Illegal Alien Driver Hits 4 Teens, Treats Them Like 'Debris'

Originally Posted by I AM NAS

guess 'legals' never get in car accidents... guess dudes who killed that teen at USC n took off was also 'illegal'... typical american OP
using an existing problem in this country to justify why adding to it is acceptable is about the most incoherent argument i see being made in this topic, and its being made regularly.
Originally Posted by mr delorean

Originally Posted by I AM NAS

guess 'legals' never get in car accidents... guess dudes who killed that teen at USC n took off was also 'illegal'... typical american OP
using an existing problem in this country to justify why adding to it is acceptable is about the most incoherent argument i see being made in this topic, and its being made regularly.

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by the north west

this should be good


like crunk alluded to, why is it important if he's illegal?  dude is a scum whether legal or not.  there are plenty of hardworking illegal immigrants that contribute to our society and dont cause no trouble.
Uh, really? I guess they "dont cause no trouble" when they don't pay taxes. It's all good, I'll just pick up their tab.

At the end of the day, an illegal immigrant is breaking our laws by just being here. We made laws to keep them out. If they were not here in the first place, the crash would have never happened here. And I'll put money on it that the dude didn't stop because he was afraid of getting deported, not of just being arrested.
Originally Posted by RicanChulo

SMH. I hope that arizona law spreads to all states. Lets get rid of all these parasites.
considering the Arizona law is nothing more than a re-statement of the federal law, you already got your wish ... the only thing Arizona is doing is calling the government out for not enforcing it ... and i do agree, i hope every other state calls them out for it ... no reason we should have illegals in this ocuntry killing our citizens, we should declare war on mexico ...
Ignorance at an all time high...

Its crazy how all of a sudden there is all this treads, illegals this, illegals that. If there is an incident where an illegal is involved, there goes the finger and the hatred thats behind it. The majority are people that come to give their family a better life, but with good comes the bad..THATS EVERYWHERE, EVERYRACE.  I never see an appreciation tread about the work these people(not illegal aliens) do. I guess u can only see reality if u have seen it with your own eyes and not by what you have heard.
I swear we should just go to the extreme and repeal civil rights since morons AND THERES A LOT ON NT seem to forget that the word IMMIGRANT dont mean "MEXICAN". I know for a damned fact most you flipinos and asians have immigrants here illegally. What about WHITE EUROPEANS that come here ILLEGALLY? But wait, Mexicans are the only problem, right? NT sounding like a bunch of white redneck supremacists now a days.
What does dudes "status" have to do with anything?

He committed a heinous crime because he's a heinous individual--nothing more, nothing less.

There are numerous cases of hit-and-runs everyday; I suspect that an overwhelming majority of these are committed by legal naturalized U.S citizens, and yet I don't see any threads popping up about these.

So what does that say? That as a community (NT) within a larger community (the U.S), we turn a blind eye to those crimes committed by "legal" aliens and harp on those committed by "illegal" aliens? I mean, that's exactly what this thread is about right? We're playing favoritism--right?

"Heather Locklier and a host of other people recently committed hit-and-runs...but they're all naturalized citizens so let's not demonize them. Let's instead focus on the one hit-and-run that just so happens to involve a stupid "illegal", making sure to use this particular incident to demonstrate just how vile, despicable, and dangerous ALL of these "illegal" aliens are."

Y'all are too funny...

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

What does dudes "status" have to do with anything?

He committed a heinous crime because he's a heinous individual--nothing more, nothing less.

There are numerous cases of hit-and-runs everyday; I suspect that an overwhelming majority of these are committed by legal naturalized U.S citizens, and yet I don't see any threads popping up about these.

So what does that say? That as a community (NT) within a larger community (the U.S), we turn a blind eye to those crimes committed by "legal" aliens and harp on those committed by "illegal" aliens? I mean, that's exactly what this thread is about right? We're playing favoritism--right?

"Heather Locklier and a host of other people recently committed hit-and-runs...but they're all naturalized citizens so let's not demonize them. Let's instead focus on the one hit-and-run that just so happens to involve a stupid "illegal", making sure to use this particular incident to demonstrate just how vile, despicable, and dangerous ALL of these "illegal" aliens are."

Y'all are too funny...

It ain't a stretch to think that due to dudes username, someone in his fam was illegal at some point.
Originally Posted by Mark Antony

It ain't a stretch to think that due to dudes username, someone in his fam was illegal at some point.

word, OP's grandaddy was probably an eagle hunter
Originally Posted by moneyisthemotive

Originally Posted by RicanChulo

SMH. I hope that arizona law spreads to all states. Lets get rid of all these parasites.
considering the Arizona law is nothing more than a re-statement of the federal law, you already got your wish ... the only thing Arizona is doing is calling the government out for not enforcing it ... and i do agree, i hope every other state calls them out for it ... no reason we should have illegals in this ocuntry killing our citizens, we should declare war on mexico ...
Thank you for pointing this out.  I don't really get the whole uproar over the law that Arizona put in place, they were just bringing an old law up into the light because it obviously hasn't been enforced.
Originally Posted by Mark Antony

It ain't a stretch to think that due to dudes username, someone in his fam was illegal at some point.
Puerto Ricans been US citizens for close to 100 years.
Stick to the topic and stop posting %%@+ u know nothing about.
Originally Posted by RicanChulo

Originally Posted by Mark Antony

It ain't a stretch to think that due to dudes username, someone in his fam was illegal at some point.
Puerto Ricans been US citizens for close to 100 years.
Stick to the topic and stop posting %%@+ u know nothing about.

what? no....but really, the way you guys run rampant with the crime in nyc, they need to get puerto ricans outta here.
Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Originally Posted by RicanChulo

Originally Posted by Mark Antony

It ain't a stretch to think that due to dudes username, someone in his fam was illegal at some point.
Puerto Ricans been US citizens for close to 100 years.
Stick to the topic and stop posting %%@+ u know nothing about.

what? no....but really, the way you guys run rampant with the crime in nyc, they need to get puerto ricans outta here.
Originally Posted by RicanChulo

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo


Another thread where NT'ers get to justify their closet racism.

So what do we do with the legal citizens that commit heinous crimes?

Should their citizenship be stripped and should they be sent back to where their ancestors came from?

One would hope
A legal citizen wouldve waited for the cops not taken off with the kids still on top of the car
A legal citizen wouldve had a licence and insurance that wouldve covered the victims bills

how old are you

youre so naive kid
if everybody here is so damn ready to kick these "illegals" out then why don't you take your monkey bottom out to texas and join up with the minutemen! THEY ARE HUMAN, AND NO DIFFERENT THEN US "CIVILIZED" AMERICANS. certain cities are being painted blood red in mexico due to how the US conducts its "war" on drugs, and if these people want to escape a country that won't protect them or provide a job that puts food on the table then i am sure as hell not going to stop them from trying to SURVIVE.
Sorry i hurt so many Its goin to be a wrap for illegals in the next few years look at the polls Americans have had enough. Stories like the 1 i posted is just fuel on the fire.
So yall just stay salty real change is comming "change we can believe in"
Paz i buenas noches.
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