Im calling it now, though. The SAINTS are going to win the Superbowl.

True or not true this thread will prolly hit 50 pages by Super Bowl Sunday
Originally Posted by henz0

Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by GMSboy1

^ He wouldn't have paid you.

I wouldnt make a bet with dude for that reason alone... Its lose lose, though.

I guess thats my bad then. Either way... a man is only as good as his word. My team gave the effin game away, and this is my punishment for believin in them(again).

J Dilla check your account and please confirm that you got the money.

Double or nothing I take the Colts?
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by henz0

Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by GMSboy1

^ He wouldn't have paid you.

I wouldnt make a bet with dude for that reason alone... Its lose lose, though.

I guess thats my bad then. Either way... a man is only as good as his word. My team gave the effin game away, and this is my punishment for believin in them (again).

J Dilla check your account and please confirm that you got the money.

Double or nothing I take the Colts?
I can't believe Mayor of KFC got money out of this whole fiasco... after clearly cheating JPZ.
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by henz0

Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by GMSboy1

^ He wouldn't have paid you.

I wouldnt make a bet with dude for that reason alone... Its lose lose, though.

I guess thats my bad then. Either way... a man is only as good as his word. My team gave the effin game away, and this is my punishment for believin in them (again).

J Dilla check your account and please confirm that you got the money.

Double or nothing I take the Colts?

dude paid...props to you for keeping your word unlike that lame JPZ who is too broke to cough up 30 small dollars..and hmmm double or nothing? pretty surethe Jets are going to upset the colts with a defensive win. Baltimore couldve won if they just didnt make too many penalty mistakes..i seriously just thinkthat Chargers win gave the Jets soo much confidence and heart i cant see the Jets not winning the SB..ill think about the double or nothing bet

I can't believe Mayor of KFC got money out of this whole fiasco... after clearly cheating JPZ.
how did I cheat him? im out 30 dollars...he won the Bmore bet and lost the Jets game bet..50-20=30 he is supposed to paypal me 30 bucks..ialready told that cornball to wait until the bank transfer clear so i told PEROVICH to just wait until the end of the Jet game because it makes MORE sense todo one single transaction than two separate. !%! is 20 dollars? like really? why would i flake on a 20 dollar bet when i was confident in the Jets win lastsunday..lets be realistic
Mayor everyone knows you screwed me. The only people you are fooling are the ones who haven't seen what I'm about to post or weren't payingattention to the situation.

I'll post this again (from 1/17).


J Dilla actually thinks I'm going to pay him

You never had any intention of paying me any money in the first place +!+%#+.





We agreed on Friday that the loser from Saturday's Colts/Ravens bet would pay the winner on THE SAME NIGHT AS THE GAME! Shortly after the game, I contacted J Dilla via PM:


Funny Mayor, I never received a message back.

Not only that, but I've seen you sign on and off AT LEAST TEN TIMES from the time I sent you the message to right now. Acting like you don't even know what's up and #$%%
smh.gif've been positing in General this entire day

A thread in General today:



You're not getting anywhere near my +#$!*%* money, Mayor of KFC.

Mayor, in your post you just said: "I told that cornball to wait until the bank transfer cleared so we'd just waituntil the end of the Jets game to pay"

Forreal? Then what is this huh?


You're a fraud.

I can't believe mojodmonky1 even paid you. He was in a lose-lose situation.
I think Dillas a Giant fan right? Man Im a bigtime Jets fan and wouldnt have betted on them against SD. Props man keep doin it lol
Just to reiterate, the jets are NOT going to win the superbowl. Thanks for reading.
Vikings/Jets would be poetic.

-Favre beat the Packers already 2x this season. He'd now have the chance to knock off the team that he had a bad breakup with last year.
-The Jets get to stick it to Brett Favre and prove that they didn't need him, and proving to themselves that they made the right decision (or at least notregret it) in drafting Sanchez and moving Favre.
Be lying if i didnt say im still lightweight shocked they beat the Chargers. If they beat the Colts... well then i dont even know what ill say. All good eitherway im rooting for Sanchez till the grave (although he isn't really the reason they getting the W's
Lol at JPZ. Im on my phone right now, but you can lie if you want. You just poor. Its unfortunate really. I hope you pull through, though
at the idea of me not paying you because of the $.

Fam, I'm the one that proposed the "Pay on Saturday"thing. What makes you think I'm the one struggling with money? You're the one that went ghost after the $20bet we had on the Colts/Ravens game. TWENTY DAMN DOLLARS...and you went ghost. And IM the one struggling with money. Aight

What am I lying about? Where did you say anything about a bank transfer? This is what you said:


You answered "Ok then" to me saying we're going to pay on Saturday in order to figure out if one of us is legit before the big bet of theJets/Chargers game.

Guess what? After I won the Saturday bet, you went ghost. I saw you online but you weren't posting anywhere near S&T. You were in General the whole dayand even when I was chasing you around in General asking you why you were ignoring me you didn't say nothing.

Again, what am I lying about?

You're such a damn fraud its hilarious
...everyone here knows it. Why do you thinkI wanted to do the "Pay on Saturday" thing? Because I suspected you were never going to pay up anyway. And what happened on Saturday?.....

You went:

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