If a girl you were talking to was a virgin, how long would you wait?

Aug 8, 2007
I am trying to be born again as well, but damn no touch or topping is getting real old quick......how long would you wait for a girl if she was a v?
month, v or no v. after that month and no p, you on the backburner pretty much til i beat.
You keep her around until she's ready

But in the mean time, smash her friend
carlosdapaperboy wrote:
Depends on how hot she is. If she's really hot, I'd wait. If not, I'm not waiting.

AND FOR THAT REASON, WE NEED PICS!!! The photos are necessary for us to be fully helpful and correct in assessing/answering your question.
Originally Posted by COOLnificent

You keep her around until she's ready

But in the mean time, smash her friend


I guess it depends on her age really... if your game was tight you wouldn't have to wait long...
Agree with mangudai, if you don't really have deep feelings for her then you mine as well move on.
i wouldn't cuz for starters i dont have to wait for P and most important of all virgins are super clingy.
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