Im sorry but it still bothers me when hispanics, asians and white ppl use the N word

i only use it to describe low-life thirsty dues trying to get at my girl. or just grimy dirty (in the respect sort of way) people. regardless of race.
My favorite word.
Originally Posted by HoisanHaze

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

HoisanHaze wrote:

I say it every now and then and I'm Asian. I also live in the projects with Afrikan AmeriKans if that matter, I
know I know, It doesn't justify the use of the word but everyone around me uses it so...........
I know i didn't spell it right, but are you illiterate n___?

EDIT: I also got add to all blacks crying and b---ing about slavery this slavery that, I understand your pain but till this day blacks are still crying about it like its the 1800s. I bet you guys don't know that at the same time there was slavery in the south there was slavery up North. My people (Taishanese) was the first chinese to step foot on this country (Gold Mountain we call it). They came to my towns in the southern province of China tricked all my people there was gold to be found and shipped over thousands and thousands of TaiShanese here, just to find to find out we were building the railroads for the whites. Back in the Days we had Long pony tails that goes down our backs and we were whipped and lynched by our own pony tails. At least the blacks get to stay in America, we were the first people to ever be banned from in America. Many of my family in Taishan have stories of how the white man did us, but unlike you people (yea i said it, You People) we don't cry and b--ch about it.

whoa..... this acutally kind of makes sense if you see where hes coming from....

but unnecessary.. i think..
Originally Posted by HoisanHaze

I bet you guys don't know that at the same time there was slavery in the south there was slavery up North. My people (Taishanese) was the first chinese to step foot on this country (Gold Mountain we call it). They came to my towns in the southern province of China tricked all my people there was gold to be found and shipped over thousands and thousands of TaiShanese here, just to find to find out we were building the railroads for the whites. Back in the Days we had Long pony tails that goes down our backs and we were whipped and lynched by our own pony tails. At least the blacks get to stay in America, we were the face people to ever be banned from america. Many of my family in Taishan have stories of how the white man did us, but unlike you people (yea i said it, You People) we don't cry and b--ch about it.

Originally Posted by HoisanHaze

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by HoisanHaze

I say it every now and then and I'm Asian. I also live in the projects with Afrikan AmeriKans if that matter, I know I know, It doesn't justify the use of the word but everyone around me uses it so...........
I know i didn't spell it right, but are you illiterate n___?

EDIT: I also got add to all blacks crying and b---ing about slavery this slavery that, I understand your pain but till this day blacks are still crying about it like its the 1800s. I bet you guys don't know that at the same time there was slavery in the south there was slavery up North. My people (Taishanese) was the first chinese to step foot on this country (Gold Mountain we call it). They came to my towns in the southern province of China tricked all my people there was gold to be found and shipped over thousands and thousands of TaiShanese here, just to find to find out we were building the railroads for the whites. Back in the Days we had Long pony tails that goes down our backs and we were whipped and lynched by our own pony tails. At least the blacks get to stay in America, we were the first people to ever be banned from in America. Many of my family in Taishan have stories of how the white man did us, but unlike you people (yea i said it, You People) we don't cry and b--ch about it.

and here we go..
so you had a problem cuz they looked like some "bum lames"?

wut if they looked real hood?
Originally Posted by ninjahood

how about black people should've set an example and stop using it period, only reason people still rock it is cuz its been flipped into hiphop slang


I have white "boys" that use the term. I could care less.
Originally Posted by MECKS

i only use it to describe low-life thirsty dues trying to get at my girl. or just grimy dirty (in the respect sort of way) people. regardless of race.

so you think of black people as "low-life thirsty dudes"?

Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

Originally Posted by Friendliest Ghost

Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Everybody shut up and go listen to Untitled.

Race threads on NT=loss

For real.

As James Baldwin says,"You can only be destroyed
by believing that you really are
what the white world considers - a *+$$+!"

those are rap lyrics, though. Idc son. Those two lames at the pizza spot i was at just used the word repeatedly. It didnt bother until i started to keep hearing it over and over.

Good thing you confronted them instead of just running home and complaining on NikeTalk. Oh wait...

Were you afraid Jackie Jr was going to roll on you?

im still at the pizsa spot, though. Nobody ran anywhere, dog. I already explained why i aint confront them
We seen the pics. That much is obvious.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by HoisanHaze

HarlemToTheBronx wrote:

HoisanHaze wrote:

I say it every now and then and I'm Asian. I also live in the projects with Afrikan AmeriKans if that matter, I
know I know, It doesn't justify the use of the word but everyone around me uses it so...........
I know i didn't spell it right, but are you illiterate n___?

EDIT: I also got add to all blacks crying and b---ing about slavery this slavery that, I understand your pain but till this day blacks are still crying about
it like its the 1800s. I bet you guys don't know that at the same time there was slavery in the south there was slavery up North. My people (Taishanese)
was the first chinese to step foot on this country (Gold Mountain we call it). They came to my towns in the southern province of China tricked all my people
there was gold to be found and shipped over thousands and thousands of TaiShanese here, just to find to find out we were building the railroads for the whites.
Back in the Days we had Long pony tails that goes down our backs and we were whipped and lynched by our own pony tails. At least the blacks get to stay in
America, we were the first people to ever be banned from in America. Many of my family in Taishan have stories of how the white man did us, but unlike you
people (yea i said it, You People) we don't cry and b--ch about it.

sounds like you're crying and #$^%&%& about it to me.

not really. hes just explaining what he believes in.

and its true, you never hear the Chinese Americans complaining about it....

he dropped a knowledge bomb on us..

it was unnecessary though... causing a big race war on nt now
smh@ op wanting to hear the censored version of their raps

at op for letting another mans words get to him. you mad cuz it aint jay z saying it?
Originally Posted by Friendliest Ghost

Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Everybody shut up and go listen to Untitled.

Race threads on NT=loss

For real.

As James Baldwin says,"You can only be destroyed
by believing that you really are
what the white world considers - a *+$$+!"

those are rap lyrics, though. Idc son. Those two lames at the pizza spot i was at just used the word repeatedly. It didnt bother until i started to keep hearing it over and over.

Good thing you confronted them instead of just running home and complaining on NikeTalk. Oh wait...

Were you afraid Jackie Jr was going to roll on you?

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by HoisanHaze

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by HoisanHaze

I say it every now and then and I'm Asian. I also live in the projects with Afrikan AmeriKans if that matter, I know I know, It doesn't justify the use of the word but everyone around me uses it so...........
I know i didn't spell it right, but are you illiterate n___?

EDIT: I also got add to all blacks crying and b---ing about slavery this slavery that, I understand your pain but till this day blacks are still crying about it like its the 1800s. I bet you guys don't know that at the same time there was slavery in the south there was slavery up North. My people (Taishanese) was the first chinese to step foot on this country (Gold Mountain we call it). They came to my towns in the southern province of China tricked all my people there was gold to be found and shipped over thousands and thousands of TaiShanese here, just to find to find out we were building the railroads for the whites. Back in the Days we had Long pony tails that goes down our backs and we were whipped and lynched by our own pony tails. At least the blacks get to stay in America, we were the first people to ever be banned from in America. Many of my family in Taishan have stories of how the white man did us, but unlike you people (yea i said it, You People) we don't cry and b--ch about it.
sounds like you're crying and #$^%&%& about it to me.
Maybe I am, but my people didn't have the voice or language to speak up for them self. But i really wrote all that just to show we beenthrough as much as the blacks but we still keep our cool.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

so i guess you both know all chinese americans? and i guess you both know all black americans? that's how y'all know what every single person of both races do or don't complain about right?

use some common sense though. its pretty true. especially in my school.

how come we dont learn about what happened to the Chinese and their history is school?

yes, i understand slavery was horrible and straight up wrong, but African Amercians act like

they were the only people to have problems in America when really, other races probably had just as much problems.

Like the Chinese getting lynched and getting tricked into buliding the rail-roads.. then they get banned from America..

or the Irish that got tricked to fight in the Civil War....

and all the other immigrants that got tricked into giving there only money they had to the Americans right when they came off the boat
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by HoisanHaze

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by HoisanHaze

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by HoisanHaze

I say it every now and then and I'm Asian. I also live in the projects with Afrikan AmeriKans if that matter, I know I know, It doesn't justify the use of the word but everyone around me uses it so...........
I know i didn't spell it right, but are you illiterate n___?

EDIT: I also got add to all blacks crying and b---ing about slavery this slavery that, I understand your pain but till this day blacks are still crying about it like its the 1800s. I bet you guys don't know that at the same time there was slavery in the south there was slavery up North. My people (Taishanese) was the first chinese to step foot on this country (Gold Mountain we call it). They came to my towns in the southern province of China tricked all my people there was gold to be found and shipped over thousands and thousands of TaiShanese here, just to find to find out we were building the railroads for the whites. Back in the Days we had Long pony tails that goes down our backs and we were whipped and lynched by our own pony tails. At least the blacks get to stay in America, we were the first people to ever be banned from in America. Many of my family in Taishan have stories of how the white man did us, but unlike you people (yea i said it, You People) we don't cry and b--ch about it.
sounds like you're crying and #$^%&%& about it to me.
Maybe I am, but my people didn't have the voice or language to speak up for them self. But i really wrote all that just to show we been through as much as the blacks but we still keep our cool.

i keep my cool too, you never will hear me complaining about this subject. but you seem to think all black people complain about the n word and slavery.
No i do not think that. I lived in the hood all my life I'm real cool with black folks don't get it twisted. But when It comes down to itin an altercation, African Americans are the first to scream racism, or play the race card. Me along with majority of Chinese folks, we know there's racistpeople all the time, and we know when someone is being a racist, but we take it with a grain of salt do what we gotta do and keep it moving ya feel me?
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by NEIGHB0RH00D

Nike Star Jay wrote:

so i guess you both know all chinese americans? and i guess you both know all black americans? that's how y'all know what every single person of both
races do or don't complain about right?

use some common sense though. its pretty true. especially in my school.

how come we dont learn about what happened to the Chinese and their history is school?

yes, i understand slavery was horrible and straight up wrong, but African Amercians act like

they were the only people to have problems in America when really, other races probably had just as much problems.

Like the Chinese getting lynched and getting tricked into buliding the rail-roads.. then they get banned from America..

or the Irish that got tricked to fight in the Civil War....

and all the other immigrants that got tricked into giving there only money they had to the Americans right when they came off the boat
what the hell does that have to do with common sense or the fact that you just generalized two races?
Spoiler [+]
it doesn't

The things they teach in school. Can you not read?
I'm Hispanic and I personally use the word.

But I also don't liked to be called the n-word.

And the only people that really call me like that is black people.

And my case is

they are allowed to call me like that, but I'm not allowed to use the word?
Man I grew up with all types of kids.. Im hispanic, but when you got black kids around you (No Offense) saying it all the time you're bound to pick it up.It's partly a cultural thing. Listen to any hip-hop song and you'll hear it.
Originally Posted by HoisanHaze

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by HoisanHaze

I say it every now and then and I'm Asian. I also live in the projects with Afrikan AmeriKans if that matter, I know I know, It doesn't justify the use of the word but everyone around me uses it so...........
I know i didn't spell it right, but are you illiterate n___?
Are you serious, son? You consciously type out "Afrikan AmeriKans" and have the audacity to ask me if I'm illiterate? Then throw then-word in there for some added effect.

The hell was the point of typing it out that way? That's what I wanted to know. I figured it was obvious, but apparently you took it as me notunderstanding your whole statement.
Originally Posted by NEIGHB0RH00D

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by HoisanHaze

HarlemToTheBronx wrote:

HoisanHaze wrote:

I say it every now and then and I'm Asian. I also live in the projects with Afrikan AmeriKans if that matter, I
know I know, It doesn't justify the use of the word but everyone around me uses it so...........
I know i didn't spell it right, but are you illiterate n___?

EDIT: I also got add to all blacks crying and b---ing about slavery this slavery that, I understand your pain but till this day blacks are still crying about
it like its the 1800s. I bet you guys don't know that at the same time there was slavery in the south there was slavery up North. My people (Taishanese)
was the first chinese to step foot on this country (Gold Mountain we call it). They came to my towns in the southern province of China tricked all my people
there was gold to be found and shipped over thousands and thousands of TaiShanese here, just to find to find out we were building the railroads for the whites.
Back in the Days we had Long pony tails that goes down our backs and we were whipped and lynched by our own pony tails. At least the blacks get to stay in
America, we were the first people to ever be banned from in America. Many of my family in Taishan have stories of how the white man did us, but unlike you
people (yea i said it, You People) we don't cry and b--ch about it.

I'm not going for that $#!@.
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