I'm Addicted to Cocaine. I need help.

Realize that your brain chemistry has been changed by drug use. You are not the same person. You still have to decide what you are going to do next. Rehab is all talk about drugs and that lifestyle. It's a reminder of drugs and the sensation to your brain whether you are talking about it in a good or bad light. You need to replace that area of your life with something else that contributes to your well being and will erase the shade of yourself the drugs have turned you into. Sitting around with other people with the same problem won't help. You need to experience the opposite of that so you can reflect on how different you are with other people that do and are the things you aspire to be.

Don't feed into the rehab business because it's a business. Rehab is like taking a break from your life to analyze why you did what you did. You can only spend so much time worrying about the past. Get on with your life quickly. Just reprogram yourself to enjoy life naturally rather that running to cop some drugs to hit the easy/happy button in your brain.
^ That's why I said forget rehab. Go the natural route to clean the body and mind. Those chemicals do nothing but poison the mind and body. Herbs will get you back on the right track.

Those herbs that I mentioned have even helped others in opiate withdrawal which is way more severe than cocaine withdrawal.
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by IM A HELION

Face, you can't be serious.
Whoa, thats Face? Damn. Boning mad chicks and doing coke, I love this dude. Get help though.
Now that you mention it, I don't know.  I just saw his sig and assumed.  Been a while since I been on here.
Originally Posted by Wr

Don't feed into the rehab business because it's a business. Rehab is like taking a break from your life to analyze why you did what you did. You can only spend so much time worrying about the past. Get on with your life quickly. Just reprogram yourself to enjoy life naturally rather that running to cop some drugs to hit the easy/happy button in your brain.
Originally Posted by DMoney82

Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

DMoney82 wrote:
is it your fear of a lack of support to tell them about it?
Fear. I just feel like I messed my entire life up. It was so much I wanted to do and feel like it's to late and it's over. I feel like a failure and get in these slumps and turn to alcohol and coke. I turn down events and other outings with friends and fam just to sit up in the house. I think Im going to get some help after reading some of these comments.

Please do go reach out to someone that can help you.  It might not be much but posting here and admitting it was a first step but in a passive-aggressive way.  The majority of us who are compassionate know that you need it because it's more likely that it'll get worse before it gets better without help.

I can understand that it's tough to admit it to people close to you because of what they'll think and you already feel like a failure but they care about you and would much rather help you now before it's too late.  If it's something that is affecting your daily life, it's a problem.  Cocaine is a serious drug and it sucks that you got involved with it but you've still got plenty of time to turn it around.  You have to do it for yourself but you said you have a child too?  Think what it'll do to them also if you don't get clean.
Inbox me your folks number, I'll call them and let them know you need help. The sooner you find it the better.

Real stuff fam....
Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Originally Posted by Wr

Don't feed into the rehab business because it's a business. Rehab is like taking a break from your life to analyze why you did what you did. You can only spend so much time worrying about the past. Get on with your life quickly. Just reprogram yourself to enjoy life naturally rather that running to cop some drugs to hit the easy/happy button in your brain.

yeah. ideally if they actually do the rehab and not relapse and sit up there and being a yes man everytime somebody says something. Isn't rehab about isolation away from that negatoive environment. Even if it's for an hour
Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24


I post that pic of her in all seriousness, don't let that crap ruin your life.  How old are you OP?  Try hitting up some meetings and surrounding yourself with friends (unless they do the drug too), thats a nasty/expensive habbit that you don't want to let kill you...

@ you using her as an example.

This isn't just coke though,

She did multiple drugs, some of my boys do coke on a regular basis and don't look anything close to this.
I'm in the same boat as you man..I struggle every day to stay clean. I started back in 08 and kept it going for a whole year, my family found out and had an intervention and I stopped for a good year, then on my birthday last year, I hung out with the same friends I used to use with and started up again on my birthday (aug 28th '10), my parents again had to have an intervention for me in January 'cause I used to do it like 4-5 times a week, usually a gram or two each time I did it. So here we are today, I'm clean.. going onto about 7 months and It's still a struggle man.. the thing is, I can stay clean for however long but there's that thought in my mind saying what if I slip up and just say "oh just one bump won't hurt." I'm trying not to make the same mistakes I did when I first relapsed, but I guess that's apart of the whole process I guess, I'm actually intent on staying clean but I always feel like I need to use some sort of mind altering substance, whether it be alcohol or some random pills. I'm far from an alcoholic and far from a person that needs pills to go about my day. I use those things in a correct manner, the only thing I ever got hooked on was weed and cocaine, and I stopped doing both of those.

My advice: Just be strong man, it's hard as hell knowing you want to stop something and not having the ability to just say no. You go the whole day telling yourself you won't break and make that phone call, but you end up doing it anyways. It's tough as hell, I've been there. Just put reminders all over the place that you won't do it. Your phone, your fridge, your TV.. everything you look at should remind you that you won't break and make that call to get your drug of choice. Be around positive people, drop those old friends that got you hooked on that stuff. I mean everyone, they are not worth it. Just stay by yourself and people that you KNOW want the best for you. Your life's too important to be wasted on crap like that man.. you're alive, you're young, try to do something positive instead of adding #+%*++%$ toxins and death to your body. If you have a friend you can call every time you get an urge, I definitely suggest you do that, and if you don't and need one.. i'll be more than willing to give you my number to calm you down and get your mind off the urge, 'cause that's all it is.. it creeps up and sticks with you for a good 10 minutes, but if you occupy yourself by doing something else.. it goes away. Everyone can beat it, you just have to have the will power to overcome the addiction and really want to do it for yourself.

Good luck man, if you ever need to talk or anything, just message me..

sorry for the long read.
**edit: Just read you have a daughter and man, esp because of that you can't be doing this *#%@.  You're not just living for yourself anymore.. you have another person your responsible for.. you don't want to be a strung out father man, that *#%@ is not what you envisioned when you had a child, do her a favor and most importantly yourself a favor and talk to someone about getting some help, I know they say NA is overrated and all that jazz, but try it man.. you're not hopeless, just lost at the moment.  Be a good person to your daughter and yourself and stop while you know you have to.
Go to rehab man. And stop spending money on drugs brah. You can't OD man...your daughter would be heartbroken.
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Can someone tell me how being high on Coke feels

It's just a rush to your head for a good half hour... makes everything more enjoyable, your on a cloud for the first 10 15 minutes of doing the line.  Then depending on how much you have, you can keep that experience going.. but when you're finished and the high wears off and your sitting there wishing you had more, you're on the edge of wanting to kill yourself and panicing.  

It's a great drug, but NOT worth the comedown.  I suggest never trying it because at first you'll love it.. but if you get hooked.. it's a sad road to loneliness and depression.  I know you won't try it and were just asking about the feeling, just wanna give you a heads up.  
Originally Posted by JD214

Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24


I post that pic of her in all seriousness, don't let that crap ruin your life.  How old are you OP?  Try hitting up some meetings and surrounding yourself with friends (unless they do the drug too), thats a nasty/expensive habbit that you don't want to let kill you...

@ you using her as an example.

This isn't just coke though,

She did multiple drugs, some of my boys do coke on a regular basis and don't look anything close to this.
Ok?  Good for your "boys".  There are tons of people that do ONLY coke that look like that, genius.  Coke can definitely lead to a wide array of other drugs with the quickness. Read my second post, as I said I'm not insulting her at all but she is a perfect example of what drugs can do 
Originally Posted by hymen man

I'm in the same boat as you man..I struggle every day to stay clean. I started back in 08 and kept it going for a whole year, my family found out and had an intervention and I stopped for a good year, then on my birthday last year, I hung out with the same friends I used to use with and started up again on my birthday (aug 28th '10), my parents again had to have an intervention for me in January 'cause I used to do it like 4-5 times a week, usually a gram or two each time I did it. So here we are today, I'm clean.. going onto about 7 months and It's still a struggle man.. the thing is, I can stay clean for however long but there's that thought in my mind saying what if I slip up and just say "oh just one bump won't hurt." I'm trying not to make the same mistakes I did when I first relapsed, but I guess that's apart of the whole process I guess, I'm actually intent on staying clean but I always feel like I need to use some sort of mind altering substance, whether it be alcohol or some random pills. I'm far from an alcoholic and far from a person that needs pills to go about my day. I use those things in a correct manner, the only thing I ever got hooked on was weed and cocaine, and I stopped doing both of those.

My advice: Just be strong man, it's hard as hell knowing you want to stop something and not having the ability to just say no. You go the whole day telling yourself you won't break and make that phone call, but you end up doing it anyways. It's tough as hell, I've been there. Just put reminders all over the place that you won't do it. Your phone, your fridge, your TV.. everything you look at should remind you that you won't break and make that call to get your drug of choice. Be around positive people, drop those old friends that got you hooked on that stuff. I mean everyone, they are not worth it. Just stay by yourself and people that you KNOW want the best for you. Your life's too important to be wasted on crap like that man.. you're alive, you're young, try to do something positive instead of adding #+%*++%$ toxins and death to your body. If you have a friend you can call every time you get an urge, I definitely suggest you do that, and if you don't and need one.. i'll be more than willing to give you my number to calm you down and get your mind off the urge, 'cause that's all it is.. it creeps up and sticks with you for a good 10 minutes, but if you occupy yourself by doing something else.. it goes away. Everyone can beat it, you just have to have the will power to overcome the addiction and really want to do it for yourself.

Good luck man, if you ever need to talk or anything, just message me..

sorry for the long read.
**edit: Just read you have a daughter and man, esp because of that you can't be doing this *#%@.  You're not just living for yourself anymore.. you have another person your responsible for.. you don't want to be a strung out father man, that *#%@ is not what you envisioned when you had a child, do her a favor and most importantly yourself a favor and talk to someone about getting some help, I know they say NA is overrated and all that jazz, but try it man.. you're not hopeless, just lost at the moment.  Be a good person to your daughter and yourself and stop while you know you have to.

Sounds like you need rehabilitation man. You don't even take these substances in social settings anymore, sounds like you just do them to numb the pain of everyday life. It doesn't have to be that way though, sobriety will help you find beauty in other aspects of life that you previously may have been ignoring. But please, for the sake of your child, family, and friends seek help and get clean.
But I mean she just passed away so throwing her picture up is foul.

You could have found a picture of any drug addict and that would have served the purpose.
Originally Posted by gllahone84

But I mean she just passed away so throwing her picture up is foul.

You could have found a picture of any drug addict and that would have served the purpose.
Any drug addict that had all that talent and lost it because of drugs? Please, find me a random drug addict that was in that situation and I will gladly change it
Originally Posted by DMoney82

Originally Posted by hymen man

I'm in the same boat as you man..I struggle every day to stay clean. I started back in 08 and kept it going for a whole year, my family found out and had an intervention and I stopped for a good year, then on my birthday last year, I hung out with the same friends I used to use with and started up again on my birthday (aug 28th '10), my parents again had to have an intervention for me in January 'cause I used to do it like 4-5 times a week, usually a gram or two each time I did it. So here we are today, I'm clean.. going onto about 7 months and It's still a struggle man.. the thing is, I can stay clean for however long but there's that thought in my mind saying what if I slip up and just say "oh just one bump won't hurt." I'm trying not to make the same mistakes I did when I first relapsed, but I guess that's apart of the whole process I guess, I'm actually intent on staying clean but I always feel like I need to use some sort of mind altering substance, whether it be alcohol or some random pills. I'm far from an alcoholic and far from a person that needs pills to go about my day. I use those things in a correct manner, the only thing I ever got hooked on was weed and cocaine, and I stopped doing both of those.

My advice: Just be strong man, it's hard as hell knowing you want to stop something and not having the ability to just say no. You go the whole day telling yourself you won't break and make that phone call, but you end up doing it anyways. It's tough as hell, I've been there. Just put reminders all over the place that you won't do it. Your phone, your fridge, your TV.. everything you look at should remind you that you won't break and make that call to get your drug of choice. Be around positive people, drop those old friends that got you hooked on that stuff. I mean everyone, they are not worth it. Just stay by yourself and people that you KNOW want the best for you. Your life's too important to be wasted on crap like that man.. you're alive, you're young, try to do something positive instead of adding #+%*++%$ toxins and death to your body. If you have a friend you can call every time you get an urge, I definitely suggest you do that, and if you don't and need one.. i'll be more than willing to give you my number to calm you down and get your mind off the urge, 'cause that's all it is.. it creeps up and sticks with you for a good 10 minutes, but if you occupy yourself by doing something else.. it goes away. Everyone can beat it, you just have to have the will power to overcome the addiction and really want to do it for yourself.

Good luck man, if you ever need to talk or anything, just message me..

sorry for the long read.
**edit: Just read you have a daughter and man, esp because of that you can't be doing this *#%@.  You're not just living for yourself anymore.. you have another person your responsible for.. you don't want to be a strung out father man, that *#%@ is not what you envisioned when you had a child, do her a favor and most importantly yourself a favor and talk to someone about getting some help, I know they say NA is overrated and all that jazz, but try it man.. you're not hopeless, just lost at the moment.  Be a good person to your daughter and yourself and stop while you know you have to.


For real though man, I know you can and will pull through.. it's hard as hell, people that say cocaine isn't addictive can't comment on +#@% like that because well, they haven't been addicted to it, there are a crapload of people out there that will disagree with you.  If you don't find it addictive that's fine and great, but some people have more of an addictive personality than others, and it differs for every single person.  Just use your head and stop doing all drugs, relapse is apart of the process of getting clean but don't think that it gives you a reason to use just because it's a normal thing.  Just make a determination that you're not going to use and be a serious about it.  Good luck brah, may the force be with you. 
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