If the moon were replaced with other planets (CRAZY concept art)

That's crazy!   great thread.    I wonder how big Jupiter would look.
Wonder no more.

Getting lit and zoning out to that **** would be a trip.
hey this is a little off topic but i'm curious if any of you guise remember this 1 goosebumps episode & at the end dude looks at the sky & it's earth :wow:
Yeah the Earth couldnt be that close to any of those other planets.

Our universe is so intelligently designed it's crazy. You should watch those documentaries called the Universe, it's incredible
I don't know why, but that **** just scared me when I scrolled down
.  That'd be the craziest thing, to walk outside and seem so close to another planet, even its rings look touchable.

hey this is a little off topic but i'm curious if any of you guise remember this 1 goosebumps episode & at the end dude looks at the sky & it's earth
Welcome to Camp Nightmare, I think
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Wouldnt we be orbiting them if that were the case? and then die?
we would die from
1. tidal waves
2. plate distortions
3. the magnetic pull of jupiter would most likely pull us in and destory us, so no chance to orbit
4. life doesn't have a chance since there wouldn't be light for most of the day
Orions nebula... I try to imagine standing at the edge of thr canyon and looking down on the baby solar systems being born.... the universe is definately crazy. Great pics man. The first time I tried to imagine the magnitude of other celestial bodies I was literally godsmacked. Feel so tiny and insignificant which makes u want to do more. Its exciting though cause a lot of the aerospace industry is being commercialized. Space x, planetary resources, etc. Just imagine thr impact on outlr economy if we mined unlimited resources. ... deeply appreciated man.


Are you guys just saying that to say it? There's nothing remotely mind-blowing or awe-inspiring about some planet photos being PS'ed in the horizon.

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hey this is a little off topic but i'm curious if any of you guise remember this 1 goosebumps episode & at the end dude looks at the sky & it's earth
I remember 
 Was thinking the same thing 

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Are you guys just saying that to say it? There's nothing remotely mind-blowing or awe-inspiring about some planet photos being PS'ed in the horizon.

We're definitely speaking hypothetically and the pictures just put things into perspective.  Not sure why you're taking it so literal...


Are you guys just saying that to say it? There's nothing remotely mind-blowing or awe-inspiring about some planet photos being PS'ed in the horizon.


just like what if that was real?

im into astrology so its fresh as hell to me :pimp:
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