Im sorry but it still bothers me when hispanics, asians and white ppl use the N word

who cares %%%$$?
Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

who cares %%%$$?
Me (I'm black).

!!## is disrespectful. I always check non-black folks when I hear them say this in my presence. Dude's get scared as hell and usually apologize.
Originally Posted by tree4twenty

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Harlem On The Rise wrote:
What SOOO cool about the N word that people who are not of African decent have this desire to use it in the first place??
What's sooo cool about the N word that people of ANY decent have the desire to use it?

Last time I checked, it was a very disrespectful word that was used to torment and slander a lot of peoples blood relatives. At one point in time, people were being beat, raped, and forced to work while being called the N word. Now, you want to keep saying it? Complete disrespect. It doesn't matter what race you's ridiculous...

Other races saying it: Complete disrespect, ridiculous and ******ed.
Black people saying it: Complete disrespect. Imagine if your ancestors are looking down on you while you are using an offspring of the very word that they were tormented with.

And don't tell me "It has an "a" on the end, so it's different" - BS. Same word.


And dude knew exactly what he was doing when he started this thread. Wanted some attention with 10+ pages and a bunch of bans....

Black people started using the N word on a large scale amungst one another in THE LAST 2 generations (1975-2000) & now... You mean to tellme WE are the ones that created this N word phenomenon?? When white people had been using the word for about 400+ years before then (andSTILL haven't stopped mind you)... a 30, 40, 50, or 60 year old whiteman isnt using the N word cause he heard Ice Cube say it... But Iguess we're suppose to believe his children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews are using it for THAT reason...

There's always such a push for blacks to stop using it, but White people have a LONGER history of using the word then weEVER will... & whats gonna stop a white person from using it?? Rappers not saying it?? Come on... I hope most of you are smarter thanthat...
Originally Posted by ninjahood

how about black people should've set an example and stop using it period, only reason people still rock it is cuz its been flipped into hiphop slang

The N word is a NYC staple slang word. I mean I dont get how some black folks be calling dudes the racial words for white , and Hispanic.

its a word.
"OFF topic".

Real question for the black community:

I understand that blacks had it bad through slavery and etc, but lets talk about present day. Racism and stereotypes follow you on the daily and it's quiteunfair to point out the whole black community when the problem is only a fraction of the group. Just as there is good and bad of every ethnic group, the truth is, from what we see and hear blacks committhe most crimes. Now let me ask you this, why don't they change their ways if they don't like it? Another blackNTer once posted "We gotta do better" and I'm going to assume he meant change won't occur unless the black community makes it happen.

FYI, I'm not trying to WIN an argument, I just want to know.
Originally Posted by NEIGHB0RH00D

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

so i guess you both know all chinese americans? and i guess you both know all black americans? that's how y'all know what every single person of both races do or don't complain about right?

use some common sense though. its pretty true. especially in my school.

how come we dont learn about what happened to the Chinese and their history is school?

yes, i understand slavery was horrible and straight up wrong, but African Amercians act like

they were the only people to have problems in America when really, other races probably had just as much problems.

Like the Chinese getting lynched and getting tricked into buliding the rail-roads.. then they get banned from America..

or the Irish that got tricked to fight in the Civil War....

and all the other immigrants that got tricked into giving there only money they had to the Americans right when they came off the boat
I don't know why this sticks out, but back in 7th grade I brought up a point about why the hardships of other races (besides blacks and nativeamericans) are not recognized by the school system. I was pretty sure nobody of color had it easy on their journey to America. Some of the atrocities thathappened weren't addressed until I was in my APUSH class...and I doubt the regular classes gave the subjects anything more than a quick glance.

@Harlem: The prevalence of the word that OP is associating with is regarding the version of the term ending in "a". The context of its use isdifferent, and I'm not sure you can't blame the white community for that which the OP is referring to. There's definitely not 1 source behind allthis but an entire community doesn't whole 100% accountability....
These race threads shouldn't be allowed on here cause you guys will still argue anyways.
They should be locked as soon as they are created and starter of the thread should be suspended. (not to you J Dilla/Mayor)
Originally Posted by KL9

"OFF topic".

Real question for the black community:

I understand that blacks had it bad through slavery and etc, but lets talk about present day. Racism and stereotypes follow you on the daily and it's quite unfair to point out the whole black community when the problem is only a fraction of the group. Just as there is good and bad of every ethnic group, the truth is, from what we see and hear blacks commit the most crimes. Now let me ask you this, why don't they change their ways if they don't like it? Another black NTer once posted "We gotta do better" and I'm going to assume he meant change won't occur unless the black community makes it happen.

FYI, I'm not trying to WIN an argument, I just want to know.

True. Slavery ended but there's still a "slave mentality" within the community. This results on conformity and lack of initiative to "dobetter". People still have deep routed acceptance of their social/economic situation. Some fall back on the excuse that "the man" holds themback, while others try to flip it into some form of glorification by reppin "their hood". Mind you, this is like you small a small part of the blackcommunity but it seems to be the only part that is prevalent in the media and cross-cultural influences. On my way to work everyday I can't even begin totell you how many students I hear proudly proclaim their lack of initiative towards going to school as some form of honor badge. They feel its almost anembarrassment to educate themselves and expose themselves to challenging and original concepts. That starts in the home. The conformist mentality that alot ofparents have has transfered to their kids exponentially. If you think its bad now, lets fast forward 8-10 years. Its all about self awareness and communitystrength. Just look at the different "minority"(<<This is the word I have a problem with) groups. Asians have a sense of community that helpsto get them ahead. That same sense of community and dedication is helping Latinos to surpass African Americans in terms of education and employment. As far asthis thread topic goes, I personally don't use the word. I'm just tired of hearing it honestly. But I don't get offended if anyone else around meuses it because I think there are far worse things we need to be worried about as people of color. Like how many of us are just plain dumb $%^&.
I agree. I do not get violent and militant but especially when I see white people throwing around the n word so loosely it gets me perturbed
as a black man i let my friends say it around me. I hate it when i hear the word igger though but anybody can say @*## around me
EDIT: Just read through the entire thread and

I don't even know where to start, so I'm just going to sit back. This thread needs to be locked.
People shouldn't say it period. I still don't understand why black people call each other it, it used to be and still is a derogatory comment towardsyou guys then suddenly you start to refer to each other as that? Doesn't make any sense at all. The word should be deaded period and not be used by anyone.
I don't even care if someone be saying the N word with the "a" at the end.

Homie it's all good I could care less. As long as they don't come up to me calling me a N "er" I'm str8.

There are more bigger issues at hand and us black folks worried about what other people be saying. Mind your own business and get over yourself.
i dont like hearing the word at all but when i speak to someone who is non-black and they say it, i cringe for some reason

it just sounds ridiculous
Originally Posted by GUTTA SAUCE

I don't even care if someone be saying the N word with the "a" at the end.

Homie it's all good I could care less. As long as they don't come up to me calling me a N "er" I'm str8.

There are more bigger issues at hand and us black folks worried about what other people be saying. Mind your own business and get over yourself.

Well put
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