If there was a WET...


Apr 23, 2008
White Entertainment Television with the slogan White Star Power...

would you trip?
I honestly don't think I would, iBlink...BET makes me sick. All it exists for is to perpetuate stereotypes aboutblack people, and some people of other races think that's how all of us act.

WET? White Star Power? I say create it, and watch all the hypocritical people of our race catch feelings.
Every other channel IS W.E.T. I hate when white people come at me with that question.

Holla holla holla...
YO! I wouldn't be bothered by the name or slogan... but at this point, I'd be bothered by the fact that it'd be created out of spite.

When, as 360 mentioned... there are hundreds of "White Entertainment" networks.

I'm offended by these new McDonalds commercials...and I'm not black
CMT is the one that really comes to mind

and "WET" would fail horribly because nobody wants to be white, everyone wants to be black...unless they had a WET: Uncut which would have a 90%black audience and ratings would skyrocket
Originally Posted by infamousod

CMT is the one that really comes to mind

and "WET" would fail horribly because nobody wants to be white, everyone wants to be black...unless they had a WET: Uncut which would have a 90% black audience and ratings would skyrocket
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] Where did you come up with that one?[/color]
Originally Posted by supreme math

I'm offended by these new McDonalds commercials...and I'm not black
I was about to ask NT who this new wanna be Maxwell dude was, then the McNuggets came on the screen

A WET network? hmm...Angelina Jolie on tv all day would be
lurkin2long wrote:
youre white and black.

i wanna know how you feel about the question you asked OP.

No, I wouldn't trip at all. I just find it comical that in 2008, a channel like BET, which kinda suggests inequality, still thrives. Yet if there were tobe a launch of a channel FOR whites, there would be an outrage.

Some of you guys can make the argument that every other channel is a WET. While that may be the impression you get, it's not the truth since most of, ifnot all, these other channels have people of different ethnicites. Granted, the number of Blacks and Latins on CNN, Fox, or MTV don't outweigh the numberof whites on board, but the fact of the matter is that they have them. BET is blatantly suggesting that their channel is primarily for black people. But Idigress.
No, I wouldn't trip at all. I just find it comical that in 2008, a channel like BET, which kinda suggests inequality, still thrives. Yet if there were to be a launch of a channel FOR whites, there would be an outrage.
But keep in mind, the time and climate of when BET was created. 1979... you wasn't Michael Jackson, you got no love on any other network. Thenetwork has been important for Black music. It's obviously not the network it once was... but, honestly, none of them are.

It's silly to stretch the meaning and intention of things such as a BET or a Black History Month. There are so many "privileges" that themajority is afforded simply due to being born the race that they are. To cry over a few things in which their inclusion is not mandated comes off as incrediblysilly and trivial.

Originally Posted by jordanpheen

Originally Posted by IM A HELION

All those channels you guys listed do not serve the same purpose that BET does for blacks.
care to explain your opinion in detail???
Roll your eyes all you want.

It's 2008...how many times does BET need to make it clear that there channel is for the empowerment of blackpeople? How exactly are they empowering us? Like I said in my original post, all it does is make us all look like uncultured fools. And since it's ownedby Viacom, all the shows are damn near blatant rip offs from channels like VH1 and MTV.

You don't see MTV being all racially exclusive to the extent that BET takes it. If MTV or VH1 put"white" in front of everything that they did, they'd be accused of being racist...but BET gets a pass because it's for black people.

Shall I go on? Or is that enough detail for you, good sir?
Originally Posted by AirAnt23

but at this point, I'd be bothered by the fact that it'd be created out of spite.

here are hundreds of "White Entertainment" networks.
Agreed... majority of shows on ABC/NBC/Fox/CBS are white, and ABC had something going with My Wife and Kids and George Lopez... pulled the plug onboth of those shows. I'm white, if that matters.
wouldn't give a damn...prolly wouldn't even be on my radar. besides, don't they already have Country Music Television?
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