If the mother of your child dies at birth, what do you do?

Well my mom passed away 3 months after giving birth to my lil bro. My dad and I raised him.
so even if you're 21, and you dont have the financial grounds or maturity to raise a child on your own

you would still do it? no where in the question, did i say you were 37, have stable income, and have time to raise a child
OOOOOH, I get what you're asking.

You're one of these types that's stuck back in the day, stuck thinking that children are raised by mothers. You're thinking that if you had a kidright now, everything would be everything, because the ol' lady would take care of the kid and you could still hang out and play video games and hit thepark up whenever you wanted and maybe fill out a couple applications over at Best Buy or Champs or something, you know, to throw a few dollars out to thatchild of yours.

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

so even if you're 21, and you dont have the financial grounds or maturity to raise a child on your own

you would still do it? no where in the question, did i say you were 37, have stable income, and have time to raise a child
OOOOOH, I get what you're asking.

You're one of these types that's stuck back in the day, stuck thinking that children are raised by mothers. You're thinking that if you had a kid right now, everything would be everything, because the ol' lady would take care of the kid and you could still hang out and play video games and hit the park up whenever you wanted and maybe fill out a couple applications over at Best Buy or Champs or something, you know, to throw a few dollars out to that child of yours.


Ether, well said, some of you have no sense
. As a child ofdivorce, I know how important for the father to be around, some dudes take their kids for granted/don't realize the impact thier relationship with theirkids shapes who they become.
Fathers are as important as the mother. I mean kids are raised every day without one or the other but there's a lot of things a mother can't teach andshe can't be the same kind of role model.
Being a Black Man .... I would of been gone by the time she gave birth.....

I KID... I would raise my child
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Umm wth kinda question is this? I raise my child.

...like I'ma just walk out without my child like, "Oh well...!%%! it."

Anyone who would give up on the kid is a coward, no other way around it.
Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Originally Posted by Ziostilon

Do you raise the child on your own.
Until I'm ready to move on, yes.

Stay in contact/ completely cut off contact from the mother's side family.
Stay in contact. That would be my child's blood.

Give up the child for adoption.
Definitely not an option.

If you do raise him/ her on your own, when do you decide to tell them about his/ her mother.

When he/she is old enough to understand.

Originally Posted by pip777

I know a girl that died delivering her twin girls.

As for me............I, of course, would raise my child. Both families would be involved. I would tell my child what happened when I feel that he or she is capable of understanding life and death.
hit ur knees thank god and rejoice!!!!!! and chant happily u aint gotta pay no child support,deal with baby momma drama, then after that try 2 see if u canmove in on her sister.
Originally Posted by LDJ

hit ur knees thank god and rejoice!!!!!! and chant happily u aint gotta pay no child support,deal with baby momma drama, then after that try 2 see if u can move in on her sister.


this has got to be one of the most trifling responses I've seen on NT in a good while. What the hell is wrong with you?! Rejoice and be grateful that themother died?! and Move in on the aunt?!

DUMB Question

U take care of ur Child no matter what, and if the mother dies during birth u have to step up even more.

I know for me, if my wife dies giving birth i would hold on to that kid extra tight because thats all have left of my wife

Seriously though this is a dumb question
Originally Posted by dunks87

Originally Posted by LDJ

hit ur knees thank god and rejoice!!!!!! and chant happily u aint gotta pay no child support,deal with baby momma drama, then after that try 2 see if u can move in on her sister.


this has got to be one of the most trifling responses I've seen on NT in a good while. What the hell is wrong with you?! Move in on the aunt?!

y theres a silver linin to every dark cloud, plus y not the sis thats the closes thing the child can have 2 they mama. unless u go after the grandma, str8cougar status.
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by dunks87

Originally Posted by LDJ

hit ur knees thank god and rejoice!!!!!! and chant happily u aint gotta pay no child support,deal with baby momma drama, then after that try 2 see if u can move in on her sister.


this has got to be one of the most trifling responses I've seen on NT in a good while. What the hell is wrong with you?! Move in on the aunt?!

y theres a silver linin to every dark cloud, plus y not the sis thats the closes thing the child can have 2 they mama. unless u go after the grandma, str8 cougar status.

ok. put yourself in that position. you're a newborn baby and your mother has died bringing you into this world and your father is too busy hitting on youraunt to even care. how would you feel as you got older? cause I doubt you'd be thinking damn Daddy sure is a
for pulling Grandma and auntie...
Originally Posted by dunks87

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by dunks87

Originally Posted by LDJ

hit ur knees thank god and rejoice!!!!!! and chant happily u aint gotta pay no child support,deal with baby momma drama, then after that try 2 see if u can move in on her sister.


this has got to be one of the most trifling responses I've seen on NT in a good while. What the hell is wrong with you?! Move in on the aunt?!

y theres a silver linin to every dark cloud, plus y not the sis thats the closes thing the child can have 2 they mama. unless u go after the grandma, str8 cougar status.

ok. put yourself in that position. you're a newborn baby and your mother has died bringing you into this world and your father is too busy hitting on your aunt to even care. how would you feel as you got older? cause I doubt you'd be thinking damn Daddy sure is a
for pulling Grandma and auntie...

same can be said about ne changin @$%# position. like when u past the homeless man,ignore him and give him no change. or when u hit a chick n dont call/dateher etc. how do u think a girl feels when u 1 night stand them. and if he did do it id respect him 4 being a man n moving on. y would i expect him 2 be ahobbit never date, never have sex again with ne women again. he is gonna get back on the saddle at some point....right? y does it matter who she is. he didntsay the girl was the dad wife, so if she some jump off y is he gonna all of a sudden love cherish her see her like wifey type just cause she died. so usayin(iuno maybe u only been with 1 girl iuno) every girl u been with if one happens 2 die u gonna mourn and have heartfelt love emotions for them.... thatssimp status
^ I am a girl and def not a jump off. Of course I wouldn't expect the man to sit around lonely forever but I also wouldn't expect him to be relievedthat his baby mama, regardless of their relationship, would be HAPPY that she didn't make it through delivery. Of course there are different situations andscenarios that could cause someone to not care or be as concerned (ie impregnating a jump off instead of "wifey) but still just that you sound so"relieved" that she's gone is what didn't sit well with me. But then again, I'm a female so I guess I take these matters a little tooclose to heart.
grow some cojones and raise the kiddo, and appreciate him cause he still has a part of the mom in him.
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