If you found out Lil Wayne or Kanye was gay...

I can say I wouldn't care...and I'm not homophobic at all...but It would be weird for me to listen to them make songs referring to another person knowing they had another man on their minds. That would just be a lot to handle.
I can say I wouldn't care...and I'm not homophobic at all...but It would be weird for me to listen to them make songs referring to another person knowing they had another man on their minds. That would just be a lot to handle.

I'd care for about two seconds. Then resume playing college dropout.
lol wow...we talking about this at happy hour yesterday and I got into a convo with the bartender which was a white girl and she overheard us talking about how Kanye was wearing a blouse on the VMA's

non of us said we wud be surprised...but the funny thing was the white girl sayin how she didnt like Kanye because he was a racist 
lol wow...we talking about this at happy hour yesterday and I got into a convo with the bartender which was a white girl and she overheard us talking about how Kanye was wearing a blouse on the VMA's

non of us said we wud be surprised...but the funny thing was the white girl sayin how she didnt like Kanye because he was a racist 
Eh... even though it could be believable, just wouldn't make sense to me. Wouldn't care at all, but it would discredit some of their lines...
Eh... even though it could be believable, just wouldn't make sense to me. Wouldn't care at all, but it would discredit some of their lines...
I wouldn't care, unless they had said bad things about gay people in the past. In that case, I'd be pretty annoyed that they tried to put up a facade for so long. 
I wouldn't care, unless they had said bad things about gay people in the past. In that case, I'd be pretty annoyed that they tried to put up a facade for so long. 
With that nude pic of Kanye out on Mediatakeout.com Kanye outted himself, what type of dude sends limp pix to girls?!?!
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