Im telling yall.....This is just one big game that were playing...Vol. H1N1,West Nile, Mad Cow..etc.

Jan 23, 2009
Notice the lil' switch-a-roo they pull from safety to availability.......
There is a reason these people get paid Hollywood actor money.

Now lets sit back and take "A CLOSER LOOK" from a OUTER-VIEW.........

What if I know someone that died from H1N1? you still think its a game?
Originally Posted by NuMba1KiCkrocka

What if I know someone that died from H1N1? you still think its a game?

Yes. And you're exactly the type of players they're trying to create.

Condolences to whomever you lost to the virus.
Originally Posted by NuMba1KiCkrocka

What if I know someone that died from H1N1? you still think its a game?
Condolences bruh, but 100 people a day still die from the regular flu here in the US
Originally Posted by NuMba1KiCkrocka

What if I know someone that died from H1N1? you still think its a game?
People die from Flu all the time bruh, what makes this one any different? You good if you have a healthy life style and a good immune system.
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Scientists & Nurses don't even wanna take it? Thimerosal? Down syndrome?[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)].. I'll pass.[/color]

The two people within my group at work who received the shot got sick a few days after the shot.
Originally Posted by RedMan

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by GTEK
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Scientists & Nurses don't even wanna take it? Thimerosal? Down syndrome?[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)].. I'll pass.[/color]

The two people within my group at work who received the shot got sick a few days after the shot.
That's supposed to happen. Once you get the virus and get over it, no matter how weak (in this case the vaccine) you are immune to it.
if you get the regular flu shot...there is no reason for you to not get H1N1.
but if you don't get the regular flu shot....and are weary of H1N1...then dont...simple as that
Originally Posted by MikeTysontheKiller

Originally Posted by NuMba1KiCkrocka

What if I know someone that died from H1N1? you still think its a game?
People die from Flu all the time bruh, what makes this one any different? You good if you have a healthy life style and a good immune system.

What makes this one any different? Hmmmm well for starters it's not your typical flu. Your typical flu is lethal/potentially fatal only if you have analready weak immune system. Swine flu on the other hand, is less indiscriminate when it comes to lethality and fatality--meaning it kills even healthy people.

Here's a post I made a while back concerning the matter at hand:

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by awon23

...the swine flu is like the common flu. thousands of people die from the flu every year. same situation with the swine flu...


You know what's really funny here--the fact that you actually believe, and think, that you know what you're talking about. I suppose ignorance is INDEED bliss if it affords you an escape from the truth, however unfortunate it may be.

Now lets begin the process of showing you just how wrong you are:

1. [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]"The swine flu is like the common flu...."[/color] Wrong--the "swine flu" is a strain of influenza of [color= rgb(0, 255, 255)]PANDEMIC[/color] proportions. Your "common flu" is often comprised of influenza strain(s) that are, at best, of [color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]EPIDEMIC[/color] proportions. [color= rgb(0, 255, 255)]PANDEMIC[/color] =/= [color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]EPIDEMIC[/color]. Furthermore, unlike your "common" epidemic type strains, pandemic type strains are rare but most importantly, and this is the distinguishing factor, their capacity for virulence is significantly higher than your epidemic type strains--the "common flu", as you put it. These characteristics are the reasons why swine flu, a PANDEMIC influenza strain, is anything but like the "common flu"--an epidemic type strain of influenza.

2. [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]"...thousands of people die from the flu every year. same situation with the swine flu."[/color] Ohhhhh, ok, so let me get this straight, due to the opinion that swine flu is killing thousands of people every year like the "common flu", from your point of view, there's no reason for people to be "more" alert and concerned. If that's really your logic then WOWWW x SMHHHH. I honestly pray that you don't have dependents, either at one end of the age spectrum, or at both, because you're a potential liability to their health...if you're feeding them the products of your faculty, as it pertains to the subject of "swine flu" and the dangers (or lack there off) of it.

As previously alluded to, the point of distinction between the "swine flu" and the "common flu" is the level of virulence, and the subsequent kill rate.
Following a recent World Health Organization (WHO) report that over 1,000 of 1,154 people who have died worldwide from the 2009 H1N1 swine flu pandemic were in the Americas, schools in the US brace themselves for a "nasty" flu season.

This this means, or rather, what this shows, is the fact that ~87% of people who've contracted swine flu, have died. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I am confident that the "common flu" does not have a kill rate (mortality rate) of ~87%. Additionally, realize that health organizations from all across the globe have been communicating with each other, sharing information, and actively making efforts, for months now, in a concerted effort to mitigate the impact of the "swine flu" since its initial detection jump (first human case) in the earlier part of THIS YEAR. Imagine what would happen, the amount of deaths that would stem from "swine flu", if the various health organizations had been lax in their efforts to combat it, and communities all across the world had been kept in the dark about this strain of influenza, or rather, had been informed that "it's just like the common flu...
" so no worries. Imagine the kill rate then?

3. [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]"whereas hundreds of thousands of people die every year from cancer."[/color] Sure, but just as well, "hundreds of thousands of people die every year" from less-virulent strains of influenza as well--so what are you sayin'. That said, imagine the number that would die if more virulent strains of influenza, like the [color= rgb(0, 255, 255)]PANDEMIC[/color] "swine flu", were allowed to run their course. Oh and just to give you an idea, here's a look at the body counts for the previous known influenza strains that hit pandemic proportions:


I don't know about you, but--avg. of a few million > avg. of "hundreds of thousands". Well at least, that's what I was taught back in math class during grade school. Now granted, War in conjunction with primitive medicine and a lesser understanding of both viral-host dynamics (as it pertains to influenza) and the recombination of influenza viral strains in pigs and birds, may have increased the #'s a bit in favor of the highlighted strains, the fact still remains--a virulent strain of influenza, which will ALWAYS reach pandemic proportions if left alone, and will always produce a higher mortality rate than cancer, annually.


4. [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]"shut your smartass up"[/color]


5. I'm not trying to scare anyone with the facts, but just as well, I think it's very irresponsible and damn near dangerous for YOU and others, or for others as a result of what you said, to go around thinking that "swine flu" is like the annual flu or the common cold. Smarten up fam.


That said, realize that I'm not suggesting that people go on ahead and take the H1N1 vaccine. In my opinion, the closest thing to actually having swine fluis taking the vaccine. All I meant to say in the quoted post was that, it's highly irresponsible and very dangerous for people to go around thinking thatthe H1N1 strain of influenza is no different than the common and annual ("regular") flu when in fact, the two are very different, and realizing thiscould be the difference between life and death.

Originally Posted by airblaster503

Man all these new flu strands and everything that comes up every year is the government trying to scare people. I am not saying they don't exist, but the regular flu kills thousands every year. The chances of H1N1 becoming an epidemic to the point it kills more than the regular flu isn't likely. Putting everything out there for people to see is just a way the government controls people by putting fear into them.


Man all these new flu strands and everything that comes up every year is the government trying to scare people. I am not saying they don't exist, but theregular flu kills thousands every year. The chances of H1N1 becoming an epidemic to the point it kills more than the regular flu isn't likely. Puttingeverything out there for people to see is just a way the government controls people by putting fear into them.
yall already know what it is. this time next year there will be something new to "scare" the people.

I'm always amazed at the lack of biological science knowledge people have here....but yet claim to have.
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