all (just pray it isn't actual change, nickels dimes etc.)

You take your 1 dollar per person tip, go into the back and laugh it off with your co-workers because there isn't really much you can do...

EXCEPT AUTO-GRAT THOSE *%%+#*++@$%%%!!!!

Not all black people tip like this, but even black people that work in Food & Beverage make fun of their own kind and prefer for them not to be seated in their section.

Sad stereotype, but 90% true stereotype.
one of my good homies works at applebee's...he told me da same exact thing word for word......all i could do is laugh
Originally Posted by xdunksbx

Originally Posted by G14



cosign ^
most servers get paid even lower than minimum wage called SERVER WAGE and depend on the tips. it's what makes the experience when going out to eat, atmosphere and friendly service. if the service is horrible don't tip. but I don't understand who raised you NOT to tip.. that's just pathetic. smh.. get take-out if you don't wanna throw in a couple extra dollars..
I always tip. I feel like I HAVE to.

Why should I feel like I HAVE to? Because somehow the owners get away with paying their employees below min wage. So, not only are we putting money in their pocket by eating at their restaurants, we are paying their employees salaries..

They make more in tips per hour than their employer pays them per hour. Why should we be the one who pays them for services after we pay the restaurant for food?

I always tip. It's the right thing to do. I have a buddy who will walk out leaving nothing and it makes me sick. If the employers had to pay atleast min wage would I feel bad? Hell no. Forced into feeling bad for someone and basically giving them a donation because the well-off owner of the business gets away with paying a SERVER WAGE is BS...
Originally Posted by xdunksbx

Originally Posted by G14



cosign ^
most servers get paid even lower than minimum wage called SERVER WAGE and depend on the tips. it's what makes the experience when going out to eat, atmosphere and friendly service. if the service is horrible don't tip. but I don't understand who raised you NOT to tip.. that's just pathetic. smh.. get take-out if you don't wanna throw in a couple extra dollars..
I always tip. I feel like I HAVE to.

Why should I feel like I HAVE to? Because somehow the owners get away with paying their employees below min wage. So, not only are we putting money in their pocket by eating at their restaurants, we are paying their employees salaries..

They make more in tips per hour than their employer pays them per hour. Why should we be the one who pays them for services after we pay the restaurant for food?

I always tip. It's the right thing to do. I have a buddy who will walk out leaving nothing and it makes me sick. If the employers had to pay atleast min wage would I feel bad? Hell no. Forced into feeling bad for someone and basically giving them a donation because the well-off owner of the business gets away with paying a SERVER WAGE is BS...
In NJ waiters make 2.13 an hour, because tips are pretty much standard procedure. It's true your restaurant will bridge the gap to bring your hourly wage up to minimum wage. But that isn't getting you anywhere around here. what a waste of bandwith this is. SMH.

And as a black man who was a waiter, blacks are horrible patrons as a whole. Flame if you want, but from personal experience it's true.
In NJ waiters make 2.13 an hour, because tips are pretty much standard procedure. It's true your restaurant will bridge the gap to bring your hourly wage up to minimum wage. But that isn't getting you anywhere around here. what a waste of bandwith this is. SMH.

And as a black man who was a waiter, blacks are horrible patrons as a whole. Flame if you want, but from personal experience it's true.
Originally Posted by killaCAM237

Originally Posted by UnkleTomCruze

Originally Posted by Lokillo40

Killa cams post is very accurate. Realest post of this thread. 


I see you (whoever you are) hiding behind that second account SN...

Dude if I was going to post something like that I obviously don't need anyone to back it up. That is pretty blunt. Especially for a forum frequented by mostly black people. This screen name alone has been registered since '04 and I have 130 posts. Obviously I don't care that much.

Thanks to that dude who agrees with me though, what I said is 100% truth and I stand by it fully.
I worked in the food industry as a manager and waiter for 5+ years.

Although I don't agree with your statistic that 90% of black customers behave in that manner or your antisemitic insinuations... I will say that in my experience black customers def. tipped the least out of all my customers if they tipped at all. They usually had extra demands and or accommodations that you'd never be gratified for.

I think it goes deeper than just being cheap. I think it sometimes has to do with being noticed and accepted (hence why some always asked for special accommodations with their food). I've had black customers tell me that I am a racist because I would not let them sit before other customers who had been there before them. I never let it get to me... one has to learn to kill with kindness.

Ignorance and stupidity knows no bounds or race. If you'd like to keep not-tipping and complaining about how expensive eating out. Chances are you shouldn't be out eating period and you should at home cooking for yourself and saving money.

Eating out is a privilege and some of you are just acting like children.
Originally Posted by killaCAM237

Originally Posted by UnkleTomCruze

Originally Posted by Lokillo40

Killa cams post is very accurate. Realest post of this thread. 


I see you (whoever you are) hiding behind that second account SN...

Dude if I was going to post something like that I obviously don't need anyone to back it up. That is pretty blunt. Especially for a forum frequented by mostly black people. This screen name alone has been registered since '04 and I have 130 posts. Obviously I don't care that much.

Thanks to that dude who agrees with me though, what I said is 100% truth and I stand by it fully.
I worked in the food industry as a manager and waiter for 5+ years.

Although I don't agree with your statistic that 90% of black customers behave in that manner or your antisemitic insinuations... I will say that in my experience black customers def. tipped the least out of all my customers if they tipped at all. They usually had extra demands and or accommodations that you'd never be gratified for.

I think it goes deeper than just being cheap. I think it sometimes has to do with being noticed and accepted (hence why some always asked for special accommodations with their food). I've had black customers tell me that I am a racist because I would not let them sit before other customers who had been there before them. I never let it get to me... one has to learn to kill with kindness.

Ignorance and stupidity knows no bounds or race. If you'd like to keep not-tipping and complaining about how expensive eating out. Chances are you shouldn't be out eating period and you should at home cooking for yourself and saving money.

Eating out is a privilege and some of you are just acting like children.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by killaCAM237

I'm going to give you a complete breakdown of the response of everyone in a restaurant.

Server sees 4 black people sit in his section. Thinks "damnit I told the hostess not to do me like this today"

Goes into the back kitchen area, other members on the staff (black included) "Damn haha that sucks, you know you are about to get jew'd on your tip!" Laughing ensues.

Server goes to take their order, All of them split meals/entrees. None order their own items. They ask a million questions (obviously unfamiliar with dining out).

Server thinks to him/herself "yup they are at it again, taking up seats in my section just to order barely any food and even on the low amount they are going to spend they still won't throw me a good tip"

Goes into the back, gives order to kitchen, waiters/waitresses once again laugh at the predicament the other server is in.

Bring them food, something is wrong with it, someone complains, someone asks for a ton of ranch or hot sauce that doesn't belong on the food they ordered at all.

Finally they are ready for the checks, you wait anxiously to receive your petty tip if any at all (just pray it isn't actual change, nickels dimes etc.)

You take your 1 dollar per person tip, go into the back and laugh it off with your co-workers because there isn't really much you can do...

EXCEPT AUTO-GRAT THOSE *%%+#*++@$%%%!!!!

Not all black people tip like this, but even black people that work in Food & Beverage make fun of their own kind and prefer for them not to be seated in their section.

Sad stereotype, but 90% true stereotype.
one of my good homies works at applebee's...he told me da same exact thing word for word......all i could do is laugh
Explains a lot. Thanks.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by killaCAM237

I'm going to give you a complete breakdown of the response of everyone in a restaurant.

Server sees 4 black people sit in his section. Thinks "damnit I told the hostess not to do me like this today"

Goes into the back kitchen area, other members on the staff (black included) "Damn haha that sucks, you know you are about to get jew'd on your tip!" Laughing ensues.

Server goes to take their order, All of them split meals/entrees. None order their own items. They ask a million questions (obviously unfamiliar with dining out).

Server thinks to him/herself "yup they are at it again, taking up seats in my section just to order barely any food and even on the low amount they are going to spend they still won't throw me a good tip"

Goes into the back, gives order to kitchen, waiters/waitresses once again laugh at the predicament the other server is in.

Bring them food, something is wrong with it, someone complains, someone asks for a ton of ranch or hot sauce that doesn't belong on the food they ordered at all.

Finally they are ready for the checks, you wait anxiously to receive your petty tip if any at all (just pray it isn't actual change, nickels dimes etc.)

You take your 1 dollar per person tip, go into the back and laugh it off with your co-workers because there isn't really much you can do...

EXCEPT AUTO-GRAT THOSE *%%+#*++@$%%%!!!!

Not all black people tip like this, but even black people that work in Food & Beverage make fun of their own kind and prefer for them not to be seated in their section.

Sad stereotype, but 90% true stereotype.
one of my good homies works at applebee's...he told me da same exact thing word for word......all i could do is laugh
Explains a lot. Thanks.
There is a reason why people say that EVERYONE should work in the food service industry, ie: waiter. The reason for tipping in the first place is because that is how servers make their money. We get taxed heavily and make nearly all of our money off of tips. This sucks, but it also rewards those who work hard and provide good service. (although sometimes it doesnt matter, you just get shafted). For me personally, its pretty simple. If my server/waiter provides good service, and everything is acceptable than I tip them, usually around 15%. If they really work their butt off then I tip 20%, because I really do feel like appreciating them for their hard work. And if they give poor service, then a low tip. It is a pretty easy concept. OP, they shouldn't have added the auto grat for 2 people, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was a server who had been getting shafted that day and wasn't making money so instead of taking chances he just auto grat on every check. Which shouldn't happen, but you don't have to pay it either.

Anyways, I work at a restaurant over the summer when I come back from college, and luckily for me its a pretty high end/nice restaurant so I don't have to much trouble with people completely ducking the tip. But it happens. As well as small/low tips, along with amazing tips. Its just the nature of the business. That is part of dining out. And if you don't like it then don't go out to eat. Or go back there and cook your own food.

I just think anyone in this thread that hasn't worked in a food service gig, more specifically a waiter, server, host, or busser, their arguments don't hold much weight.
There is a reason why people say that EVERYONE should work in the food service industry, ie: waiter. The reason for tipping in the first place is because that is how servers make their money. We get taxed heavily and make nearly all of our money off of tips. This sucks, but it also rewards those who work hard and provide good service. (although sometimes it doesnt matter, you just get shafted). For me personally, its pretty simple. If my server/waiter provides good service, and everything is acceptable than I tip them, usually around 15%. If they really work their butt off then I tip 20%, because I really do feel like appreciating them for their hard work. And if they give poor service, then a low tip. It is a pretty easy concept. OP, they shouldn't have added the auto grat for 2 people, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was a server who had been getting shafted that day and wasn't making money so instead of taking chances he just auto grat on every check. Which shouldn't happen, but you don't have to pay it either.

Anyways, I work at a restaurant over the summer when I come back from college, and luckily for me its a pretty high end/nice restaurant so I don't have to much trouble with people completely ducking the tip. But it happens. As well as small/low tips, along with amazing tips. Its just the nature of the business. That is part of dining out. And if you don't like it then don't go out to eat. Or go back there and cook your own food.

I just think anyone in this thread that hasn't worked in a food service gig, more specifically a waiter, server, host, or busser, their arguments don't hold much weight.
I date a server so I have a small bit of insight, but my girl and i still get into discussions abt it.
It's fine to tip (i just add the 15%, its whatev)
but i hate when servers act entitled abt their tip.
ill give 15% no matter where i go and just chalk it up as an expected service charge.
but please dont act like i am required to tip
or say something stupid like "the standard is 18-20% now"
i get up and go to work everyday (i sell electricity)
i choose to not let the majority of my income be left up to the generosity of strangers
it's like me saying "hey purchasing manager of Company A, i did a good job of selling you this electric, so hook me up with an extra 20% bc its accustomary (sp)"
if a person doesnt tip, yea it probably sucks to the server but the person paid what they were legally obligated to pay.
at the worst servers get paid mininum wage; so that $2.30/hr argument is out the window.
so what if theyre not making a livable wage
that's the job they chose, they know their income floor when they applied, just like i know my income floor when i signed my offer sheet.
i choose to have my income ceiling determined in a different way (hitting goals etc)
looking at it from both sides gets a better perspective.
oh, and they hustle the @%%* outta the tax system so knowing that makes me less empathetic to anyone arguing abt someone's obligation to tip.
I date a server so I have a small bit of insight, but my girl and i still get into discussions abt it.
It's fine to tip (i just add the 15%, its whatev)
but i hate when servers act entitled abt their tip.
ill give 15% no matter where i go and just chalk it up as an expected service charge.
but please dont act like i am required to tip
or say something stupid like "the standard is 18-20% now"
i get up and go to work everyday (i sell electricity)
i choose to not let the majority of my income be left up to the generosity of strangers
it's like me saying "hey purchasing manager of Company A, i did a good job of selling you this electric, so hook me up with an extra 20% bc its accustomary (sp)"
if a person doesnt tip, yea it probably sucks to the server but the person paid what they were legally obligated to pay.
at the worst servers get paid mininum wage; so that $2.30/hr argument is out the window.
so what if theyre not making a livable wage
that's the job they chose, they know their income floor when they applied, just like i know my income floor when i signed my offer sheet.
i choose to have my income ceiling determined in a different way (hitting goals etc)
looking at it from both sides gets a better perspective.
oh, and they hustle the @%%* outta the tax system so knowing that makes me less empathetic to anyone arguing abt someone's obligation to tip.
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