Ice Bucket Challenge turned into sick joke against son with autism

Also will not watch. Stone the idiot to death and forget that it ever happened. People man :smh:
Terrible way to start a thread OP.... Let me help you out.

BAY VILLAGE, Ohio – Police are investigating an alleged case of bullying involving a teenager with autism who took the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.

“Once we found out about it, we were just horrified,” said Diane, the mother of the Bay High School student. She claimed her youngest son was videotaped as feces, urine, spit and cigarette butts were dumped on his head by a group of juveniles.

“I want these kids held accountable for what they did to him and they targeted somebody who just didn’t really understand what was going on,” she said.

FOX 8 News is not identifying the family by last name to help protect their son.

According to the victim’s mom, Diane, the video was discovered on her 15-year-old son’s cell phone. She, along with her husband and other son, Jacob, wants it to be made public.

“I mean, the first thing that popped into my mind was like, why could someone – how could someone do this?” said Jacob. “How could someone really be this cruel to someone?”

In the video, the boy with autism is seen standing in the driveway of a home off school grounds. He’s wearing only his underwear as a bucket of fluid is poured from the roof of the garage. The bucket allegedly contained a mix of bodily fluids instead of ice water.

“He was embarrassed because he did not know what the contents were until afterwards and then he didn’t want anybody to know,” said his mom. “They used his phone to tape it and they put it up on Instagram.”

“This is just too far. It’s really bad,” said his brother, Jacob.

The Bay Village Police Department was made aware of the alleged incident on Wednesday. According to Det. Kevin Krolkosky, criminal charges could be filed.

“It’s disturbing to watch, you can obviously tell that somebody has been taking advantage of there,” said the detective.

Det. Krolkosky met with the parents and said it’s not a prank; it’s possibly a crime committed on the boy with autism by a group of juveniles who could face delinquency charges.

A spokesperson for Bay High School, where the victim is a student, said they’re now working hand-in-hand with police as they investigate.

“Obviously, if possible, we do want to hold those individuals accountable for their actions,” said Det. Krolkosky.

The police are just beginning their investigation and we’re told it could take a few weeks to file charges but they have a good idea who was involved.

“The bucket challenge is supposed to be raising awareness for this disease and now they’ve turned it into a sick joke,” said the victim’s mom. “I just can’t understand why kids would do something this cruel.”

The boy’s mom and dad wanted the video released to make other parents aware of bullying so they’ll have a conversation with their kids on how to treat people.

Ohio :smh:
Well aware that atrocities have been happening forever
But this world sickens me more than ever these days.
smh. the whole ice bucket thing is stupid. i have seen parents dump ice cold water on children as in 5 and under on instagram. how idiotic and inconsiderate is that. smh people do anything for laughs or likes whatever
They all deserve a solid *** kicking. Nothing more, nothing less.

When will the justice system catch up, best way to beat a bully? A broken nose.
Wtf.... stupid jerks. I hope they get caught and charged or a serious beatdown. I mean what kind of person does something like that :smh:
These dudes need to get charged, so employers know the pieces of trash that they are.  Truly sickening
karma WILL come back around and get them. as an uncle that has a autistic nephew this truly makes me pissed off. just lock em up and let them rot. 
Oh wow. Before reading anything I just thought this would've been maybe an overreaction with an autistic kid getting some super cold ice water thrown on him.

Bodily fluids? On a dude with autism related to the damn ALS challenge? And you filmed it? Disgusting and beyond stupid.
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