If you won the lottery, would you still continue to work?

No but I'd probaby die doing something stupid with all that money. I seem to hurt myself often on my days off lol. Or I'd probably OD or get involved with the wrong people and get killed.
dope thread.

for the record, no i would not work.

at least not for the foreseeable future.

with millions of dollars to my name, there's absolutely no way I could have peasant telling me what to do :lol:
Yes I would work,
but i'd get a job doing something I enjoy rather than a crappy job that pays well
Yes, I'd definitely work... My new job would essentially be maintaining and investing all of those M's... :pimp:

I wouldn't quit my current job off the bat...

  • [*] I'd switch to part-time or find a part-time position within my agency...

    [*] Go back to school to learn how to manage and invest money...

    [*] Grab my diploma and leave the ceremony in a f**kin Ferrari helicopter... :pimp: :pimp:

    [*] Start new life

Let's just say you won a jackpot of $500 million. Question is in the title. Discuss.

Me personally, yes because I can't imagine just doing nothing all day everyday. Yes, I can travel and ****, but I'm going to run out of stuff to do real quick.

all i want is this money
I don't doubt some of you love your job, but there's gotta be stuff you could love a whole lot more with millions in your possession.
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Reading some of these others posts, I wouldn't give the fam anything. I'd be totally unreachable, especially if they throwing 250k back in my face if I offered.

I'd straight up be Keyser Soze to the world.

As far as this still working stuff or quitting and getting another job, I really can't call it work if I'm doing something I love.
I still can't fathom running out of stuff to do with that much bread.
Yeah, dudes got some limited imaginations on here when it comes to certain things.
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I'm still baffled by dudes saying they wouldn't quit because they'd lose their health insurance. That's weird man.
so y'all hit for 500 m's, and you talking about investing and opening businesses (which can still be stressful)? i mean i understand the concept but bruh you got 500 m's! growing up me and my folks (who both worked full time) were living off less than $30k a year, if i came into that much money i KNOW i could make that **** last a lifetime. inb4 "scared money" but why take the risk of losing even a penny of your fortune on an investment gamble? **** goes sour, business fail, etc. 

y'all want that Scrooge McDuck money? lol youd die before you got to spend all that **** in its entirety

if i hit it big, **** everyone in my family but my grandfather. id buy im a DEVILISH cadillac and give him $2 million so he could live the rest of his life absolutely stress free. id buy myself a respectable house (**** a mansion) and a respectable car. brand new of course, but probably under 40 racks. set aside AT THE ABSOLUTE MOST $10 million to cover food, bills, and expenses for the rest of my life. ive already done all that, and i still have well over $400 million, and y'all talking about you need more. lmao
I'm still baffled by dudes saying they wouldn't quit because they'd lose their health insurance. That's weird man.
I know a guy who's father won a couple million back in 94 and he kept working so his job would pay for his sons chemo. I can see that with the amount he won, but 500 million is a different story.
After taxes your taking home around 3.8-4 hundred M's.

Lawyer up
Break off fam
Season tickets to Dodger and Laker games
Own a dispensary
Set up my child's life financially (School and such)

Pretty much live the same life just on higher levels. I'm a simple dude
After taxes your taking home around 3.8-4 hundred M's.

Lawyer up
Break off fam
Season tickets to Dodger and Laker games
Own a dispensary
Set up my child's life financially (School and such)

Pretty much live the same life just on higher levels. I'm a simple dude

Right there with you...

my first thought that came to mind was "eh.. i'd probably just get a bigger TV and maybe scoop up a couple grails worry free" :rofl:
i'd think about teaching or helping out kids. Have always had a passion for that and would definately enjoy it
It ain't all about money.

Some will get it, some won't.


This thread is very telling of the members here and what their understanding is of what a job is.

Some guy even called people in his office "peasants", all because he has $500 MM overnight. This community has a lot of growing up to do.
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After taxes your taking home around 3.8-4 hundred M's.

Aint no way your only paying 20% taxes on a lottery prize of that much money. I remember about 15 years ago my uncle won 100k, and his check was in the low 60's.

Figure your going to pay at least half that 500m. Not that it would make a difference for most people.
I would quit my job but I would start a business such as a bar with great sandwiches and great beer
If I was going back to my job, it would be to smash all the bad joints.  All of them.  One by one like a Bruce Lee movie.
It ain't all about money.

Some will get it, some won't.


This thread is very telling of the members here and what their understanding is of what a job is.

Some guy even called people in his office "peasants", all because he has $500 MM overnight. This community has a lot of growing up to do.

Some people here work fast food, my dude.

You think they're hitting for $500m and going back to being harassed cuz the cheese ain't melted all the way on that burger?

That's immature to you? :lol:
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