I will never tip at a restaraunt ever again.

Only read the first and last pages, but.... how was that racist!? I think you're drawing conclusions you have no reason to draw. Yeah, she sounds like an a-hole for doing that, but you're just assuming it was about your race. Drives me nuts when people do that.

I tip really well because I'm a server and I know it's good karma. But if your service is bad, I'll give you a terrible tip and tell you to your face that your service was brutal, and that I'm a server so I would know.

It's true that we do live on our tips, and it isn't really fair that you have to pay to make up for our terrible wages, but think of the menu price as paying for your food, and of the tip as paying to be served, only you're allowed to pay for that part based on how good you thought it was.

Personally, I would 10000x rather a customer be nice to me and treat me like a human being and leave a mediocre tip than someone be a total a-hole and leave me a fat tip. A smile and some joking around makes my day way more than 5$ ever could. Try to keep in mind that 7 times out of 10, your waiter/waitress is having a $$*+%$ day. Serving is pretty stressful, no one's ever happy, people will all out scream in your face over ranch dip, and maybe 30% of my customers on a daily basis say 'please' and/or 'thank you'. No one talks to you like you're a human, it's just people condescending to you all day. Smiling and addressing your server like an equal will garner you better service 90% of the time.
Only read the first and last pages, but.... how was that racist!? I think you're drawing conclusions you have no reason to draw. Yeah, she sounds like an a-hole for doing that, but you're just assuming it was about your race. Drives me nuts when people do that.

I tip really well because I'm a server and I know it's good karma. But if your service is bad, I'll give you a terrible tip and tell you to your face that your service was brutal, and that I'm a server so I would know.

It's true that we do live on our tips, and it isn't really fair that you have to pay to make up for our terrible wages, but think of the menu price as paying for your food, and of the tip as paying to be served, only you're allowed to pay for that part based on how good you thought it was.

Personally, I would 10000x rather a customer be nice to me and treat me like a human being and leave a mediocre tip than someone be a total a-hole and leave me a fat tip. A smile and some joking around makes my day way more than 5$ ever could. Try to keep in mind that 7 times out of 10, your waiter/waitress is having a $$*+%$ day. Serving is pretty stressful, no one's ever happy, people will all out scream in your face over ranch dip, and maybe 30% of my customers on a daily basis say 'please' and/or 'thank you'. No one talks to you like you're a human, it's just people condescending to you all day. Smiling and addressing your server like an equal will garner you better service 90% of the time.
A lot of restaurants in London (and all medium to fine-dining places) will automatically add a 'discretionary' 12.5% service to your bill. It's discretionary because you can ask to take it off if you don't want to pay it. 
That said there is much more of a culture of tipping in the USA than there is the UK. Apart from perhaps restaurants and hairdressers no one else gets tipped. People would NEVER tip in a bar. 
A lot of restaurants in London (and all medium to fine-dining places) will automatically add a 'discretionary' 12.5% service to your bill. It's discretionary because you can ask to take it off if you don't want to pay it. 
That said there is much more of a culture of tipping in the USA than there is the UK. Apart from perhaps restaurants and hairdressers no one else gets tipped. People would NEVER tip in a bar. 
I love tipping threads.  

It shows the true character of some people here.
Without any proof that they only do this to a certain race, your logic is flawed my friend. I always plan on tipping and how good the service is dictates HOW much I tip.
Without any proof that they only do this to a certain race, your logic is flawed my friend. I always plan on tipping and how good the service is dictates HOW much I tip.
It's convenient that service jobs have invented this idea that those performing a service are somehow more deserving of a tip for doing their jobs than people working jobs that don't involve performing a service. In the end, you're doing your job.
It's convenient that service jobs have invented this idea that those performing a service are somehow more deserving of a tip for doing their jobs than people working jobs that don't involve performing a service. In the end, you're doing your job.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by killaCAM237

I'm going to give you a complete breakdown of the response of everyone in a restaurant.

Server sees 4 black people sit in his section. Thinks "damnit I told the hostess not to do me like this today"

Goes into the back kitchen area, other members on the staff (black included) "Damn haha that sucks, you know you are about to get jew'd on your tip!" Laughing ensues.

Server goes to take their order, All of them split meals/entrees. None order their own items. They ask a million questions (obviously unfamiliar with dining out).

Server thinks to him/herself "yup they are at it again, taking up seats in my section just to order barely any food and even on the low amount they are going to spend they still won't throw me a good tip"

Goes into the back, gives order to kitchen, waiters/waitresses once again laugh at the predicament the other server is in.

Bring them food, something is wrong with it, someone complains, someone asks for a ton of ranch or hot sauce that doesn't belong on the food they ordered at all.

Finally they are ready for the checks, you wait anxiously to receive your petty tip if any at all (just pray it isn't actual change, nickels dimes etc.)

You take your 1 dollar per person tip, go into the back and laugh it off with your co-workers because there isn't really much you can do...

EXCEPT AUTO-GRAT THOSE *%%+#*++@$%%%!!!!

Not all black people tip like this, but even black people that work in Food & Beverage make fun of their own kind and prefer for them not to be seated in their section.

Sad stereotype, but 90% true stereotype.
one of my good homies works at applebee's...he told me da same exact thing word for word......all i could do is laugh

waitresses at Applebees in Antioch say the same thing..

i mean, it is what is is.. dont be one of those people
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by killaCAM237

I'm going to give you a complete breakdown of the response of everyone in a restaurant.

Server sees 4 black people sit in his section. Thinks "damnit I told the hostess not to do me like this today"

Goes into the back kitchen area, other members on the staff (black included) "Damn haha that sucks, you know you are about to get jew'd on your tip!" Laughing ensues.

Server goes to take their order, All of them split meals/entrees. None order their own items. They ask a million questions (obviously unfamiliar with dining out).

Server thinks to him/herself "yup they are at it again, taking up seats in my section just to order barely any food and even on the low amount they are going to spend they still won't throw me a good tip"

Goes into the back, gives order to kitchen, waiters/waitresses once again laugh at the predicament the other server is in.

Bring them food, something is wrong with it, someone complains, someone asks for a ton of ranch or hot sauce that doesn't belong on the food they ordered at all.

Finally they are ready for the checks, you wait anxiously to receive your petty tip if any at all (just pray it isn't actual change, nickels dimes etc.)

You take your 1 dollar per person tip, go into the back and laugh it off with your co-workers because there isn't really much you can do...

EXCEPT AUTO-GRAT THOSE *%%+#*++@$%%%!!!!

Not all black people tip like this, but even black people that work in Food & Beverage make fun of their own kind and prefer for them not to be seated in their section.

Sad stereotype, but 90% true stereotype.
one of my good homies works at applebee's...he told me da same exact thing word for word......all i could do is laugh

waitresses at Applebees in Antioch say the same thing..

i mean, it is what is is.. dont be one of those people
I tip always. One of my homeboys used to love this Japanese Buffet around the way and would never tip so one day one of the servers didnt serve him water for his entire meal, he even had people with him who didnt get water. Sad thing dude still paid...
I tip always. One of my homeboys used to love this Japanese Buffet around the way and would never tip so one day one of the servers didnt serve him water for his entire meal, he even had people with him who didnt get water. Sad thing dude still paid...
Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

I tip always. One of my homeboys used to love this Japanese Buffet around the way and would never tip so one day one of the servers didnt serve him water for his entire meal, he even had people with him who didnt get water. Sad thing dude still paid...
Yeah, I love how they refuse to do their job because you won't pay them extra money. I would get fired if I did that.
Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

I tip always. One of my homeboys used to love this Japanese Buffet around the way and would never tip so one day one of the servers didnt serve him water for his entire meal, he even had people with him who didnt get water. Sad thing dude still paid...
Yeah, I love how they refuse to do their job because you won't pay them extra money. I would get fired if I did that.
I'm not going to read through this whole thread but from what I see, this isn't right. They added the gratuity solely to YOUR bill? Or do they do this to everyone? If they added it just because you're black that is !*+##$ up but how would you know for sure? I always tip at least 15% as well unless the service is absolutely horrible. Can't even remember a time when that happened.
I'm not going to read through this whole thread but from what I see, this isn't right. They added the gratuity solely to YOUR bill? Or do they do this to everyone? If they added it just because you're black that is !*+##$ up but how would you know for sure? I always tip at least 15% as well unless the service is absolutely horrible. Can't even remember a time when that happened.
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