if the cartels had any dambs left, they sure as hell don't anymore.

so if they were successful, could have they gotten away?
or would they have a car chase after?

lol is it that easy? theres so many ways to jump that thing.
:lol: we gotta do better

that aint no cartel though. they move work by the tons right under the border patrols noses
this has been going on for decades, the smart ones just pull a truck up with the ramp built on the back,also when they're crossing the river with loads they use dummy loads so that the CBP is distracted and let the real load go thru,they drive a bunch of loaded cars with weed so that other cars loaded with coke meth or heroin get thru.
I don't si how they chose a ramp over something better....

Some juan should have designed them a si-saw......................................................
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