Illuminati Clowns.... Here's Irony For Yall

Originally Posted by south sole

One of the things that people don't realize when it comes to symbolism is that it's not necessarily good or bad but rather is the intent applied to that particular symbol. The manipulation of symbols becomes a huge issue. This is the same issue with rituals as can take two identical rituals and change each one's intent to "good or bad" and accomplish those goals. The ritual doesn't have to change....just the intent. 

The same goes for symbols however with symbols, typically the inversion of a symbol must be used to consciously indicate the negative. Lots of people go throughout their daily lives not realizing this and end up wearing these symbols on their body. What this does is "feed" the symbol and the energy associated with it. It's always important to understand this because many people inadvertently feed energy to symbols without realizing it. 

Most people always ask "why would they hide these symbols and what's the use" however this shows the understanding by those high in power of the ability of theses symbols to hold power and energy.

Originally Posted by south sole

One of the things that people don't realize when it comes to symbolism is that it's not necessarily good or bad but rather is the intent applied to that particular symbol. The manipulation of symbols becomes a huge issue. This is the same issue with rituals as can take two identical rituals and change each one's intent to "good or bad" and accomplish those goals. The ritual doesn't have to change....just the intent. 

The same goes for symbols however with symbols, typically the inversion of a symbol must be used to consciously indicate the negative. Lots of people go throughout their daily lives not realizing this and end up wearing these symbols on their body. What this does is "feed" the symbol and the energy associated with it. It's always important to understand this because many people inadvertently feed energy to symbols without realizing it. 

Most people always ask "why would they hide these symbols and what's the use" however this shows the understanding by those high in power of the ability of theses symbols to hold power and energy.

cartune wrote:
No hostility here I just like to add facts to these discussions since they are usually filled with speculations. Fall back and be easy is rather redundant by the way
I see you like to argue like a lil....

It's obvious you suffer from immaturity so imma set you free

Translation for you: Fall back= respond to me when I ask or else do not. Be easy= relax/chill out aka it's really not that serious esp with that patheic 'cuz' line (I so hope you are an actual crip spewing that trash!) Two separate acts

PS: cartune, plse do not respond...

cartune wrote:
No hostility here I just like to add facts to these discussions since they are usually filled with speculations. Fall back and be easy is rather redundant by the way
I see you like to argue like a lil....

It's obvious you suffer from immaturity so imma set you free

Translation for you: Fall back= respond to me when I ask or else do not. Be easy= relax/chill out aka it's really not that serious esp with that patheic 'cuz' line (I so hope you are an actual crip spewing that trash!) Two separate acts

PS: cartune, plse do not respond...

crobers 78 wrote:
Originally Posted by south sole

One of the things that people don't realize when it comes to symbolism is that it's not necessarily good or bad but rather is the intent applied to that particular symbol. The manipulation of symbols becomes a huge issue. This is the same issue with rituals as can take two identical rituals and change each one's intent to "good or bad" and accomplish those goals. The ritual doesn't have to change....just the intent. 

The same goes for symbols however with symbols, typically the inversion of a symbol must be used to consciously indicate the negative. Lots of people go throughout their daily lives not realizing this and end up wearing these symbols on their body. What this does is "feed" the symbol and the energy associated with it. It's always important to understand this because many people inadvertently feed energy to symbols without realizing it. 

Most people always ask "why would they hide these symbols and what's the use" however this shows the understanding by those high in power of the ability of theses symbols to hold power and energy.

You feed this nonsense by thinking it has some mystical power. Who feeds the Illuminati? The doubters who give them no power, or the fearful youtubers/vigilantcitizens who give this power and CLAIM to spread knowledge?

crobers 78 wrote:
Originally Posted by south sole

One of the things that people don't realize when it comes to symbolism is that it's not necessarily good or bad but rather is the intent applied to that particular symbol. The manipulation of symbols becomes a huge issue. This is the same issue with rituals as can take two identical rituals and change each one's intent to "good or bad" and accomplish those goals. The ritual doesn't have to change....just the intent. 

The same goes for symbols however with symbols, typically the inversion of a symbol must be used to consciously indicate the negative. Lots of people go throughout their daily lives not realizing this and end up wearing these symbols on their body. What this does is "feed" the symbol and the energy associated with it. It's always important to understand this because many people inadvertently feed energy to symbols without realizing it. 

Most people always ask "why would they hide these symbols and what's the use" however this shows the understanding by those high in power of the ability of theses symbols to hold power and energy.

You feed this nonsense by thinking it has some mystical power. Who feeds the Illuminati? The doubters who give them no power, or the fearful youtubers/vigilantcitizens who give this power and CLAIM to spread knowledge?

SOMEONE has to be in charge and part of an elite group who have an understanding of how the world operates from the superior perspective. Think of when you were a kid at school wondering what goes on in the teachers' lounge. I personally brushed off like "Meh... they probably plan for classes and relax a little bit." Then I grew up and witnessed how much *%%!-talking and ridicule goes on about the students in there. And I'm sure the teachers are discussed in the administrators' offices, and administrators are discussed by the principals, etc. I think any "theory" falls apart once the masses pretend to know the details (which actually helps out the alleged members of any conspiracy, as the false truth supplements the public need for factual truth).

Pardon me while I go off on a odd tangent [+]
I don't think every platinum recording artist has sold their soul to the devil, but I also don't believe that we are 100% in control of our own destinies individually because the game is fixed. It just feels to me sometimes like we're mice in a huge labyrinth with the cheese in the middle. And we all have the choice to either risk starving while we look for the exit to "freedom" (whatever that may mean), or join the society that has formed around the cheese and accept that as our world. Some save up enough and make it out alive, some make it part of the way and/or get lost and die, and most don't even try to leave. But at the end of the day the most goes ignored is that someone designed this labyrinth and knows how it works. 

I'm not moved by rappers giving funny handshakes or by "Yes we can" sounding like "Thank you, Satan" when played backwards. However, I am moved by genocide, experimentation with disease on the ignorant or unwilling, organized molestation of children by the "spiritual elite", lack of alternative energy solutions in-place due to profit motive, and the like. I'm willing to bet that most people who dismiss the theories are same ones who ignore the actual conspiracies that come to light right in front of their faces. But there I go again with another conspiracy theory.
SOMEONE has to be in charge and part of an elite group who have an understanding of how the world operates from the superior perspective. Think of when you were a kid at school wondering what goes on in the teachers' lounge. I personally brushed off like "Meh... they probably plan for classes and relax a little bit." Then I grew up and witnessed how much *%%!-talking and ridicule goes on about the students in there. And I'm sure the teachers are discussed in the administrators' offices, and administrators are discussed by the principals, etc. I think any "theory" falls apart once the masses pretend to know the details (which actually helps out the alleged members of any conspiracy, as the false truth supplements the public need for factual truth).

Pardon me while I go off on a odd tangent [+]
I don't think every platinum recording artist has sold their soul to the devil, but I also don't believe that we are 100% in control of our own destinies individually because the game is fixed. It just feels to me sometimes like we're mice in a huge labyrinth with the cheese in the middle. And we all have the choice to either risk starving while we look for the exit to "freedom" (whatever that may mean), or join the society that has formed around the cheese and accept that as our world. Some save up enough and make it out alive, some make it part of the way and/or get lost and die, and most don't even try to leave. But at the end of the day the most goes ignored is that someone designed this labyrinth and knows how it works. 

I'm not moved by rappers giving funny handshakes or by "Yes we can" sounding like "Thank you, Satan" when played backwards. However, I am moved by genocide, experimentation with disease on the ignorant or unwilling, organized molestation of children by the "spiritual elite", lack of alternative energy solutions in-place due to profit motive, and the like. I'm willing to bet that most people who dismiss the theories are same ones who ignore the actual conspiracies that come to light right in front of their faces. But there I go again with another conspiracy theory.
There is so much misinformation, assumptions and most importantly, misinterpretations when it comes to the occult.


The picture Dan Brown paints of high-level Freemasonry in this book is about the most accurate that you will find. It's a brotherhood of very powerful ancient knowledge, revealed only to whose who have proven themselves worthy ("initiates", which is a term that dates back thousands of years to ancient Egypt, where this wisdom originated).
Whether you wish to believe it or not, the proper application of this wisdom literally has the ability to transform oneself into what we would call a God.
Yes, the knowledge is kept from the masses, and for good reason, but they have been beckoning for us to awaken and join them in just have to pay attention to the signs and symbols cast in your path.


"The Apotheosis of George Washington" 
This is what greets you when you look up at the ceiling in the dome of the Capitol. ("Apotheosis" literally means to become a god)
Matthew 6:22
If thine eye be single, thy body shall be full of light.


You put the pieces together. Literally.

The Golden Age is upon us. It's your choice.
There is so much misinformation, assumptions and most importantly, misinterpretations when it comes to the occult.


The picture Dan Brown paints of high-level Freemasonry in this book is about the most accurate that you will find. It's a brotherhood of very powerful ancient knowledge, revealed only to whose who have proven themselves worthy ("initiates", which is a term that dates back thousands of years to ancient Egypt, where this wisdom originated).
Whether you wish to believe it or not, the proper application of this wisdom literally has the ability to transform oneself into what we would call a God.
Yes, the knowledge is kept from the masses, and for good reason, but they have been beckoning for us to awaken and join them in just have to pay attention to the signs and symbols cast in your path.


"The Apotheosis of George Washington" 
This is what greets you when you look up at the ceiling in the dome of the Capitol. ("Apotheosis" literally means to become a god)
Matthew 6:22
If thine eye be single, thy body shall be full of light.


You put the pieces together. Literally.

The Golden Age is upon us. It's your choice.
Originally Posted by juggy4805

crobers 78 wrote:
Originally Posted by south sole

One of the things that people don't realize when it comes to symbolism is that it's not necessarily good or bad but rather is the intent applied to that particular symbol. The manipulation of symbols becomes a huge issue. This is the same issue with rituals as can take two identical rituals and change each one's intent to "good or bad" and accomplish those goals. The ritual doesn't have to change....just the intent. 

The same goes for symbols however with symbols, typically the inversion of a symbol must be used to consciously indicate the negative. Lots of people go throughout their daily lives not realizing this and end up wearing these symbols on their body. What this does is "feed" the symbol and the energy associated with it. It's always important to understand this because many people inadvertently feed energy to symbols without realizing it. 

Most people always ask "why would they hide these symbols and what's the use" however this shows the understanding by those high in power of the ability of theses symbols to hold power and energy.

You feed this nonsense by thinking it has some mystical power. Who feeds the Illuminati? The doubters who give them no power, or the fearful youtubers/vigilantcitizens who give this power and CLAIM to spread knowledge?


What is this Illuminati that you speak of? As far as youtube is concern, I check it for religious debates and interviews with certain Authors and Journalist that speak on real society issues. Hmm, Vigilante Citizen is a site cater to all the conspiracy theorist nut jobs out there. Not a legitimate site, try again. 
Now if you want to learn and spread knowledge you can start here

Amazon product ASIN 0892810149
I'm not a conspiracy theorist, I just don't like being deceived and manipulated so it's only right for me to speculate/critical think and ask questions.  

To summarize Conspiracy Theorist succumbing to youtube and other message boards spreading this 2012 end of the world fear

"Anything proposed to us, which causes surprise and admiration, gives such a satisfaction to the mind, that it indulges itself in those agreeable emotions and it will never be persuaded that it's pleasure is entirely without foundation" David Hume
Originally Posted by juggy4805

crobers 78 wrote:
Originally Posted by south sole

One of the things that people don't realize when it comes to symbolism is that it's not necessarily good or bad but rather is the intent applied to that particular symbol. The manipulation of symbols becomes a huge issue. This is the same issue with rituals as can take two identical rituals and change each one's intent to "good or bad" and accomplish those goals. The ritual doesn't have to change....just the intent. 

The same goes for symbols however with symbols, typically the inversion of a symbol must be used to consciously indicate the negative. Lots of people go throughout their daily lives not realizing this and end up wearing these symbols on their body. What this does is "feed" the symbol and the energy associated with it. It's always important to understand this because many people inadvertently feed energy to symbols without realizing it. 

Most people always ask "why would they hide these symbols and what's the use" however this shows the understanding by those high in power of the ability of theses symbols to hold power and energy.

You feed this nonsense by thinking it has some mystical power. Who feeds the Illuminati? The doubters who give them no power, or the fearful youtubers/vigilantcitizens who give this power and CLAIM to spread knowledge?


What is this Illuminati that you speak of? As far as youtube is concern, I check it for religious debates and interviews with certain Authors and Journalist that speak on real society issues. Hmm, Vigilante Citizen is a site cater to all the conspiracy theorist nut jobs out there. Not a legitimate site, try again. 
Now if you want to learn and spread knowledge you can start here

Amazon product ASIN 0892810149
I'm not a conspiracy theorist, I just don't like being deceived and manipulated so it's only right for me to speculate/critical think and ask questions.  

To summarize Conspiracy Theorist succumbing to youtube and other message boards spreading this 2012 end of the world fear

"Anything proposed to us, which causes surprise and admiration, gives such a satisfaction to the mind, that it indulges itself in those agreeable emotions and it will never be persuaded that it's pleasure is entirely without foundation" David Hume
I'd rather be ignorant than misinformed. For that reason, I don't pay this illuminati talk any attention whatsoever. I got my choppers. I got my ammo. I'm on my Ps and Qs. I ain't saying I'm ready, I'm just saying let's get it...
I'd rather be ignorant than misinformed. For that reason, I don't pay this illuminati talk any attention whatsoever. I got my choppers. I got my ammo. I'm on my Ps and Qs. I ain't saying I'm ready, I'm just saying let's get it...
TraSoul82 wrote:

I'm not moved by rappers giving funny handshakes or by "Yes we can" sounding like "Thank you, Satan" when played backwards. However, I am moved by genocide, experimentation with disease on the ignorant or unwilling, organized molestation of children by the "spiritual elite", lack of alternative energy solutions in-place due to profit motive, and the like. I'm willing to bet that most people who dismiss the theories are same ones who ignore the actual conspiracies that come to light right in front of their faces. But there I go again with another conspiracy theory.

Yep, pretty much. I deal with FACTS. 
TraSoul82 wrote:

I'm not moved by rappers giving funny handshakes or by "Yes we can" sounding like "Thank you, Satan" when played backwards. However, I am moved by genocide, experimentation with disease on the ignorant or unwilling, organized molestation of children by the "spiritual elite", lack of alternative energy solutions in-place due to profit motive, and the like. I'm willing to bet that most people who dismiss the theories are same ones who ignore the actual conspiracies that come to light right in front of their faces. But there I go again with another conspiracy theory.

Yep, pretty much. I deal with FACTS. 
Originally Posted by south sole

Originally Posted by juggy4805

crobers 78 wrote:
Originally Posted by south sole

One of the things that people don't realize when it comes to symbolism is that it's not necessarily good or bad but rather is the intent applied to that particular symbol. The manipulation of symbols becomes a huge issue. This is the same issue with rituals as can take two identical rituals and change each one's intent to "good or bad" and accomplish those goals. The ritual doesn't have to change....just the intent. 

The same goes for symbols however with symbols, typically the inversion of a symbol must be used to consciously indicate the negative. Lots of people go throughout their daily lives not realizing this and end up wearing these symbols on their body. What this does is "feed" the symbol and the energy associated with it. It's always important to understand this because many people inadvertently feed energy to symbols without realizing it. 

Most people always ask "why would they hide these symbols and what's the use" however this shows the understanding by those high in power of the ability of theses symbols to hold power and energy.

You feed this nonsense by thinking it has some mystical power. Who feeds the Illuminati? The doubters who give them no power, or the fearful youtubers/vigilantcitizens who give this power and CLAIM to spread knowledge?


What is this Illuminati that you speak of? As far as youtube is concern, I check it for religious debates and interviews with certain Authors and Journalist that speak on real society issues. Hmm, Vigilante Citizen is a site cater to all the conspiracy theorist nut jobs out there. Not a legitimate site, try again. 
Now if you want to learn and spread knowledge you can start here

Amazon product ASIN 0892810149
I'm not a conspiracy theorist, I just don't like being deceived and manipulated so it's only right for me to speculate/critical think and ask questions.  

My comments are only speculation.

How does one feed a symbol by seeing or wearing it? When you say energy do you mean that it is known by more people or is it some mystical energy that can be used for good or bad?

I do feel that symbols hold some bearing but I don't think a symbol will give you world domination. A symbol only represents a thought. That thought may hold some power but the symbol holds none.
Originally Posted by south sole

Originally Posted by juggy4805

crobers 78 wrote:
Originally Posted by south sole

One of the things that people don't realize when it comes to symbolism is that it's not necessarily good or bad but rather is the intent applied to that particular symbol. The manipulation of symbols becomes a huge issue. This is the same issue with rituals as can take two identical rituals and change each one's intent to "good or bad" and accomplish those goals. The ritual doesn't have to change....just the intent. 

The same goes for symbols however with symbols, typically the inversion of a symbol must be used to consciously indicate the negative. Lots of people go throughout their daily lives not realizing this and end up wearing these symbols on their body. What this does is "feed" the symbol and the energy associated with it. It's always important to understand this because many people inadvertently feed energy to symbols without realizing it. 

Most people always ask "why would they hide these symbols and what's the use" however this shows the understanding by those high in power of the ability of theses symbols to hold power and energy.

You feed this nonsense by thinking it has some mystical power. Who feeds the Illuminati? The doubters who give them no power, or the fearful youtubers/vigilantcitizens who give this power and CLAIM to spread knowledge?


What is this Illuminati that you speak of? As far as youtube is concern, I check it for religious debates and interviews with certain Authors and Journalist that speak on real society issues. Hmm, Vigilante Citizen is a site cater to all the conspiracy theorist nut jobs out there. Not a legitimate site, try again. 
Now if you want to learn and spread knowledge you can start here

Amazon product ASIN 0892810149
I'm not a conspiracy theorist, I just don't like being deceived and manipulated so it's only right for me to speculate/critical think and ask questions.  

My comments are only speculation.

How does one feed a symbol by seeing or wearing it? When you say energy do you mean that it is known by more people or is it some mystical energy that can be used for good or bad?

I do feel that symbols hold some bearing but I don't think a symbol will give you world domination. A symbol only represents a thought. That thought may hold some power but the symbol holds none.
Originally Posted by juggy4805

Originally Posted by south sole

Originally Posted by juggy4805

crobers 78 wrote:
Originally Posted by south sole

One of the things that people don't realize when it comes to symbolism is that it's not necessarily good or bad but rather is the intent applied to that particular symbol. The manipulation of symbols becomes a huge issue. This is the same issue with rituals as can take two identical rituals and change each one's intent to "good or bad" and accomplish those goals. The ritual doesn't have to change....just the intent. 

The same goes for symbols however with symbols, typically the inversion of a symbol must be used to consciously indicate the negative. Lots of people go throughout their daily lives not realizing this and end up wearing these symbols on their body. What this does is "feed" the symbol and the energy associated with it. It's always important to understand this because many people inadvertently feed energy to symbols without realizing it. 

Most people always ask "why would they hide these symbols and what's the use" however this shows the understanding by those high in power of the ability of theses symbols to hold power and energy.

You feed this nonsense by thinking it has some mystical power. Who feeds the Illuminati? The doubters who give them no power, or the fearful youtubers/vigilantcitizens who give this power and CLAIM to spread knowledge?


What is this Illuminati that you speak of? As far as youtube is concern, I check it for religious debates and interviews with certain Authors and Journalist that speak on real society issues. Hmm, Vigilante Citizen is a site cater to all the conspiracy theorist nut jobs out there. Not a legitimate site, try again. 
Now if you want to learn and spread knowledge you can start here

Amazon product ASIN 0892810149
I'm not a conspiracy theorist, I just don't like being deceived and manipulated so it's only right for me to speculate/critical think and ask questions.  
My comments are only speculation.

How does one feed a symbol by seeing or wearing it? When you say energy do you mean that it is known by more people or is it some mystical energy that can be used for good or bad?

I do feel that symbols hold some bearing but I don't think a symbol will give you world domination. A symbol only represents a thought. That thought may hold some power but the symbol holds none.

Check out POST #331
Originally Posted by Murda He

I'd rather be ignorant than misinformed. For that reason, I don't pay this illuminati talk any attention whatsoever. I got my choppers. I got my ammo. I'm on my Ps and Qs. I ain't saying I'm ready, I'm just saying let's get it...
you don't have to believe everything.  you can take a scientific approach and use the information(whether it's true or false) to your advantage.
Originally Posted by juggy4805

Originally Posted by south sole

Originally Posted by juggy4805

crobers 78 wrote:
Originally Posted by south sole

One of the things that people don't realize when it comes to symbolism is that it's not necessarily good or bad but rather is the intent applied to that particular symbol. The manipulation of symbols becomes a huge issue. This is the same issue with rituals as can take two identical rituals and change each one's intent to "good or bad" and accomplish those goals. The ritual doesn't have to change....just the intent. 

The same goes for symbols however with symbols, typically the inversion of a symbol must be used to consciously indicate the negative. Lots of people go throughout their daily lives not realizing this and end up wearing these symbols on their body. What this does is "feed" the symbol and the energy associated with it. It's always important to understand this because many people inadvertently feed energy to symbols without realizing it. 

Most people always ask "why would they hide these symbols and what's the use" however this shows the understanding by those high in power of the ability of theses symbols to hold power and energy.

You feed this nonsense by thinking it has some mystical power. Who feeds the Illuminati? The doubters who give them no power, or the fearful youtubers/vigilantcitizens who give this power and CLAIM to spread knowledge?


What is this Illuminati that you speak of? As far as youtube is concern, I check it for religious debates and interviews with certain Authors and Journalist that speak on real society issues. Hmm, Vigilante Citizen is a site cater to all the conspiracy theorist nut jobs out there. Not a legitimate site, try again. 
Now if you want to learn and spread knowledge you can start here

Amazon product ASIN 0892810149
I'm not a conspiracy theorist, I just don't like being deceived and manipulated so it's only right for me to speculate/critical think and ask questions.  
My comments are only speculation.

How does one feed a symbol by seeing or wearing it? When you say energy do you mean that it is known by more people or is it some mystical energy that can be used for good or bad?

I do feel that symbols hold some bearing but I don't think a symbol will give you world domination. A symbol only represents a thought. That thought may hold some power but the symbol holds none.

Check out POST #331
Originally Posted by Murda He

I'd rather be ignorant than misinformed. For that reason, I don't pay this illuminati talk any attention whatsoever. I got my choppers. I got my ammo. I'm on my Ps and Qs. I ain't saying I'm ready, I'm just saying let's get it...
you don't have to believe everything.  you can take a scientific approach and use the information(whether it's true or false) to your advantage.
Originally Posted by blazinjkid

There is so much misinformation, assumptions and most importantly, misinterpretations when it comes to the occult.


The picture Dan Brown paints of high-level Freemasonry in this book is about the most accurate that you will find. It's a brotherhood of very powerful ancient knowledge, revealed only to whose who have proven themselves worthy ("initiates", which is a term that dates back thousands of years to ancient Egypt, where this wisdom originated).
Whether you wish to believe it or not, the proper application of this wisdom literally has the ability to transform oneself into what we would call a God.
Yes, the knowledge is kept from the masses, and for good reason, but they have been beckoning for us to awaken and join them in just have to pay attention to the signs and symbols cast in your path.


"The Apotheosis of George Washington" 
This is what greets you when you look up at the ceiling in the dome of the Capitol. ("Apotheosis" literally means to become a god)
Matthew 6:22
If thine eye be single, thy body shall be full of light.


You put the pieces together. Literally.

The Golden Age is upon us. It's your choice.

A lot of people have no idea what that is. But that's 72 pentagrams binding the 72 angels and demons. Why is this inside the Capitol Dome?

These symbols aren't just there for no reason, regardless of if people believe in mysticism and spirituality or not, a lot of things are based in it.

Interesting video series. No this is not some conspiracy nut's video, this is from the Discovery network.
Originally Posted by blazinjkid

There is so much misinformation, assumptions and most importantly, misinterpretations when it comes to the occult.


The picture Dan Brown paints of high-level Freemasonry in this book is about the most accurate that you will find. It's a brotherhood of very powerful ancient knowledge, revealed only to whose who have proven themselves worthy ("initiates", which is a term that dates back thousands of years to ancient Egypt, where this wisdom originated).
Whether you wish to believe it or not, the proper application of this wisdom literally has the ability to transform oneself into what we would call a God.
Yes, the knowledge is kept from the masses, and for good reason, but they have been beckoning for us to awaken and join them in just have to pay attention to the signs and symbols cast in your path.


"The Apotheosis of George Washington" 
This is what greets you when you look up at the ceiling in the dome of the Capitol. ("Apotheosis" literally means to become a god)
Matthew 6:22
If thine eye be single, thy body shall be full of light.


You put the pieces together. Literally.

The Golden Age is upon us. It's your choice.

A lot of people have no idea what that is. But that's 72 pentagrams binding the 72 angels and demons. Why is this inside the Capitol Dome?

These symbols aren't just there for no reason, regardless of if people believe in mysticism and spirituality or not, a lot of things are based in it.

Interesting video series. No this is not some conspiracy nut's video, this is from the Discovery network.
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