If you had to choose....would u live in Juarez, mexico or pyongyang, north Korea?

Juarez, could go see auntie and uncle in chihuahua. Been to Juarez before so it's a no brainer
Id rather drive a fully loaded F450 King Ranch, through Juarez, Nuevo Laredo, Monterey, Sinaloa and Cuernavaca wearing thousands in gold around my neck and wrists than to visit any third world asian countries.
Originally Posted by 940sicc3

Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by adiosburritos

Liberia > Mexico

We get it, you hate mexicans.

dude always has the slick comments towards mexicans.    no e snitch or nothing but if people don't like what he says, just hit that report button.

people get banned on here for saying even the most slightest smallest thing about asians regularly and that's because those posts are reported.  the same thing should be done here simple as that imo.
Originally Posted by kEnn E

The only reason north korea is the way it is is because Asians especially Koreans are prideful people, they've seen how the us take over countries without nukes so they said eff that and decided to make some, this happened in the past decade after the iraq war started. Before all there nuclear stuff was for the advancement of energy, there nuclear technology is from the 60s when the soviet union gave it to them, I guess bush told Kim Jong il something that pissed him off so he went bananas, not trying to sound racist but you gotta understand Asian culture, and Koreans don't like being disrespected. On top of that they placed an embargo on them so they can only trade with a handful of countries. All the successful economies in the world don't have this trade barrier, what do you expect? There communist so all citizens get equal food unless your In the military and free clothes shelter and education. Korea has a 99 percent literacy rate. The only reason they let there people starve was because they had a famine and rsn short of food, they asked the us for help and us played games with them instead (wouldn't be the first time) prior to the 60s north Korea was actually richer than south Korea, south koreas economy because of the war was the same as a subsaharan African country. South korea started the war when there us appointed president decided that it would be a good idea to massacre 2 million of these Korean communist rebels. Which actually starte the korean war. At the time all the industry was located in the north and all the agriculture in the south, and they also traded with china and soviet union the top 2 and 3 economies in the world. So they were doin good until the us took over south korea and industrialized it bringing it unprecedented wealth then placed a trade embargo on north Korea, what do you expect to happen? Its the us faults north Korea is the what it is today, all because they want to "fight" communism. And about that propanda they spread to it's people, what's different than what happens in the us? Remember Iraq and wmds?

I think if you just play your role and join the military (north Korea hasn't been in war since 1953) you'd be alright, you wont starve and be homeless. Which is a stronger possibility in Juarez.


That is literally the first stone face I've ever used on this site.

You sound like someone who had zero knowledge of the Korean war or Cold War that was just told what happened by an old uncle with a strong anti-US slant.

It's the US's fault North Korea is the way it is?  Really?  It has nothing to do with the fact that staunch Communism doesn't work (at all) and that Kim Jong Il was a power hungry lunatic?

Has nothing to do with it right?
Just watched that documentary and I'm at a lost for words. Folks praising that dude like he's some supernatural being.
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