Illuminati Clowns.... Here's Irony For Yall



Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

find me a "astral body? chakra equivalent/parallels of specific neural connections in the brain. Try this one...


How do pathological lesions and disruptions in these connections affect our dream states and chakras/vortexes of light?
That's were the snakes/ nagas/ nadis/ nerves come into play. The snakes represent wisdom and energy, but it must also be kept in balance or tamed. That is why the mythologies show the slaying of the evil serpent, or the balance between the serpent.




When the serpent is out of control it represents chaos, dis harmony of the hormones/harmonies, dis- ease. Literally eating the body as a cancer. It represents concepts in different macro and microcosms as well. It's all about balance like the caduceus. Not one taking over and swelling up the space for the res of the bodily functions. 

Imbalances in the chakras and hormones causes a disturbed flow of chi/energy/ inner G(force). 

One might have a nightmare problem and it really may be more of a low vibratory, imbalance problem.

Blockage in the body making it hard to rise/ fall and cycle chi/G(force). 

Like when some people take hallucinogens which are really just tools to pry open the vortexes, they may have a good experience or see demons and all according to how the cycle the flow of energy.  
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

find me a "astral body? chakra equivalent/parallels of specific neural connections in the brain. Try this one...


How do pathological lesions and disruptions in these connections affect our dream states and chakras/vortexes of light?
That's were the snakes/ nagas/ nadis/ nerves come into play. The snakes represent wisdom and energy, but it must also be kept in balance or tamed. That is why the mythologies show the slaying of the evil serpent, or the balance between the serpent.




When the serpent is out of control it represents chaos, dis harmony of the hormones/harmonies, dis- ease. Literally eating the body as a cancer. It represents concepts in different macro and microcosms as well. It's all about balance like the caduceus. Not one taking over and swelling up the space for the res of the bodily functions. 

Imbalances in the chakras and hormones causes a disturbed flow of chi/energy/ inner G(force). 

One might have a nightmare problem and it really may be more of a low vibratory, imbalance problem.

Blockage in the body making it hard to rise/ fall and cycle chi/G(force). 

Like when some people take hallucinogens which are really just tools to pry open the vortexes, they may have a good experience or see demons and all according to how the cycle the flow of energy.  
Originally Posted by crobers 78

James Earl Zones wrote:
blazinjkid wrote:
There is so much misinformation, assumptions and most importantly, misinterpretations when it comes to the occult.


The picture Dan Brown paints of high-level Freemasonry in this book is about the most accurate that you will find. It's a brotherhood of very powerful ancient knowledge, revealed only to whose who have proven themselves worthy ("initiates", which is a term that dates back thousands of years to ancient Egypt, where this wisdom originated).
Whether you wish to believe it or not, the proper application of this wisdom literally has the ability to transform oneself into what we would call a God.
Yes, the knowledge is kept from the masses, and for good reason, but they have been beckoning for us to awaken and join them in just have to pay attention to the signs and symbols cast in your path.


"The Apotheosis of George Washington"�
This is what greets you when you look up at the ceiling in the dome of the Capitol. ("Apotheosis" literally means to become a god)
Matthew 6:22
If thine eye be single, thy body shall be full of light.


You put the pieces together. Literally.

The Golden Age is upon us. It's your choice.

A lot of people have no idea what that is. But that's 72 pentagrams binding the 72 angels and demons. Why is this inside the Capitol Dome?

These symbols aren't just there for no reason, regardless of if people believe in mysticism and spirituality or not, a lot of things are based in it.

Interesting video series. No this is not some conspiracy nut's video, this is from the Discovery network.

^ Thank you for writing this! It's almost futile for me to try to answer/respond to some of these comments and questions especially concerning symbols and energy when some folks in here have not a clue of some basics such as MK/Mind control, symbolism, occult, Magick, spirits, frequencies, Ancient�Summerian knowledge, the subconscious, santanism, alchemy, etc etc...if you don't even know how you can be subtly hypnotized without you knowing via music, art, tv, symbols etc etc then you damn sure are not going to understand most of what some folks are trying to tell you all�in hear which obviously goes against the popular view.

It will take too much to thoroughly explain all this stuff in layman's terms on a msg board esp to folks who are deliberately close minded. I am sure it took most folks in here who are enlightened some time if not years to research, corroborate, disseminate and utilize this information (I know it did for me) so it's damn near impossible to convey this knowledge to some folks in here in these short msg boards especially when you don't have basic foundations on how the world, soul, subconscious and energy works. It's going to take some reading, a lot of reading and research and bumping�your head (almost like a rubik's cube) before you begin to grasp all this otherwise it's like trying to�force feed a baby a hamburger when they have not even mastered eating Gerber's mush veggies.

If you want to learn just ask folks for some basic knowledge that you can use to catapult into higher knowledge and topics instead of trying to clown or belittle the information.�You will only learn so much in this world if you do not master the art of disseminating info (meaning taking in what's pertinent/true/applicable and leaving what's not) such thing as�bad info.

It's far too many people on�here who have�read a book or two and think they "got it"...smh. You do not have try to read similar book which depicts the total opposite of that initial book and then you are making progress but yet�n still it'�going to take a lot of time and effort thoroughly reading�(with comprehension) and researching what is hidden in plain sight!

Oh n last but not least! When you finally�come to the understanding that there is no such thing as�"coincidences", your vision will vastly improve

So until then doubters, carry on with your Eyes Wide Shut


Well said, I dont understand how people cant believe in what these people are doing...but then again now that i think about it they maybe their under a spell and dont even know it.
Originally Posted by crobers 78

James Earl Zones wrote:
blazinjkid wrote:
There is so much misinformation, assumptions and most importantly, misinterpretations when it comes to the occult.


The picture Dan Brown paints of high-level Freemasonry in this book is about the most accurate that you will find. It's a brotherhood of very powerful ancient knowledge, revealed only to whose who have proven themselves worthy ("initiates", which is a term that dates back thousands of years to ancient Egypt, where this wisdom originated).
Whether you wish to believe it or not, the proper application of this wisdom literally has the ability to transform oneself into what we would call a God.
Yes, the knowledge is kept from the masses, and for good reason, but they have been beckoning for us to awaken and join them in just have to pay attention to the signs and symbols cast in your path.


"The Apotheosis of George Washington"�
This is what greets you when you look up at the ceiling in the dome of the Capitol. ("Apotheosis" literally means to become a god)
Matthew 6:22
If thine eye be single, thy body shall be full of light.


You put the pieces together. Literally.

The Golden Age is upon us. It's your choice.

A lot of people have no idea what that is. But that's 72 pentagrams binding the 72 angels and demons. Why is this inside the Capitol Dome?

These symbols aren't just there for no reason, regardless of if people believe in mysticism and spirituality or not, a lot of things are based in it.

Interesting video series. No this is not some conspiracy nut's video, this is from the Discovery network.

^ Thank you for writing this! It's almost futile for me to try to answer/respond to some of these comments and questions especially concerning symbols and energy when some folks in here have not a clue of some basics such as MK/Mind control, symbolism, occult, Magick, spirits, frequencies, Ancient�Summerian knowledge, the subconscious, santanism, alchemy, etc etc...if you don't even know how you can be subtly hypnotized without you knowing via music, art, tv, symbols etc etc then you damn sure are not going to understand most of what some folks are trying to tell you all�in hear which obviously goes against the popular view.

It will take too much to thoroughly explain all this stuff in layman's terms on a msg board esp to folks who are deliberately close minded. I am sure it took most folks in here who are enlightened some time if not years to research, corroborate, disseminate and utilize this information (I know it did for me) so it's damn near impossible to convey this knowledge to some folks in here in these short msg boards especially when you don't have basic foundations on how the world, soul, subconscious and energy works. It's going to take some reading, a lot of reading and research and bumping�your head (almost like a rubik's cube) before you begin to grasp all this otherwise it's like trying to�force feed a baby a hamburger when they have not even mastered eating Gerber's mush veggies.

If you want to learn just ask folks for some basic knowledge that you can use to catapult into higher knowledge and topics instead of trying to clown or belittle the information.�You will only learn so much in this world if you do not master the art of disseminating info (meaning taking in what's pertinent/true/applicable and leaving what's not) such thing as�bad info.

It's far too many people on�here who have�read a book or two and think they "got it"...smh. You do not have try to read similar book which depicts the total opposite of that initial book and then you are making progress but yet�n still it'�going to take a lot of time and effort thoroughly reading�(with comprehension) and researching what is hidden in plain sight!

Oh n last but not least! When you finally�come to the understanding that there is no such thing as�"coincidences", your vision will vastly improve

So until then doubters, carry on with your Eyes Wide Shut


Well said, I dont understand how people cant believe in what these people are doing...but then again now that i think about it they maybe their under a spell and dont even know it.
You didn't answer my question, it seems like you're beating around the bush a little bit.

I know what the function of the thyroid is, and i know what the function of corpus striatum is. I want you to tell me what the function of a crown that is shaped like a thyroid, and knowing what the "physiological mechanisms" of thyroid function are I wanna see some sort of parallel to the "dream world"

What is the function of the thyroid in your dream state?
What is the function of the basal ganglia? the brachial plexus, I could go on and on with several human body systems? I want specifics in how the function of these systems in our tangible physical existence tie into our dream-like state.

Take one system at a time. you can start with the thyroid and that crown.
You didn't answer my question, it seems like you're beating around the bush a little bit.

I know what the function of the thyroid is, and i know what the function of corpus striatum is. I want you to tell me what the function of a crown that is shaped like a thyroid, and knowing what the "physiological mechanisms" of thyroid function are I wanna see some sort of parallel to the "dream world"

What is the function of the thyroid in your dream state?
What is the function of the basal ganglia? the brachial plexus, I could go on and on with several human body systems? I want specifics in how the function of these systems in our tangible physical existence tie into our dream-like state.

Take one system at a time. you can start with the thyroid and that crown.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

You didn't answer my question, it seems like you're beating around the bush a little bit.

I know what the function of the thyroid is, and i know what the function of corpus striatum is. I want you to tell me what the function of a crown that is shaped like a thyroid, and knowing what the "physiological mechanisms" of thyroid function are I wanna see some sort of parallel to the "dream world"

What is the function of the thyroid in your dream state?
What is the function of the basal ganglia? the brachial plexus, I could go on and on with several human body systems? I want specifics in how the function of these systems in our tangible physical existence tie into our dream-like state.

Take one system at a time. you can start with the thyroid and that crown.

I'm not beating around the bush. I answered your question. You are just knit  picking like wife and her husband just got home form work as usual dude. All of the crowns of royalty/reality are shaped like different glands and represent phases of progression and the different temples/ houses of man's architecture. All of the glands are to function in balance to create homeostasis. One cannot function separate without the other. It's not meant for you to understand this stuff if you're gonna continue to look at it from a western empirical secular standpoint. 
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

You didn't answer my question, it seems like you're beating around the bush a little bit.

I know what the function of the thyroid is, and i know what the function of corpus striatum is. I want you to tell me what the function of a crown that is shaped like a thyroid, and knowing what the "physiological mechanisms" of thyroid function are I wanna see some sort of parallel to the "dream world"

What is the function of the thyroid in your dream state?
What is the function of the basal ganglia? the brachial plexus, I could go on and on with several human body systems? I want specifics in how the function of these systems in our tangible physical existence tie into our dream-like state.

Take one system at a time. you can start with the thyroid and that crown.

I'm not beating around the bush. I answered your question. You are just knit  picking like wife and her husband just got home form work as usual dude. All of the crowns of royalty/reality are shaped like different glands and represent phases of progression and the different temples/ houses of man's architecture. All of the glands are to function in balance to create homeostasis. One cannot function separate without the other. It's not meant for you to understand this stuff if you're gonna continue to look at it from a western empirical secular standpoint. 
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by south sole

One of the things that people don't realize when it comes to symbolism is that it's not necessarily good or bad but rather is the intent applied to that particular symbol. The manipulation of symbols becomes a huge issue. This is the same issue with rituals as can take two identical rituals and change each one's intent to "good or bad" and accomplish those goals. The ritual doesn't have to change....just the intent. 

The same goes for symbols however with symbols, typically the inversion of a symbol must be used to consciously indicate the negative. Lots of people go throughout their daily lives not realizing this and end up wearing these symbols on their body. What this does is "feed" the symbol and the energy associated with it. It's always important to understand this because many people inadvertently feed energy to symbols without realizing it. 

Most people always ask "why would they hide these symbols and what's the use" however this shows the understanding by those high in power of the ability of theses symbols to hold power and energy.

I dont necessarily believe in "power and energy" in symbols but more so history dictates how the masses view a symbol. For example the symbol Baphomet and the swastika were created with positive intent. But later bastardized. Well that doesnt change the original meaning of the symbols just that people dont care enough to "research". Now you got people running around scared of goat heads and horns. 

So I dont really see the power in hidden symbols and messages. Someone has to know the meaning of the symbol in order to be effected by it even subconsciously. 
the sub conscious mind and the conscious mind being aware of something are two separate things. It's perception. Most people are not even aware of their divided perception until they say, "wow that dream was crazy" yet they are consciously trying to perceive something that happened sub consciously.   that is a problem if you don't believe in the power and energy of symbols.  
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by south sole

One of the things that people don't realize when it comes to symbolism is that it's not necessarily good or bad but rather is the intent applied to that particular symbol. The manipulation of symbols becomes a huge issue. This is the same issue with rituals as can take two identical rituals and change each one's intent to "good or bad" and accomplish those goals. The ritual doesn't have to change....just the intent. 

The same goes for symbols however with symbols, typically the inversion of a symbol must be used to consciously indicate the negative. Lots of people go throughout their daily lives not realizing this and end up wearing these symbols on their body. What this does is "feed" the symbol and the energy associated with it. It's always important to understand this because many people inadvertently feed energy to symbols without realizing it. 

Most people always ask "why would they hide these symbols and what's the use" however this shows the understanding by those high in power of the ability of theses symbols to hold power and energy.

I dont necessarily believe in "power and energy" in symbols but more so history dictates how the masses view a symbol. For example the symbol Baphomet and the swastika were created with positive intent. But later bastardized. Well that doesnt change the original meaning of the symbols just that people dont care enough to "research". Now you got people running around scared of goat heads and horns. 

So I dont really see the power in hidden symbols and messages. Someone has to know the meaning of the symbol in order to be effected by it even subconsciously. 
the sub conscious mind and the conscious mind being aware of something are two separate things. It's perception. Most people are not even aware of their divided perception until they say, "wow that dream was crazy" yet they are consciously trying to perceive something that happened sub consciously.   that is a problem if you don't believe in the power and energy of symbols.  
Originally Posted by torgriffith

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

You didn't answer my question, it seems like you're beating around the bush a little bit.

I know what the function of the thyroid is, and i know what the function of corpus striatum is. I want you to tell me what the function of a crown that is shaped like a thyroid, and knowing what the "physiological mechanisms" of thyroid function are I wanna see some sort of parallel to the "dream world"

What is the function of the thyroid in your dream state?
What is the function of the basal ganglia? the brachial plexus, I could go on and on with several human body systems? I want specifics in how the function of these systems in our tangible physical existence tie into our dream-like state.

Take one system at a time. you can start with the thyroid and that crown.

I'm not beating around the bush. I answered your question. You are just knit  picking like wife and her husband just got home form work as usual dude. All of the crowns of royalty/reality are shaped like different glands and represent phases of progression and the different temples/ houses of man's architecture. All of the glands are to function in balance to create homeostasis. One cannot function separate without the other. It's not meant for you to understand this stuff if you're gonna continue to look at it from a western empirical secular standpoint. 

So it's symbolic/metaphorical? You were making it seem like if someone puts on a crown shaped like a thyroid it gives them supernatural powers. carry on then.
Originally Posted by torgriffith

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

You didn't answer my question, it seems like you're beating around the bush a little bit.

I know what the function of the thyroid is, and i know what the function of corpus striatum is. I want you to tell me what the function of a crown that is shaped like a thyroid, and knowing what the "physiological mechanisms" of thyroid function are I wanna see some sort of parallel to the "dream world"

What is the function of the thyroid in your dream state?
What is the function of the basal ganglia? the brachial plexus, I could go on and on with several human body systems? I want specifics in how the function of these systems in our tangible physical existence tie into our dream-like state.

Take one system at a time. you can start with the thyroid and that crown.

I'm not beating around the bush. I answered your question. You are just knit  picking like wife and her husband just got home form work as usual dude. All of the crowns of royalty/reality are shaped like different glands and represent phases of progression and the different temples/ houses of man's architecture. All of the glands are to function in balance to create homeostasis. One cannot function separate without the other. It's not meant for you to understand this stuff if you're gonna continue to look at it from a western empirical secular standpoint. 

So it's symbolic/metaphorical? You were making it seem like if someone puts on a crown shaped like a thyroid it gives them supernatural powers. carry on then.
wait so how many times do i have to put up a triangle sign before i become a better rapper? All jokes aside, I'm tryna sell my soul to the devil too....
wait so how many times do i have to put up a triangle sign before i become a better rapper? All jokes aside, I'm tryna sell my soul to the devil too....
Originally Posted by south sole

That is all...

i see what you did there tho.
 i was acutually thing about this the other day. tell me what you know
Originally Posted by south sole

That is all...

i see what you did there tho.
 i was acutually thing about this the other day. tell me what you know
Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

Originally Posted by blazinjkid
A lot of people have no idea what that is. But that's 72 pentagrams binding the 72 angels and demons. Why is this inside the Capitol Dome?

These symbols aren't just there for no reason, regardless of if people believe in mysticism and spirituality or not, a lot of things are based in it.

Interesting video series. No this is not some conspiracy nut's video, this is from the Discovery network.
Man all those flickering subtle images made this sort of hard to watch.
Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

Originally Posted by blazinjkid
A lot of people have no idea what that is. But that's 72 pentagrams binding the 72 angels and demons. Why is this inside the Capitol Dome?

These symbols aren't just there for no reason, regardless of if people believe in mysticism and spirituality or not, a lot of things are based in it.

Interesting video series. No this is not some conspiracy nut's video, this is from the Discovery network.
Man all those flickering subtle images made this sort of hard to watch.
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