iCarly Appreciation? Vol. The show makes me laugh

i was gonna make this thread

iCarly is awesome

spencer is hilarious

and how the heck does one equatewatching this show to being a pedo? i watch it cuz its funny/a good show.  now if there's a show to watch for being pedo its victorious
Funny that you say that..I watch my neise sometimes after school and she always has that show on. I must admit that it's not that bad haha.
I'm 18 and I watch this show. I don't care, it keeps me entertained and I get some lulz from it.
My daughter loves iCarly. I like the show too. The random humor is always funny. The episode about Spencer goin to Canada for the bacon but discoverin that it's just ham
I love the show and I'm nowhere NEAR a pedophile.

That pedobear @*%% isn't even my brand of humor. At what point did that even become funny, btw?

Seemed like overnight everybody seemed to openly start joking about smashing young girls.
i've watched this show a couple times with my girl (she's 21, but acts 15) it was funny... appreciated... i guess
Some of you dudes are mad immature. Yet for some of you, your favorite rapper says "I about 3 years holla at me Miley Cyrus."

Show is that immature humor that doesn't have the explicit crudeness that a lot of people find funny. I like it. Granted I have not watched it in a while, and started when I was a minor.
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