Ice Bucket Challenge turned into sick joke against son with autism

Disgusting. I really can't believe there are people in this world who don't comprehend the magnitude of their callous actions. I can't believe this type of ****.

It hurts me to my core knowing people do things like this and as bad as it is this is only the surface of heinous **** that goes on in the world.

Are teenagers really that bored? I don't remember being so bored up to the point that I'd dump **** and urine on an autistic kid. I bet $100 these kids parents' have never whooped their *****.
Smfh. It's truly disturbing to know I, we, have children growing up in this world. I couldn't fathom finding something like that on my sons cell phone. I couldn't. It's disgusting. I as a parent will make sure these types of actions will never cross my sons mind to do to another person, no matter their health condition. We are humans, these kids are monsters. It's sick.
Dudes are lucky his older brother is chill....

Let that **** happen to anyone I'm related to and I'm coming for anyone involved.... I actually got a couple crazy homies that would prolly strap up over disrespect like that, especially to a handicapped kid.

(This is truly one of those, couldn't be done in the hood pranks)
I woulda knocked all these ***** out and put my taco tuesday dump in they mouth.
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:smh: :x truly disturbing. These kids today will do anything for that instagram/vine/youtube/facebook "fame/like" no matter how sick or stupid it is. :smh: They need to rot in jail.
are you kidding me? what in the world would possess someone or people to dump piss and **** on another human.

i'm not going to sit here and pretend i never made fun of another kid growing up, but never anything remotely like that. ******* terrible. only one suitable punishment for these little ********...eye for an eye
saw the video and my heart sank so quick when I saw his reaction 

poor kid, hope there is severe consequences for those losers.
These kids today will do anything for that instagram/vine/youtube/facebook "fame/like" no matter how sick or stupid it is. :smh:

No s**t.

Just like some teens did the fire challenge I believe and the "almost kill themselves thru suffocation" challenge. :x

Some entertainment. :smh:
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