If the mother of your child dies at birth, what do you do?

Jan 14, 2006
Serious, but hypothetical question. Which isn't exactly a rare event either.

Your child's mother is giving birth, child is born, and the mother dies abruptly or shortly afterwards.

Do you raise the child on your own. Stay in contact/ completely cut off contact from the mother's side family. Give up the child for adoption.

If you do raise him/ her on your own, when do you decide to tell them about his/ her mother. What kind of approach do you take
Originally Posted by Ziostilon

Do you raise the child on your own.
Until I'm ready to move on, yes.

Stay in contact/ completely cut off contact from the mother's side family.
Stay in contact. That would be my child's blood.

Give up the child for adoption.
Definitely not an option.

If you do raise him/ her on your own, when do you decide to tell them about his/ her mother.

When he/she is old enough to understand.
the hell kinda question is this? why would you cut off her side or put the kid up for adoption?

this is stupid...
Raise your child. I don't see why you'd cut off contact with the mothers family, the child is still they're grandchild, niece or nephew, etc.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Umm wth kinda question is this? I raise my child.


...like I'ma just walk out without my child like, "Oh well...!%%! it."
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Umm wth kinda question is this? I raise my child.

I know right...

And why would you even cut contact with her side of the family. If anything, you'll be depending on them now more than ever considering your child canlearn the most about his/her mother through them.

Originally Posted by ServeChilled81

Raise your child. I don't see why you'd cut off contact with the mothers family, the child is still they're grandchild, niece or nephew, etc.
not everybody gets along with the other side of the family, depending on circumstances. you might actually decide to enact on that
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Umm wth kinda question is this? I raise my child.
Yep and let the child know what a great mom he/she had. (Assuming the mom was not deadbeat).

On one of those tattoo shows on TLC, a dude got a tattoo of his kid and wife...wife died while in labor and the kid didn't survive. I don't know whatI would do if that happened to me...his family was taken from him. I was just reminded this story when reading the title of the thread.
Ima raise my kid, and keep contact with her family. Its all I would've left to remember her. Yes, and tell my child about his/her mom.
so even if you're 21, and you dont have the financial grounds or maturity to raise a child on your own

you would still do it? no where in the question, did i say you were 37, have stable income, and have time to raise a child
I know a girl that died delivering her twin girls.

As for me............I, of course, would raise my child. Both families would be involved. I would tell my child what happened when I feel that he or she iscapable of understanding life and death.
Originally Posted by Ziostilon

Originally Posted by ServeChilled81

Raise your child. I don't see why you'd cut off contact with the mothers family, the child is still they're grandchild, niece or nephew, etc.
not everybody gets along with the other side of the family, depending on circumstances. you might actually decide to enact on that
Well in your scenario, you never gave reason to believe there were problems with the mothers family.

so even if you're 21, and you dont have the financial grounds or maturity to raise a child on your own
you would still do it? no where in the question, did i say you were 37, have stable income, and have time to raise a child
what do you think single mothers have been doing all this time?
I thought about this before. Of course, I would keep in contact with my wife's family and raise my child. I would be more devastated that my childdoesn't have his mother to show him that nurturing motherly love. With all my grief, I would just focus on my child and probably wonder if or how I can goback to dating again, without being unfair to the next woman with all that pain. My dad's friend lost his wife in a car accident. He had 9 kids with herand never remarried again. That's what made me think about this whole scenario.
Originally Posted by Ziostilon

so even if you're 21, and you dont have the financial grounds or maturity to raise a child on your own

you would still do it? no where in the question, did i say you were 37, have stable income, and have time to raise a child

that doesn't mean anything...what were you gonna do if she lived?
Raise my child like I was planning to do before the mother died. Ofcourse her family will be involved in that child's life. People who get in a tightsituation and just say %%!@ it and abandon their responsibilities just cuz they can are pathetic.

I'll tell the child about their mother when their ready. That can be when they're 4 or 6.

The answer to this is obvious imo. A more thought provoking question and decision to struggle with would be if your baby mom's was in labor and the doctorsaid either she dies or the child does and it' your choice which would you pick? Deciding who lives and dies, that's more messed up.
Originally Posted by Ziostilon

so even if you're 21, and you dont have the financial grounds or maturity to raise a child on your own

you would still do it? no where in the question, did i say you were 37, have stable income, and have time to raise a child
This don't make no sense. You think %*#$ would be gravy if she lived? You aint off the hook either way. You know what you do in thatsituation? GROW THE *!%@ UP! Get a job and make sure you providing for your child. It is your child after all.

Responsibilities $$$@%
I'd cut off my girls family and raise my child alone. I hate her side of the family. My child would never know they exist. I would always speak of thechilds mother. I think it would be best to explain to my child at a young age that mother is in a better place and that we will see her again.
Why would you do anything else besides raise the child and keep in touch with the mother's family?
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by Ziostilon

so even if you're 21, and you dont have the financial grounds or maturity to raise a child on your own

you would still do it? no where in the question, did i say you were 37, have stable income, and have time to raise a child

that doesn't mean anything...what were you gonna do if she lived?
Exactly, it isn't like the second the child was born, you suddenly were handed a 6 figure job and granted the maturity of a monk or something.

If you were a bum with no job when the mother was alive, what was the plans before the kid was born? And if the mother of your child dying during birth,doesn't give you maturity and the push to get a job and provide, then what would?

Hypothetical questions are one thing, but this doesn't make sense especially with the random stipulations thrown in there.
Originally Posted by ServeChilled81

Originally Posted by Ziostilon

Originally Posted by ServeChilled81

Raise your child. I don't see why you'd cut off contact with the mothers family, the child is still they're grandchild, niece or nephew, etc.
not everybody gets along with the other side of the family, depending on circumstances. you might actually decide to enact on that
Well in your scenario, you never gave reason to believe there were problems with the mothers family.

so even if you're 21, and you dont have the financial grounds or maturity to raise a child on your own
you would still do it? no where in the question, did i say you were 37, have stable income, and have time to raise a child
what do you think single mothers have been doing all this time?


Did dude is just making up new scenerios after a someones opinion. You didn't state about having feuds with other family or being unstable financially.

I would definitely raise the kid, you do not need to make 60k a year to raise a kid. Hell I was about 18 when I got my first kid, I didn't have a job backthen but I did have help and support.
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