If You're Bored and got some time, Go play this Addicting Game

Aug 27, 2004

It's just a demo, but its pretty fun.
thanks for this, this game is mad addicting.. i got up to 3.6 and almost lost track of time... very fun game...
ddo you need sound for this game? i didnt see it as addicting.. maybe cuz my comp is muted.
Yea it is pretty addicting. I finished it. After 3.6 you get to a demo of 4.1 where you just try it out and then it is done. Photographic proof since this isNT.
Originally Posted by BrokeBallah

ddo you need sound for this game? i didnt see it as addicting.. maybe cuz my comp is muted.

Yea, u need sound. It makes the game
I really couldn't find any point to the game, gave up after about 30 seconds.

I also didn't bother reading instructions...

finished it, awesome frken game man... cant wait till friday when it actually comes out, 11 bucks is awesome for this game.
Ya its addicting only had one that really got stuck on for a long time. Rest of it took 5mins top for each.
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